My history : I am a female aged 69, I have had... - Pain Concern

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9494 profile image
53 Replies

I am a female aged 69, I have had chronic back pain since my mid fortys and have had most of pain relief medications plus spinal injections..I have been taking the opoid oxycodone for the past 15 years . And find it has little effect, my dosage is fairly low 40mg . I am in a lot of pain but reluctant to ask for increased dosage

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9494 profile image
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53 Replies
Madlegs1 profile image

I would be in a similar situation.

I find a cold pad on the lower back a great help - they can be got on Amazoncheaply. The pad fits in a velcro adapted belt. I keep the pad in the fridge ( not freezer).

Also it is important to keep doing all the stretch exercises to keep the lumbar region supple. Especially first thing in the morning. Glutes, hamstrings and piriform. Plenty of exercises on Youtube.

Good luck.

9494 profile image

Many thanks madlegs 1 for your reply , I have tried the pads with no effect , plus tens ...but will certainly have a look on utube.. as some of the exercises given by physio are too painful now...

Loramay profile image
Loramay in reply to 9494

Try asking for a change of medication. I have been very lucky with my GP my old one just kept me on the same meds and added new ones as they stopped being effective. My new doctor took one look and switched me on to fentanyl patches and I haven't looked back. I hope this helps

Guyb profile image
Guyb in reply to Loramay

For gods sake be carefull With fentanyl it's evil gets you hooked without knowing your body needs more and more it's great at first then you start wanting your patch quicker than 72 hrs it's a 100 times more potent than just going through weaning off now and it's hell

Loramay profile image
Loramay in reply to Guyb

Get off your high horse and accept that we are all adults and as such are able to make our own informed judgement without non medical people telling us what to do. I had to come off fentanyl for an operation and apart from having to stay in bed because of the pain I experienced it was not a problem and it leaves your body within 10 days totally.

Even with paracetamol it stops being effective after a while and that is true of any pain relief plus a number of other drugs.

Guyb profile image
Guyb in reply to Loramay

I wasn't trying to be high almighty ,I was warned about the potency of fentanyl and yes it works brilliantly but your body secretly craves it but because the patches can overlap you don't feel ill till it's time to come off I'm in bed now shaking,sweating worst feeling ever.i got up to 100 img I hope you have better luck all the best

Jan101 profile image

Morning 9494 like you I have suffered with my back also had the injections and cement put into the fractures in my spine. Also fibromyalgia. I had massive amounts of pain relief and nothing worked for me.

I heard of hemp oil and for me the first thing in years that has taken the pain away. I still have some muscle tightness but the pain has gone for me. I am not say for you to take it but why don't you do some research on it and see for yourself. I got my oil and paste from CBD Brothers as they are a very reliable company and my other products I got from Holland and Barret. I am truly sorry to hear that you are in so much pain. Please take good care of yourself. xxxx

wxyz101112 profile image
wxyz101112 in reply to Jan101

Hi Jan 101 sorry to hear about all the suffering you have endured with your back.I've have had chronic back and pelvic pain for 35yrs,day in day out, no pain relief helps at all. Have been looking at CBT oil from Cbd brothers. How much do you take and what colour, also what else are you taking from Holland and Barrett. Take care . Maureenx

Jan101 profile image
Jan101 in reply to wxyz101112

Hi Maureen

Sorry to hear that you have been in so much pain for so long.

I take the blue top oil twice a day three to four drops under my tongue and let it sit there for 3 minutes. In the evening about 1 hour before bed I take the red top paste about a inch in length and leave that under my tongue for a couple of minutes then swallow it.

It really does not taste nice but you can get them in capsules, but I prefer it with out then it's easier to get everywhere, well that's what I think anyhow.

I brought from Holland and Barrett some body cream, body shower wash, hand cream, shampoo, conditioner, hair treatment and face cream. They all help because I am doing it inside and out if you understand what I mean.

They have worked for me fantastically. I started with the oil and paste first and I brought that from CBD Brothers and with in the first day I had a big reduction in my pain. Then I saw that Holland and Barrett sold a lot of products and the girl there was very helpful as she also use the Hemp products. If they don't have them in you can get them to order in for you or get them on line. But the oil and paste I would get personally from CBD Brothers.

I truly wish you all the best of luck and if you decide to try it I truly hope that it works for you as it did me.

Have you listened to a man call Rick Simpson if not google him there are some amazing people out there that this has helped them but some off them take the THC but the Hemp oils and paste don't have the THC in them so there is no side affects with this.

I would really like to know how you get on if you do decide to try it.

