Steroid injection: I have had steroid... - Pain Concern

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Steroid injection

Vick-caz profile image
10 Replies

I have had steroid injections now in my lumber facet joints. It was a very painful procedure for me, they advised I had a curved spine and parts of my spine are fused to my pelvis, fully on the left and partially on the right. Which is why it was so painful. I had not known about this before I had this done and I haven't been for a scan or x-ray before. I have just had an MRI today so I can have this diagnosed.

Before I had the injections everything I have tried had not worked and I was told there was no reason to I scan dispite the continued pain and I've lost so much ability. I am only able to do very little or the pain became a too unmanageable, travel is always painful. The injections had a very interesting affect. It made it more painful and all of the things that usually help to settle very high pain, which is what it triggered did not work.

I usually have morning stiffness that lasts half an hour and a bath settles it down to a more manageable pain, it is still restrictive when I say manageable I don't mean pain free at all, I have to stay at home and limit activities, I get out only at a weekend and only locally I have to use a tens machine and pain meds then rest after, if I've got any appointments or done anything more then I can't do that. Since the injections the morning stiffness is less but the pain doesn't respond to the usual things that prevented higher pain.

I used to do light activity rest by laying with my legs up slightly and that would help prevent higher pain triggering then get up after it eased and do something else light again this way I'd manage to keep higher pain from triggering most times obviously if I had to travel or doing more couldn't be avoided then I ended up with high pain and sometimes it just goes high for no reason.

This way of living is very hard and I feel very isolated I wasn't this way before and being like this is taking its toll. Now it isn't responding like before it's even harder it feels very agravated now. it's been 3 weeks since I had them done. I've had night sweats and now I've developed a very itchy rash on my elbow I'm not sure if these are because of the steroids? Has anyone else had anything like this?

It does seem that the affect they've had is very minimal and hasn't helped me be more active as it's already agravated so it's easier to trigger high pain now and it doesn't respond like it did before so I can't get it down either and as I already had very limited ability I can't really do less and don't want to I've lost too much.

I was initially diagnosed with SI joint problems and the pain was thought to be coming from my facet joints, when I had the injections they found the above spinal defects and they couldn't inject in all of my joints as some were fused.

I had a back problem for a while wasnt in pain though and had my mobility. Only in the last year did the chronic pain and disability start after some issues with equipment.

I'm proactive follow all advice and I do evething I'm told I haven't given up and try to stay as active as I can but it doesn't behave like the advice I'm given excercise doesn't ease it and sitting doesn't relive my back pain, that is the worse thing I can do for it, I stiffen while in any one position and now since the injections there isnt any position that helps aliviate it.

I'm waiting for the results of the MRI to go to my MSK clinic and see what they say, so far I have symptoms of both arthritis and bio mechanical so this is why I had the MRI the MSK clinic didn't know when they referred me that I had spinal defects as that showed up in the x-rays for the spinal injections, they referred me based on me having confusing symptoms.

Anyone else out there had similar? I feel quite alone with this.

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10 Replies
cyberbarn profile image

I am sorry to hear about all your difficulties. There are many different causes of back pain, and they have found that for many people there is no structural reason for the pain. They thought there was until they started routinely using MRI on people that had back pain and people that didn't and found that there was no relation between the pain and the structure of the back. However in some people there is a structural difference, and they sometimes get overlooked as it is assumed that there isn't. then it is a bit of a surprise when they do an x-ray or scan and find they missed it. It is not a nice place to be in for the patient!

When they say you have a curved spine, did they mention scoliosis? Curved spines can be caused by the bones being shaped differently or by the ligaments and muscles not being strong enough to hold the bones apart, especially the ligaments. These are often congenital conditions, that is something you were born with, not caused by something you have or haven't done.

I hope it isn't long before you get some answers. And some relief from the pain. Not knowing exactly what is causing it and feeling so alone will not be helping the pain subside.

Gentle hugs!

Vick-caz profile image
Vick-caz in reply to cyberbarn

Hi, thank you for your reply and the hugs. They told me during the injections that my spine is very curved into lumbar region and I asked what caused it and as you said I was born that way and the fusion to my pelvis is also the same, I was born with them. I didn't know that obviously but up until my late twenties I didn't have any pains any where, I first developed it while at work but I got my desk looked at and after some physio I managed very well and it never gave me pain again. I didn't have any further pains or any worsening until the last year when things changed, my back deteriorated and the pains returned but worse than the first time they developed and this time physio and all the other subsequent treatments, even being away from work have not eased it.

I am waiting for the results form yesterday as the doctor who performed the procedure couldn't diagnos, I beleive he told me because it was obvious I was in a great deal of pain and up until that point had not had any explanation, I was greatful as when you have a local and the pain is excruciating it doesn't make sense, I also have a very high pain tolerance and I'm not a stranger to pain but at times I do think it can't really be this bad? Reassurance helps.

deejames profile image

Hi Vicki. sorry to hear about the pain you are suffering, along with the loss of activity.

I don't have a similar problem but I also suffer from restriction of activity due to spinal difficulties.

Facet joint injections have been effective for me several times but they do tend to take a couple of weeks to work. I've suffered from sweats and facial flushing after them. Its a sign the steroids are moving about the body.

You have a lot going with the discovery of the spine curvature and the fusions. You will know better what is going on once you have seen a consultant.

In the mean time I suggest going back to your GP and asking for a change of pain medication. Quite often medication can cease to be effective for no apparant reason. I always found a change of meds made a difference for a while.

Have you been offered a referral to a pain management clinic ? They have experts on pain on the team and you may be offered a course on pain management techniques. Thats a good chance to meet other sufferers and perhaps lessen the feelings of isolation.

Hope to hear from you again.


