Hello! New person here.
Wondering if I could get some advice.
In August last year I noticed a pain just right from center in my chest. Kind of nagging pain.
It went on and off, checked my breasts constantly as I was convinced perhaps I would find a lump in the right one....I found nothing but I went to my gp.
It did feel like it was in my breast ...the gp couldn’t feel anything but I was sent for a breast ultrasound there and then as she thought perhaps there was a cyst. There was definitely a main place that hurt when she pressed.
The check was clear. I had mentioned to the gp that the pain wasn’t constant- but it did feel like it was contained around my right rib area...actual ribs felt sore to the touch..but she felt and said my reactions to her pressing my ribs showed that they weren’t that sensitive or sore.
So with the all clear on the breasts I tried to forget about it. But the general pain around that right side continued,sometimes in the same spot it began, often at the bottom or the sides of the right rib area.
So I went back to the gp. I explained that the discomfort is centred around the right chest, ....she now thought diet /acid related.
Got given anti acids (which I took then I had a very bad tummy upset so I stopped...) and sent for a stomach ultrascan. That was clear. I was also sent for blood tests. All fine.
We also talked about the fact I had a chest X-ray for an ongoing cough in 2018, it was all fine....and the gp thought that another one wasnt really advisable.
Last time I heard from the gp was an email saying my blood tests were all clear and my stomach ultrasound was all clear.
The discomfort continues. I don’t notice any difference when I lie down / sit up etc. It’s kind of nagging and sometimes it’s back in the original place,other times I feel it down my right side. Always the right side.
Before this pain appeared last year I found a little pea sized lump in my right armpit. I was terrified but before I got chance to get it checked out it had gone. I’ve told the gp about this and there’s no concern. Was told it was just a little infection / inflammation. I think that was the beginning of the discomfort.
So ... ultrasounds clear, blood test results fine....
Do I press for an X-ray? Or an MRI?
Do I re try the anti acids (which the doc advised because she said the tummy upset is unlikely to have been caused by these...)
Do I continue to worry about this? It’s not hampering my life...it’s just there...and I worry there’s something sinister going on 😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬
Ps I’m 37 year old female..but I guess you already worked out the female bit...😁
Thanks for reading x