can anyone one help in telling me how long the side effects when they
will ease many thanks Michael
can anyone one help in telling me how long the side effects when they
will ease many thanks Michael
It various from person to person, depending on Dose, and time on the drug etc. Have a read on the Facebook page Lyrica Survivors, loads of info on there, hope this helps!
thank you will take a look
I found amitryptiline better
It took about a week for me, but they made such a huge difference in my life that I pushed through. Been on them for years now
Hi I tried amitriptilyne but it gave me horrendous restless legs so ditched that. Tried Gabapentin but it affected my eyes. Now on pregabalin and the side effect for me is drowsiness. I have been on it now for 4 months and I can tolerate 2 x 100 mg during the day and 200 mg at night without feeling too drowsy. They tried me on more but I just can't function due to the drowsiness. So for me that particular side efffect stays if on more than I am on now but the drug helps with my nerve pain. More would be more helpful but hey. They want to try tramadol as well but I am not keen. I would say try it and if the effects stay strong ask to reduce the dose, good luck.
Hi, for me took a few months for the tremors to subside but I am still left with drowsiness, poor memory and inability to get my words out sometimes. Don't like the side effects but have helped with the nerve pain so I'm persevering with them. So I think it's a matter of deciding whether you can tolerate the side effects or the pain best.