Had a few bouts of stomach aches worried it may be pancreatic cancer
Stomach pain worried it’s pancreatic cancer - Pain Concern
Stomach pain worried it’s pancreatic cancer

My father died of pancreatic cancer, he had no pain !
Stomach ache can be caused by a whole load of minor things including stress so get checked then you can stop worrying.
Best to see a doctor to get appropriate tests and exam. Stomach pains are really more likely to be indigestion related or stress related though.
There are many bits around there, I would suggest talking to your GP if not already and getting it sorted, A diagnosis needs to be undertaken
Let us know how you get on

Thanks for that
Hi Maisie1
This is full on health anxiety I know because I have it too..My lovely mum died of it it's absolutly horrid to watch...is someone you know die of it?? Or even have it maybe you've watched a program about it..I know how you feel I'm in constant fear of it too since mum died..every illness I get or pain I feel is automatically linked with cancer it's your health anxiety sweetheart it's playing tricks in you like it does..but to give you peace of mind go to your gp ask for tests he can give you a blood test to check it which I'm pretty sure will be fine..I've convinced myself I've got bowel cancer this week as I'm constantly cramping but I know I haven't but my health anxiety is telling me it is..you will pull through this as I'm sure we all will but please go to your gp to ease your mind...
Here if you need a chat
Nat x
My dad had stomach cancer and brother in law had pancreatic. I di have health anxiety. Everywhere you look there seems to be a lot of pancreatic cancer around or am I just looking for it. Always embarrassed to go to the doctors. Thanks lovely reply
It could be something as simple as gastritis.
If you are stressed you can make too much stomach acid and this can cause pain.
It's best to go to your GP if they pain doesn't go away.
He/she might send you for an endoscopy and an abdominal ultrasound.
Thank you going on Monday. I am a worrier
How did your visit to the gp go
Told him my fears. Blood tests all ok going to have ultrasound. Feel a bit better but I am a worrier. Seems to be a lot of pancreatic cancer about or am I looking for it?. Thanks for asking. Can be a lonely place at times
When we lose someone to any form of cancer I think especially when it’s closer to home we tend to question our own health...when my mum passed of pancreatic cancer 12 years ago it happened so quick 7 weeks 2 days and it took her from me I was like “whoa hang on what’s just happened “ and from that very day I lost her health anxiety kicked straight in for me there comes that thought”well if it can take my mum so quickly...it can take me” I had a complete meltdown over it every single pain or niggle I had and still have I think it’s pancreatic your not alone sweetie it’s our minds playing unhappy tricks on us here if you need me
Had a ct scan waiting for the results it has been two weeks. Very concerned