Take really good care of yourself and I truly wish you well. Jan xxxxx

wxyz101112 profile image
wxyz101112 in reply to Jan101

Hello again Jan , me again have been on CBD brothers site and can't seem to find the red top paste that you take. Is this also from them? Hope my last message got to you don't know if I replied as I should. Happy pain free days and nights to you.Maureen xxx

Jan101 profile image
Jan101 in reply to wxyz101112

Hi Maureen I got the message asking about what ones I got from CBD Brothers the red top paste is in the syringe. I will have a look and get back to you to see if they still have it in stock. I am still pain free in my back as I said just some tightness in my mussels but that will go in time. Would it be possible for you to tell me what pain you have ? Also no problem from my fibromyalgia. Still can't believe this has done this for me. It's amazing. I truly hope that it works for you as it has for me. Normally I am a very sceptical sort of person who thinks this won't work but blow me over it did. Take care and I will let you know if they have it in stock. xxxx

wxyz101112 profile image
wxyz101112 in reply to Jan101

Hi Jan , thank you so much again for your quick reply, I did message you after the last but must have sent it wrong. I was 34yrs when my back started and straight away pelvic pain just like period pains . I'v's spent thousands I'm sure in trying to find an answer, and had most of what was on offer with national health, only to be told I had degeneration of the discs and dehydration.Would not operate as I shouldn't be feeling as bad as I was. No medication has ever worked and pain has just got worse all over. Been on various pain courses including St.Tho

As residential course in London. I've not got much faith in health service, as I wasn't taken seriously in the beginning.Still enough of my whingeing, and I'm so glad for you all what you have gone through you have found some relief at long last.Take care Maureen xxx

Jan101 profile image
Jan101 in reply to wxyz101112

Hi Maureen I fully understand. Like you I have also spent thousands and told them that I would keep going until I found something that would help me and I think I have and it does not cost thousands. Please if you can listen to Rick Simpson and others on line. I don't want something to make me high that's why I have gone for the CBD oils. Best of luck. Jan xxx

Jan101 profile image
Jan101 in reply to wxyz101112

Hi Maureen just checked and if you go to CBD Brothers and press on Shop you will see the oils paste and other products press on the syringes and choose the red top syringe and scroll right down you can then put it into your basket to purchase. I hope this helps. xxx

wxyz101112 profile image
wxyz101112 in reply to Jan101

Thanks a lot Jan xxx

Jan101 profile image
Jan101 in reply to wxyz101112

Hi Maureen just wondering how you are getting on? 🤗🤗🌺🌸🌹🌷Jan

wxyz101112 profile image
wxyz101112 in reply to Jan101

Hi Jan, ordered the oil and paste that same night. We are in our place in Normandy until the 8th June, so unfortunately won't be able to try it out till I return to England. Counting the days to coming home! Take care.Maureen xx

Jan101 profile image
Jan101 in reply to wxyz101112

Hi Maureen

I truly hope that it helps you the same way that it has helped me. Have a lovely time in Normandy. France is a fantastic place I love it there not been to France in a long time. They are very good with there deliverys it should off been delivered the next day after purchased. Please let me know how you get on with it. Remember to let the oil rest under your tongue for a few minutes. I take the oil in the morning and then sometimes in the afternoon and the paste about 1 hour before bedtime. I truly wish you well from the bottom of my heart ❤️ and good luck with the oil. I am sure that it will work for you as it has worked for so many people. Take good care of yourself and have a lovely holiday. Jan 🤗🤗🤗🌹🌷🌺🌸 xxx

wxyz101112 profile image
wxyz101112 in reply to Jan101

Hi Jan sorry for the late delay. Thank you for your lovely message you sent me, it would be so unbelievable if it works.

It's not much of a holiday coming to france.we bought a longere here 20yrs ago for £16,000 ,a lot of building and land for my husband to renovate. I've done the cooking and cleaning, always having to pace myself which isn't easy ,and always end up feeling so bad. We are putting it on the market this time and as it still isn't finished he has been going mad to get it done, so I have had an extra lot of cleaning as, I haven't got a husband who is the cleanest of workers.

Wishing you lots and lots of pain free days.Take care of yourself, Maureen xx

Jan101 profile image
Jan101 in reply to wxyz101112

Hi Maureen

I had to let you know that a lady on the forum posted a report on the CBD oils and she said that she got hers from Holland and Barrett and as soon as she got the she looked for somewhere to sit and take the oil and within a few minutes she felt her pain reduce and could not believe how quickly it worked for her as she had been in her town walking around and the pain was getting really sore. I really just had to tell you.

Not much off a holiday for you and your husband then having to get your place ready for sale. I truly hope that you both get it all done. It's a pity that you have to sell it as France is a beautiful place. I hope that your transaction goes through smoothly.

Not long now till you are home and have your oil.