Vick-caz profile image
Vick-caz in reply to deejames

Hi Dee, Thank you for your reply and you have helped enormously by sharing, today for the first time it isn't as bad and the morning stiffness is definitely down from what it was, it's odd to be able to just kinda get up, still have to get up carful but it is easier. It has just come up to just last two weeks. So I think as you said it does take a few weeks I can still feel pain but it's just different a bit less and still feel some stiffness and aching but it's less. I think the hardest thing is not thinking it's a cure, I have been told that with everything and I know that but I think part of me is still hoping it'll all go away and I'll be my normal self again.

I posted a lot so I didn't explain before, initially when this came back and deteriorated more I went for physio and I had hands on treatment, I also saw my GP for pain medicine but unfortunately I'm very unlucky and I can't take NSAIDS due to having kidney issues, I have one remaining so have to be careful. I tried codine but I didn't get on with it and I'm a mum of a young toddler so the drowsiness was really not a safe option, so I ended up with cocodimol but it doesn't really touch the pain.

I then went to NHS physio who would not give anymore hands on and they sent me for one on one Pilates during this time I'd been at work struggling and I'd lost my mobility so badly I was limping and could hardly walk and as I've said tracking on any transport but especially busses was unbelievable. The Pilates was two buses away or a 45min taxi journey. By the time I got to it the pain was so high they couldn't safely do the Pilates and I couldn't up my meds because of the kidney so I was signed off from the physio team.

I got referred as chronic pain to local pain management, there I had acupuncture and saw a physical activities consultant for stretching and posture help, the acupuncture just wouldn't work they tried many attempts but it failed and they wouldn't try anymore, the physical activities stretching helped a little and the advice on posture was helpful, I don't have bad posture per say but when in pain we all compensate and I was at that time leaning a little because it hurt.

I also had a tens trial while under the local pain management and again I'm unfortunate I have an allergy to adhesive, I had to wait for the sensitive skin hypoallergenic ones however it was worth it as I found it very useful so I've got one still having issues with the pads some bands causing allergic reactions but I'm trying a new brand so fingers crossed as I do find the tens helpful.

After the acupuncture failed I was told by the pain clinic that I would be discharged by them as there was no more they could do only see a nurse to check my meds and as I take what I am able too already i was discharged.

I went back to my GP and he then asked if I was happy with the diagnosis and the tests I'd had, but as I hadn't had any tests so far he sent me to the secondary pain clinic at the hospital and to the Muscular Skeletal Clinic for more diagnosis and treatments.

I had the injections referred by the secondary pain clinic and I've had bloods and now an MRI from MSK. My family have many auto immune problems and arthritis so they check my bloods I don't have the markers for autoimmue arthritis.

So that's were I am with treatments.

cyberbarn profile image

Just a thought, but are you hypermobile? curvature of the back is sometimes found in Ehlers Danlos, but not always. Nor do people with with your difficulties always have EDS, but it is worth eliminating it from the picture.

Vick-caz profile image
Vick-caz in reply to cyberbarn

Hi there, I'm unsure exactly what hyper mobility is?

cyberbarn profile image
cyberbarn in reply to Vick-caz

It is where your joints move further than most peoples. They are more mobile. Things like touching your wrist with your thumb.

Sometimes the muscles and tendons are not strong enough to hold the joints in teh right place. This can lead to long term pain, joint damage and other things.

Have a look at the EDS website and see if anything rings a bell for you.

Vick-caz profile image
Vick-caz in reply to cyberbarn

Hi there, thank you. I looked it over i have some of those traits but very few and not the main ones. I have instability in my pelvis but doesn't seem to be anywhere else only there. I should find out hopefully in a week or so once the results come back from the MRI.

HearYou profile image

Hello. You have been offered a great deal of information and experience in dealing with pain. Not much I can add, except my experience with epidurals with pain control (no steroids) have been helpful to me over the years, The oral meds really don't help much and effect my cognitive abilities. Definitely don't drive with them.

MRIs have been done a number of times of the years by my pain management group, and just had two pan epidurals in the last month. One for the pain caused from problems in my cervical area. I was sedated, but conscious to be able to help the pain MD team direct under flourescope the needle to the best place possible for best effect. to release the medication. The only discomfort I had was the split second that the needle was inserted in the area of my back that already been numbed. It took a few hours for the sedation wore off.

I too had some flushing feelings occasionally for several days, and my cervical and arm pain was worse for several days, then relief came.

The lumbar pain epidural contained the same meds, was done two weeks before my cervical epidural, I was slowly sedated while on my tummy, then guess was sufficient for me not too remember anything else except the nurses were helping me dress and prepare to go home.

Like the after effects of the cervical epidural occasionally I felt flushed and turned the air condition on, and the lumbar pain was actually a bit worse than before the epidural for several days, then the pain there and radiating down my leg greatly improved.

The only thing I can offer is that I do have some scoliosis, but the doctors told me that usually forms during our "tween" age years.

I guess wrote you as I really to read that the epidurals were hurting you when being given, and you did not have much relief from them. I Suspect I live an ocean away from you, but that the same alternatives might be of help to you. I have nothing to offer regarding a fusion in the lumbar area, but I have two very successful ones in my cervical spine if you want info about those.

I wish you the the best improvement possible and the reduction of your pain as soon as heaven can provide it. xxx

Sheltie6 profile image

I'm so sorry for everything you are going through. Thank you for the information on the injections. I will not be doing that now that you shared the pain in getting them and not helping your pain.

I have no padding between the bottom of my spine. I'm on pill form steroids (they are helping) and I will be seeing a Neuro Surgeon next and will get some tests like MRI's and CT scans.

Yes the pain is excruciating at times, if I didn't take my pain meds.

Thank you again for the info on the shots.

I hope you feel some relief soon! 💞

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