Is pain in the stomach and ribs a alcoholic conditio
Is pain in the stomach and ribs a serious condition
Is pain in the stomach and ribs a alcoholic conditio
Is pain in the stomach and ribs a serious condition
We aren't Doctors here so can't make any diagnosis but...if you are a heavy drinker this could cause problems with your liver and/or pancreas.
If you want to tell us any more then fine...but advice is to speak with your GP.
I stopped drinking alcohol and am using alprozolam 2.5mg to sleep is it dangerous
Has this been prescribed by your Doctor?
It can cause addiction if used for a long time. Usually you start on low ose and work up to a dose which works for you.
It must NEVER be stopped suddenly
I am taking it from So many years Then I used to have three tables 5mg now I am slowly trying to cut it down Do I have to worry I am doing it the wrong way please let me know
That's good but you really must speak with your Doctor or pharmacist.
They can help and support you. It is a difficult time for you
I can't talk to doctor but I am taking instructions for a well wisher No other way
Can you talk to me?
Send me a private message if you don't want others to know.
I will help where I can
I am alcoholic since twenty five years Now my GGT is elevated I took my liver test and am confused about what to do and what to change in my habits
Are you UK based? It's a tough call for you if you are intending to try and stop drinking on your own, medication for long term addiction will be required, it's essential that you get the correct medication, as it can cause you serious problems, now the liver is a very forgiving organ and given time it can heal remarkably well, I was a chronic alcoholic, and have been sober for coming up to 7 years, I was sick of being ill, all conditions brought on with alcohol, the light switch moment happened for me all of a sudden, and decided enough was enough, I never intended to be an alcoholic, I suffered from ptsd and drinking was the only way to hide the problems, it did, but as my tolerance to alcohol tended to increase, so did the drinking and then its more drinking required to get to the brain numbing level, a dangerous time, so not only you will require medical help, you'll need support, give everything a try, some support groups, most countries have help, and you won't be alone, don't worry about the years that have gone by, each day you stay sober you'll feel physically stronger, I found my journey quite easy to adjust to, but I was ready to quit, folk will say you have to want it, and that is 99% true, don't worry about the past, as the future is always brighter and deep inside yourself there is a decent human being, so don't beat yourself up, you can have a real good shot at life, it's never to late to stop drinking, I wish you a positive result and things will be a lot better for you, thanks.
I had intercostal and stomach pain no one could figure out. Doctor said let's get a thoracic MRI since we've done everything else. Turned out I had a ruptured T8 disk pressing on ventral nerve. The nerve that branched out to the ribs and stomach. Not operable and took two years for the pain to subside. Until then I was on neuro drugs for arthritis pain; better than ibuprofen (hammers liver and kidneys long term) and percocet (can become your friend). Specifically Cymbalta, worked great on the pain, but stopped after two years and by then the pain resolved.