Also they never blocked her post and she got a lot off replies to say that others are going to try it. I truly hope that it give them relief like it has for me and so many others. Have a safe journey home and try and not do to much. Take good care my friend. Jan 🤗🤗🤗🌹🌷🌺🌸xxx

Jan101 profile image
Jan101 in reply to wxyz101112

Hi Maureen

Only one day until you are home. I truly hope that you and your husband managed to get everything done that you wanted to. Have a safe journey back home and take good care of yourself. Jan 🤗🤗🌹🌷🌺🌸xxx

wxyz101112 profile image
wxyz101112 in reply to Jan101

Hi Jan, truly sorry I have not replied to your lovely messages. Thank you for your kind words. We both left France absolutely shattered. I don't think I could feel any worse, and it's caused a major flare up. Hey ho! Well my blue oil and red paste were waiting for me when we arrived home. I took three drops of oil at 5 pm and paste at 9.30pm.Did not notice any change. I have increased the dose of blue drops to 3 times a day and red paste at night.As yet still no change. I am still keeping possitive and hoping that I still could get some relief.I can't imagine what it would be to have no pain an absolute miracle . I have tried to get a couple of samples, but all out of stock. Hope Jan you are keeping as well as you are able. Thank you so much once again you are very sweet. Maureen xx

Jan101 profile image
Jan101 in reply to wxyz101112

Hi Maureen

Truly sorry to hear that you you went into a flare. I can only begin to imagine how shattered that you both where.

I am very surprised to hear that it has not kicked in as yet. But for some people it can take a little longer unfortunately.

I started with 4 drops in the morning and afternoon and then about one insh long of paste on my finger before going to bed. Do you let the oil sit under your tongue for 3 minutes before swallowing?

I am not to sure maybe you might need the stronger oil. But if I where you I would keep going and give it a bit longer if you choose to.

Could you please tell me is it nerve pain that you have?

I still have muscle tightness and I am going to see my private gp tomorrow to see if he can give me some injections to help with my muscles.

It's strange that these oils work in so many different ways to help so many different things.

I truly feel for you as I really had my hopes all built up for you and when I heard from you you where going to at least say the pain had reduced.😔 I will keep my fingers crossed for you and hopefully it will work soon for you. I would love to speak to you privately but unfortunately you can't on the forum. You take good care of yourself and I hope that when I hear from you again that you have some results. Take good care of yourself my friend. 🤞🤞🤞🌸🌹🌷🌺😘😘😘

wxyz101112 profile image
wxyz101112 in reply to Jan101

Hi Jan, thanks for your good wishes and reply. You ask if I have nerve pain, which I find difficult to answer as I have never been told this.I was told 33 yrs ago by. Orthopeadic surgeon that I had degeneration and dehydrated discs L 4 / 5 , and would not operate as it would not be successful, and I shouldn't be feeling the pain that I was. Saw a gynacologist, because of lower abdominal (pelvic) pain , had laparoscopy , found endometriosis , in all I had 4 laparoscopy s ,and eventually told endometriosis had gone. The pain is like a raging toothache, feeling really raw inside and goes from lower back round to the front which is actually worse most of the time than the back. There is far too much to tell Jan, and to explain properly. Really at the end of the day they haven't found a proper answer , there is nothing they can do they have said so you have to put up with it. I avoid doctors like the plague and have done for a while .

Have increased drops to 4 3x daily , I have tried to get samples but none at all in stock so will keep trying.

Sorry about your muscle pain still bothering you, do hope you can get some relief from private doctor to give you less pain free days ,good luck. Hope you are enjoying your day. Take care Jan. Best wishes Maureen xx

Jan101 profile image
Jan101 in reply to wxyz101112

Hi love you really do have a lot going on with you and my heart truly goes out to you. I am like you a very determined person and I won't give up. I feel I am too young to put up with pain everyday. I am 62 in July but I still feel young in my mind. Not like I need to go out and about. Just like a Quality life.

I truly wish I could do something to take your pain away.

Don't give up to it love there has to be a way. Some doctors make me so angry 😡. Would they want to say that to their family. I very much doubt it.

You take good care of yourself and please let me know how you are getting on my friend. 🤗🤗🤗🌸😡🌷🌺 xxx

wxyz101112 profile image
wxyz101112 in reply to Jan101

Just seen awful news about London fire tragedy. I can't think how I can moan about my lot.Maureenxx

Jan101 profile image
Jan101 in reply to wxyz101112

Hi love I know it's absolutely so sad and very upsetting. I really feel for them. So much has happened in London over the last few months it's so so sad 😭

I am still keeping my fingers crossed for you. 🤞

I went and seen my private gp today and got my injections so all being well they will work for me.

With your illnesses it may take a bit longer for you to get the results.

Take good care of yourself my friend. 🤗🤗🌸🌹🌷🌺xxx

wxyz101112 profile image
wxyz101112 in reply to Jan101

Thanks for lovely message Jan. Do hope your injections are making you feel a whole lot better now, do you have them very often. What part of the country are you? we are on the south coast. Many special wishes to you, Maureen xx

Jan101 profile image
Jan101 in reply to wxyz101112

Hi Maureen

I have had quite a few but all for different things and I normally respond very well to steroid injections. But not so well for my nerve injections unfortunately. I had some yesterday put into my bottom for the tightness in my muscles and I will have to wait up to 2 weeks to see if they have worked or not. I live not far from Guildford in Surrey as lovely part of the country 1 hour from London and the coast. So have the best of both worlds.

Maureen I am not going to give up. I will find something or someone to get my health back. I am so determined I am not going to live my life like this.

I hope that you have had plenty rest since you got back from France. Maybe that is why it's taken the oils a bit longer to work as you where in a flare when you started them. I truly hope with all my heart that you get relief from them.

