Does anyone have any idea what can be causing the dreadful constant vibration & tremors in my feet & now moving up my legs?
Tremors/Vibration in feet & legs: Does anyone... - Pain Concern
Tremors/Vibration in feet & legs

Hi I also have tremors in my legs when my legs are up, then some times when I move quick that’s when I have the tremors more. and lately my thighs have been numb, it’s some times but not constant.
I was told I have Chronic Pain Syndrome but with traits of fibromyalgia so that sounds as though that's what it is causing the tremors and yes I also have the numbness in myour thighs. Thanks for your reply x
That’s what’s going on with my legs and last night we had down pours from hurricane Gordy that’s what is messing with my legs. About 5 years ago we had a hurricane pass by us and I had gone back to work I called my neurologist he wasn’t there but I told another neologist what was happening to me and he said to me that is my body reacting to all to what was going on. You see I use to work with 5 and 6 year olds. You see I live on the north shore in Massachusetts just north of Boston.
I don’t know where you live but the past two days have not been good to me.
I hope are not feeling this way.
I live on the South Coast of England. My legs and feet started with the tremors during a real heat wave a coupleof months ago. My left leg has swollen a lot but now it's much cooler and the swelling hasn't gone down at all. The tremors and numbness are much worse in that leg. I'm going to try daily physio starting as soon as I get home from my holiday in three weeks in the hope that it can get things moving a bit. Thanks for your reply I hope your problems settle in time x
Hi do you have fibromyalgia? It sounds like spasms I get them

Yes I think that must be it then. I was told nothing about what to expect when I was given the diagnosis. Thanks. Replying.
Sounds like restless legs syndrome - which can be painful and stop you getting to sleep.
Mine is worse if I've been standing too long before going to bed, so I try to pace my getting ready for bed routine - especially the amount of time I spend standing in the kitchen.
And the drug I am on for fibromyalgia, pregabalin, reduces the amount and the level of the attacks.
Tell you doctor about this.
It sounds like possible nerve damage. Do your feet tingle? I think you need to see a doctor and get a diagnosis. All the best.
Hello, these "tremors" sound like fasciculations which are the nerves misfiring resulting in the feeling and appearance of "bubbling" usually in the lower legs and calves. I have had this, and still do. From my research, this is due to the nerve damage or nerve trauma which could be due to many reasons. In my case, the nerves are traumatized due to compression in the spinal area, and now likely, post back surgery scar tissue and trauma during the surgery on the underlying nerves/tissue and conus (T12-L1 area) and L2-3 areas where I had decompression surgery (that I wish I never had). Each case is different so you need to see an appropriate specialist. Sometimes these fasciculations diminish and are not present at all but other times they are present and quite irritating. It is so frustrating dealing with chronic pain, and disappointing that many people are worse off after surgical intervention. It is so important to find an excellent, honest doctor who can perform the least invasive and least traumatic surgeries.
Hi, thanks for replying. I too had spinal decompression surgery L2-3 just over 2yrs ago but it's been wonderfully successful, I have no back pain for the
1st time in adult life. The tremors I'm getting are mainly on the soles of my feet and ùp around my ankles, not so much up my legs. I think I need to go back to my GP for a referal on to a specialist. It's not exactly painful but really annoying and I feel my balance is throw a bit because of it. Thanks again.