i had a tooth extraction on thursday 28th nov, aprox ,96 / 100 hours ago, it was a difficult extraction with a fair bit of damage to the gum area , i have been in pain since,though using bonjela ,iglu, salt water whiskey, anbesol,and co-codomol 4 every 4 hours , can you rcomemd anything ......desperate !
toothache: i had a tooth extraction on thursday... - Pain Concern

That sounds painful I had a tooth extracted over 10 years ago. It is very painful 😣 when I am asking do I want Novacaine I take it like I am sure you did I can’t remember if they gave me anything for the pain. Did you call your dentist 🦷 and let them know that you are in pain.
I hope you find some pain relief.
Hi I wonder if you have a dry socket? I had a tooth extracted about 4 days before Christmas 3 years ago which was a huge relief as it had an abscess under it. I thought at least I would be pain free at Christmas.
Boy was I wrong! I was in agony and despite using bonjella etc. spent all the holidays in intense pain. A dry socket happens when the blood clot doesn't form properly over the gap (the reason why they tell you not to rinse your mouth out or eat for a few hours). Because of no clot the air still gets to the nerve which causes the pain.
The only way to sort it apart from time is to go back to the dentists straight away and s/he will put an algeisac over it which will heal it and stop the pain. x
May sound dumb but..? Lots of ice packs or heat..whichever ur doc is ok with u using.Sometimes they r both a good distraction from the pain...also music. No one deserves to suffer in pain..hope u get to feeling better soon.
Mayb u need to go back?
I had a big tooth out and was in pain after and it got worse and i ended up with something called “ dry socket” .
Only way to get rid is u have to have the hole packed as it means the nerve is exposed.
some good ideas , doc said the same on phone, cheers everyone !
You need to stop things like bonjela. They are not intended for your problem (and are probably making it worse). You would be better off on ibuprofen rather than co-codomol. Please see your dentist to determine whether you are developing dry socket and any treatment you need.
Try orajel, always helps me alot!! Numbs it for a bit.
Try oil of cloves.