Please don't give into your pain there has to be something to help you get out of this horrible pain. I really do feel for you. Like you I have spent thousands of pounds but the money is no good to me if I am in pain as you can never fully enjoy yourself when we are in pain.

Take good care of yourself love. Sending lots off warm hugs. 🤗🤗🤗🌷🌺🌸🌹 xxxx

wxyz101112 profile image
wxyz101112 in reply to Jan101

Hi Jan, do you have to go privately for your nerve and muscle injections ? I really hope yours start to work soon and you get some relief on that score.

How many years have you been suffering ? Have you close family ? When did your illnesses start ?

I do know it's very trying for my husband , especially with being unable to live our lives as we would like , but that's life I'm afraid and there are an awful lot of people in the same position unfortunately and a lot worse.

Guildford is a beautifull area you are very lucky to live there. I visited there in April as I had an apt with the Whitley clinic which is private. One of my ideas was it was pelvic vein congestion for which they did a special scan. They couldn't give me a definite answer the small amount which they found would take my pain away .The scan and consultation cost £500, and it would have cost £7,000 up to have the opportunity. We have not got that sort of money to pay for something which had 50/50 chance of working. I thought it was all rather a Con ! By the way NHS doesn't recognise this condition.

We live in Eastbourne by the way. Our daughter and family moved down here two years ago from Epsom by the race course, I used to love go up there.

Well Jan hope you get lots of pain free days , take good care of yourself. Bye for now Maureen xxx

Jan101 profile image
Jan101 in reply to wxyz101112

Hi Maureen

I started with bad ankles knees and wrists pain around 10 years ago. My GP said there was no more he could do for me and he thought I had Fibroneuralgia. I disagreed with him because fibromyalgia is normally 11 points out of 18 that hurt at anyone time. My back trouble started around 18 months ago. I found out I had four fractures in my spine and they put cement into them and that did help a lot. I was left with a lot of pain in my spine and in my muscles. I can't remember the medical name but they Lasered my nerves from L4 to S1 and also in my hips and gave me steroid injections as well it was a big operation. I also had some more injections into my spine a few months ago but they did not help. My last lot of injections was there on Wednesday. I had some pain in my bottom after the injections and the next day I was in pain and cried as I thought that they where not working. But I got up today and cleaned for 4 hours and had no pain. I was absolutely on a high as this is the first time in 18 months that I have not had any pain. I can't begin to tell you how happy I have been today. No pain in my spine and it still early days but no pain in my hips today for the first time .

Maureen I must say the people I see are very good specialist but there charges are no where near what they are asking you for. I will let you know next week what my private gp is charging me.

I have also been referred to a Physio by my neighbour and he said the Indian chap is fantastic. So I spoke to him on the phone today and he is very very knowledgeable so I have booked an appointment with him on Monday of next week. I can't give up Maureen I am determined to get out of pain and have my life back. I am only 62 years old in July. Like you I am lucky to have a very understanding partner. I also have one brother that live near me and he has seen what I have gone through especially the last 18 months. At one point I was screaming in pain and could not walk. I am getting there because I won't give up. You are lucky to have your husband and family by you. I could not consider going on holidays because of the pain. For many many days I could not even leave my home I was in bed for nearly a whole year. Sorry for the long text but I want this for you and your husband and family don't give up fighting as there is something out there to help you too. To many people just give up to the NHS and believe them. We really don't need to be in pain in this day and age. I look forward to hearing from you again soon. Take good care of yourself love. 🤗🤗🤗🌺🌷🌹🌸😘😘😘

wxyz101112 profile image
wxyz101112 in reply to Jan101

Hi Jan ,just found why I haven't heard anything as I have messaged you 3 times , but iv'e investigated and can't see any signs of the messages, or that you have received them. I think I'v'd got problems with my kindle, which is what I use when I lay down which is quite often.

You explained in your last post to me all that you have through. It must have been hell for you poor thing , to of had all those fractures in your spine.

I am so so pleased for you that these last lot of injections have helped so much, and reading your latter messages on the Fibro site how well you have been feeling since. It must be like a miracle come true. How wonderful . I'm sure if you keep positive you will carry on getting the relief that you really deserve.

I'm still trying with cbd , and will try other colours if no luck. I so hope you receive this Jan ,if not it will have to be the computer. Take care Jan and I hope next time you will still be feeling on top of the world. Lots of hugs Maureen xxx

Jan101 profile image
Jan101 in reply to wxyz101112

Hi Maureen

Just got your message. Not seen the others that you have tried to send.

Yeah unfortunately I have been through a real tuff time but I am determined to try and get back to as much normality as possible. I am doing pretty good at the moment but I have decided to take something stronger. So it is really working for me and that is making me really happy. Pushed myself a bit today so have a bit of a twinge in my back also I did a new exercise I was given by my physio but I think it's too severe on my spine so not good for my spine.😢 I seen some people today that I have not seen for a few months and they where saying how well I looked.

I think I will make you smile now. In the beginning they never really spoke that much to me as they thought I looked a bit snobby but once they gave me a chance we all get on really well now. 😂😂 I am very down to earth and a very kind person and I do so much to help my family and friends. I really enjoy helping people if I can. But mind you I have had a few slaps not physically if you know what I mean. Once I have finished what they needed the help with. But I have really learned now with some people.

Have you come out of your flare yet? It does sound like you need something stronger because I would off thought by now the oils would have reduced your pain. I feel quite sad for you.😟😟

How are things in France have you managed to sell your property because that seems to me that it might bring you some stress. We all know what it is like trying to sell property. I have enough of them and my day will come in the next few years as that is what I put in place for my pension.

Please let me know how you are feeling love ❤️. Look forward to hearing from you soon.

Take good care of yourself love. 🤗🤗🤗🌹🌺🌸🌷😘😘😘

wxyz101112 profile image
wxyz101112 in reply to Jan101

Hi Jan so lovely to hear you were able to get together with your friends, and had such a an enjoyable time. It does you the world of good having a chat and a laugh, and good as any tonic and so nice they thought you looked well. I'm so pleased you are still so much better, just be careful the physio doesn't push you too far and take the exercises slowly at first. I must say Jan you sound a very lovely caring person, and your friends and family are lucky to have you.

As for our place in France Jan I think it will be a long time before we get a buyer . There are so many people selling properties in Normandy and surrounding areas and not so many wanting to buy. Also they are not worth much at all now, really lost a lot of value. The prices it cost just to own a place , with taxes ,standing charges,etc that's withought living in it. I' m not getting stressed about selling it yet, and not thinking about it.

Still no change with me yet , I must order another colour ,since we have been back I can't seem to get out of this flare up. Lots of visits with daughters and the grandchildren as they all live in Eastbourne so always quite a lot going on with them. Mind you I miss them terribly when we're away in France.

Take lots of good care Jan, keep in touch as I want to know what progress you make all the time. Lots of hugs xxx

Jan101 profile image
Jan101 in reply to wxyz101112

Hi love I am really happy that you are seeing your daughter and grandchildren and that is really lovely for you.

My concern is how long that your flare is lasting. I would at least off though that the oils would off reduced the pain a little. It does sound like you need something stronger. 🤔🤔

I did also decide to take something stronger now as I felt some of the pain coming back.

Maybe it is wise if you consider something stronger as you should of had some results by now.

Unfortunately I have also read that some people has no response to the oil but I have to say that it is very few.

Some people take the cbd and cht together in the evening before going to bed. I listened to this guy who was a biochemist and he took the two together in the evening before bed and he feels amazing and never took anything during the day. He has been on quite a few interviews. You can google this and find him on YouTube.

Have you listened to people on line that has been taken the oils? Some of there stories are amazing 😉 my heart goes out to a lot off them.

I will keep you posted on how I am doing. I have my sister coming to visit me early next month and she is really poorly with a lots of problems and she is going to give it a try. I am so looking forward to seeing her. But she has a husband that is a very negative and stubborn person and puts everything down before he even gives it a chance. He is also ill but I get the impression that he does not have a problem with being ill as it gives him a reason to sit around or go to bed and do nothing. Also that is his only conversation and it really gets us all down. So we try and cut the conversation down best we can.

I truly wish you all the best of luck in getting what helps you to get out off the pain that you are in or even if you can get it reduced. I am always here for you even if it's just to off load. Take really good care of yourself love. Sending you lots off warm hugs 🤗🤗🤗🌸🌹🌺🌷😘😘😘

wxyz101112 profile image
wxyz101112 in reply to Jan101

Hi Jan , how are you doing ? Hope your'e still getting relief from the injections. You said that you thought the pain was coming back, is it the nerve pain or your other pains, and what did you decide to take that was stronger was it the cbd oil ? I do hope you will get things sorted, as it is so lovely for you to be feeling like your old self.

How wonderful to have your sister coming to see you, shame about the husband though, it must be so difficult for her living with someone so negative, and on about his health, and your poor sister having so many illnesses to contend with. It's funny how some people are just so consumed with their ailments and can talk about nothing else. I have always kept away from saying to people how awful I feel, but the trouble with that is when you put your makeup on and try to look nice even though you feel absolute s--t ! they think your fine. It's nice to have these sites as you can say how bad you are without having to keep it all to yourself.

As you said Jan there are amazing stories about the cbd oil. I have sent for a couple of samples before I order another colour I'm still not giving up. I don't seem to be able to feel any easier I think it's just a matter of doing to much , it's either that or do next to nothing which I find just too hard.

Thank you for your sweet messages , do let me know how you're doing, and do take care. Lots of hugs Maureen xx

Jan101 profile image
Jan101 in reply to wxyz101112

Good morning my friend

I am doing really well thank you for asking.

Yesterday I did 5 hours of homework. I know that might seem really sad to a lot of people but I actually enjoy my housework and have a lovely home 🏡. This las week or so I have felt the best that I have in so long.

I have been speaking with someone and they explained to me that most things inside our body's have healed after a few weeks and normally it's our muscles that is not copping with the pain because they are so weak. The muscles 💪 need to be stronger to cope with the pain and once you strengthen them you don't feel the pain as much. In other words the stronger the body the less pain you feel.

The injections has worked really well and the tightness has gone with exercises but I only do some mild exercises lying on my bed.

I know my brother in law has become quite sad and my sister has a lot to put up with and he wants such a mundane life he is pulling her into that life as well. Very sad 😭.

Maureen we all know our own bodies and we have to do things to help them get stronger. Before the oil I was very nervous 😩 to do anything and would sit for most of the day and I can see now how weak my body was getting and the pain was getting really bad because I was to scared to move .

It has been a journey for me and since the beginning of May I have improved so much and to be honest that is no time at all when you feel the pain getting better all the time. I had a bit off a blip and with the oils and I did decide to take a little stronger and it has worked amazingly. Better than the oil and paste I was taking. I took a grain size to start with and began to build it up. Now I take half a capsule only in the evening before bad time and I don't take anything else through out the day.

I can't begin to tell you the difference in me and how I feel. I think every single day about how I was and how I am now and I am so great full that I have a second chance. Till the day I leave this earth 🌏 I will never forget the way I was and the pain that I went through.

My friend you have do what you think is right for you and I am so pleased to hear that you are so determined like I was and still am.

Maureen you can always privately message me if you would like too.

It may be a while before you get your samples and I truly hope that they help you. I think that you are right in ordering the samples before spending any more money 💰.

For me it could of been the nerves and weak muscles together. It's very hard to say but after speaking to that person I think that we have to make our muscles stronger as well to reduce the pain and I know for me that was difficult but as I said I only do very soft exercises and it is helping with me doing housework as well.

Please let me know how you are getting on if the samples arrive. I truly hope that from the bottom of my heart ❤️ that you get some relief. Take good care of yourself my friend and I always look forward to hearing from you. Jan 🤗🤗🤗🌸🌹🌷🌺xxx

wxyz101112 profile image
wxyz101112 in reply to Jan101

Hello Jan, this is the second time iv'e done this message the 1st I lost right at the end so hope I will have better luck with this. I'm so pleased to hear how well your doing, and how you are feeling so much better and able to do so much more. You and your dear husband must be so thrilled, I'm sure you must keep thinking about all the pain you were in.Now it's a new beginning at long last. I used to be like you so houseproud and loved doing the cleaning. I'm afraid I haven't been so particular these last 34 yrs , and have to rely on my hubby to do certain things .Unfortunately not to my standards but beggars can't be choosers eh! I worry so much now if anyone comes to visit as its not to my liking. I hate housework now as it is so painfully and tireing. Never mind we get by.

Is your sister and husband coming soon to stay. I bet you can't wait. It will be so nice for you both, and as you are so much better you will be able to enjoy it a lot more. I truly am so pleased for you Jan. Like a new beginning for you.

Received my samples white oil and purple paste ,but have not had any change. I'm sending for more samples when they are in stock.

Keep meaning to ask you is that a picture of your doggy? He or she looks beautiful. We have 2 rescue cockapoos .Scooby is white and cream , he is very nervous. Jumble is brown and looks like a poodle, he is a real character.They are lovely but such a tie I think.

Well Jan take very good care, and big hugs. Look forward to knowing how you are and what youv'e been up to . Maureen xx

Jan101 profile image
Jan101 in reply to wxyz101112

Hi love I truly hope that the samples help and you get some relief from them. Fingers crossed 🤞. It's definitely a journey that we need to go on to see what works for us.

I think I mentioned to you that I had to go onto something stronger to take my pain away and it's been down to that what has helped me.

I am definitely like the person I was before the illness started. I am about 95% better and I still need to be careful. I certainly can do a lot more now than before and that does make me very happy 😊. I think everyday how lucky I am to be like this now because I thought that I would never get my life back again without the pain.

Never worry about housework and don't worry about people coming it's you they come to see not the house 🏡.

My sister arrives tomorrow Wednesday and yes I am really looking forward to seeing her. The sad thing is that they just want to sit and do nothing especially her husband he is ill and has COPD but to a point he uses that to do nothing and we know that he could do more than he does but he just wants to do nothing. I don't understand that and never will because now I am not in pain like I was I want to make use of everyday.

Each to their own eh Maureen 🤔👍

Yes that is Ziggi he is the cutest but stubborn little dog 😂but we love him and yes they are a tie. Your little dogs 🐶 sound lovely 😊. I bet that you get lots off pleasure from them.

I truly hope that the oils will work for you and I will definitely keep my fingers crossed for you 🤞🤞 you take good care of yourself my friend and I am always here for you. Sending you lots off warm hugs 🤗 🤗🤗🤗🌸🌺🌹🌷😘😘😘

wxyz101112 profile image
wxyz101112 in reply to Jan101

Hello Jan, keep wondering how you are getting on, and hoping you are still able to feel like your old self. It would be marvellous if they can keep you that way especially as you have been feeling so good.

Is your sister and husband with you still. I hope you were able to enjoy your time with her even though they don't do anything, as long as it didn't hinder you to much. Do they live far ? It must have been nice to just have a good old chin wag . Is your hubby still working ? Or has he retired.How have you been liking the hot weather. Is it too hot for your little Ziggy ? Our two haven't known what do do with them selves.

Well Jan still no luck with trying different oils. I have just read a couple of letters how it interacts with certain medications ,some of which I am taking and have done for years. Epilim for chronic migrains also antidepressants for chronic pain and beta blockers for migrations which I have suffered with since I was 7 yrs old. So it could be these are the reason for it not working. Also because nothing has helped at all in 35 yrs ,must all have something to do with it. Cest La Vie ?

Bye the way we are going to France on 25 th Jul for 6 weeks, and taking our two granddaughters then their mum and dad will come for a week and take them back .

Take care and look after yourself. Keep me posted how you are and your news.

Warm hugs Maureen xxx

Jan101 profile image
Jan101 in reply to wxyz101112

Hi Maureen

Lovely to hear from you. I have been wondering how you have been getting on. Sorry to hear that the oils have not been helping you. It could be your tablets that doing it, I am really not to sure about that. It makes me feel sad as I was really hoping that they would work for you.

I had a nice time but they really don't do anything to help when they are here not even make my bed and I don't like that at all. We are going up to see them on the 27th just for a long weekend to take some things up for them. Not looking forward to it like I use too. This time I saw how self opinionated her husband was and that doesn't settle easy with me.

Unfortunately I have come down with a virus so hopefully it will be gone before next week.

I have not been on the forum for a few weeks with my sister and now the virus but all being well I will again shortly.

Little Ziggi does not mind the heat to much because he is all white and reflects the heat. I did not enjoy it when it got to hot it got me down a little. I am still on the oils and they still work for me, I do get a few days where I have some pain but not as bad as it use to be.

I hope that you have a lovely time in France with your grandchildren I am sure that they will love being out there.

You really have had a tuff time with all your illnesses and I really do feel for you.

Try and have a lovely time and try not to do to much just relax if you can and enjoy your time out there.

Take good care of yourself and sending you lots off warm hugs 🤗🤗🤗🌸🌺🌹🌷😘😘😘

wxyz101112 profile image
wxyz101112 in reply to Jan101

Hi Jan, just wanted to get a quick message to you before you went to our sisters and we go to France. I'm so sorry to hear you caught a virus. That's nasty for you. Perhaps you had run yourself down a bit with taking care and waiting on your sister and brother in law. It does make your blood boil when people don't do anything. I always remember my mother in law was like that, and so is my sister in law. My sister in law who is 58 yrs hasn't cooked a evening meal for at least 6yrs. Her husband does it when he gets home from work.She has always been treated like a queen. I do hope Jan you are feeling somewhat better in yourself now, although it does take it out of you even after you have got over the virus.

I'm so glad to hear your so much better with the pain, just mind you look after yourself.

It's been a bit tense here this morning to say the least. We have got so much to go to France what with the girls coming and the dogs soft cages, lots of food as the things are so expensive over there. My husband is rather in a stew.

Well Jan speak in France ( if I survive) it all. Keep in touch and hope you do manage to enjoy yourself at your sisters. Warm hugs Maureen xxx

Jan101 profile image
Jan101 in reply to wxyz101112

Hi love as always lovely to hear from you.

It's looking a bit unlikely that I will be able to go and see my sister as still in bed with the virus so we might have to postpone for a week or so. They where taking me out for dinner for my birthday on Sunday but as I said we can do that when I do get round to going up to there's.

I really hope that you don't over do things as it is really bad for you and your health.

If you need to off load a bit when you are in France just text me as you are taking on a lot with the grandchildren and everything. I am always here for you.

However try and have a lovely time and we can speak when you have the time.

Take good care of yourself and sending you lots off warm hugs 🤗🤗🤗🌹🌷🌸🌺😘😘😘

wxyz101112 profile image
wxyz101112 in reply to Jan101

Hello Jan, at long last I have finally got round to replying to your lovely message. I'm so sorry I didn't drop you a line before to say how sorry I was to hear you still had your virus and were still in bed. Also that you missed going out for your birthday(belated wishes to you) hopefully you have recovered enough to be able to celebrate by now. I do hope you are still on top of the pain and able to enjoy life now Jan as you should be doing. Hope you will be able to get out and about and enjoy the bit of summer we have left. Do you go away on holiday with your other half, other than to your sisters ?

Well it has been a week now since our youngest daughter, husband, and granddaughters have been gone. It was very tiring , but we had a lovely time. Lots of tears when they went , I was blubbering for days and my husband felt really down. Ruby our oldest granddaughter and is 14yrs old has had M/E for 3 yrs and has hardly spent any time in school ,as well as not having any social life. It has been so worrying. Our daughter Martine who is our youngest saw something in the M/E newsletter about something called the Lightening Process which had helped a young person so much in getting better. It is also to help with so many other different ailments. It worked out at £600 + to attend a course over 3 days. She found a lady that was doing this , and had a course of about 7 teenagers that she was starting in March this year. They booked a little apartment for her and ruby to stay in so they they would be nearby, and went ahead with it. Well Jan we couldn't believe the difference it had made to her when she came home. We hadn't seen her like it for such a long time. I must admit I don't understand any of it i am a very sceptical person as far as things like that are concerned, I think because I have tried so many things that haven't worked. She is still practicing this every day, has some set backs but she is so different.Martine also has lots of health problems. When she was 38 yrs she was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma low grade which is a cancer of lymph nodes .It is a lifetime disease which is just watch and wait. She also has Scroghens ? , fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue . She is 42 now and thinks when the children are older as scarlet is only 10yrs , she will do the course herself.

Well Jan I won't go on about my lot anymore, other to say another week and we have our older daughter coming with family and grandsons friend for a week. I'm not cut out for all this work nowadays. Shouldn't moan should I.

Well Jan take good care of yourself. Lots of warm hugs. Maureen xxx

Jan101 profile image
Jan101 in reply to wxyz101112

Hi Maureen

Sorry for late reply.

I thought it was another virus but we are now thinking it has something to do with going to the dentist. The last twice that I have been I have had horrendous headaches. I called the dentist to see if it was anything to do with my dental procedure and he said it wasn't. The first time that I went A couple of days later I had horrific headaches for 10 days and I then saw my GP and she gave me medication to help clear the headaches. I went and saw my dentist again last week and have been back in bed with the headaches. So it seems to me it's my dental procedure that's causing the headaches. I am due to go again on 5 September for a big procedure But I think I will just have my tooth done at the front and leave my bridge for the time being to see if my headaches come back again.

I managed to go to my sisters for my birthday and we had a lovely time. Thank you for your birthday wishes.

We use to go abroad a lot until I got ill. When I feel that I am up-to-date I intend to travel again.

I am truly sorry to hear about your granddaughter and your daughter. It must be awful for them both being so young and having these horrible illnesses. My heart truly goes out to both of them. I am happy to hear that your granddaughter has got something back from the course that she went on. It'll be interesting to see and hear if it works for your daughter also.

I truly know how you feel when family leave it really does pull out your heartstrings I feel that way when I leave my sister as she does me.

It's lovely to hear that the rest of your family are coming out to see you both. However it must be a lot of hard work for you and this will have a bearing on your health. I am sure that you get lots of help but you always feel that they should give more when we have family and friends to stay.

Please take good care of yourself and try and relax and let everyone else do the running around.

I managed to get up yesterday as my headache 🤕 is a little better and today is about the same. My oh has been working away and is back tonight so he will take over with everything.

I can't remember when you said that you where coming back but please enjoy 😊 the rest of your time and please take good care of yourself.

Ps I am seeing another specialist soon I hope re my back. I have stopped taking the oil and most days I am well. If I feel the pain coming on I just sit down for a while and I am ok again.

Sending you lots off warm hugs take good care of yourself my lovely 😊 friend. 🤗🤗🤗😘😘😘🌺🌷🌸🌹

cyberbarn profile image

One of the things they are realising with opioids is that if they aren't working, then more of them won't work either. Have you been to your GP to discuss it with him? There has been some changes to how they deal with pain in the last 15 years. There are also lots of non drug things you can do. Do you know about Dr. Francomono’s 75% Plan for Pain Relief. "Take, for instance that your medications take care of 20% of your pain relief. Then you use your TENS unit for another 10% reduction. Some Tiger Balm on your painful joints brings another 5% of pain relief. Maybe you could pull out your heating pad too for another 5% of pain relief. Then you decide upon a warm soak with Epsom Salts for another 10% pain relief. Deep breathing and some PT exercises combine for another 10% of relief. And then you watch a great movie for another 15% of pain relief. So now you have 75% of your pain managed effectively. How would your days be different if 75% of your pain was gone? Dr. Francomono’s plan demonstrates the importance of using multiple strategies…even if each one only makes a tiny difference, the difference made when they all are added together is significant.”

in reply to cyberbarn

Great post. Love the description. Obviously this doesnt work for everyone but its a strategy I use. Have had chronic back pain for many years. Arthritis in hips and knees. Like you say I try and add lots of coping mechanisms to get through the day/week. Big reduction in working hours. Try and start day with stretches, if I can get to gym to have sauna and jaquizzi to get my body warm and moving a bit. The odd pilates class although this is tough. Eat well, struggle with sleep but try not to stress about. Some supplements, magnesium zinc, vitamins etc. Mindfulness. Treat myself to physio and have recently met up with a body mechanic who has different perspectives on pain management. I call these "my distractions" I dont mean to paint a rosey picture as I still have days when i think whats the point, the pain feels worse. We have to keep going and try to make the best of everything.

9494 profile image
9494 in reply to cyberbarn

Hi please forgive the late reply... I have used many of these techniques, heat ..two different tens machines, exercise ,voltarol, and have had manipulation , cupping , basically the lot ! I am hoping to get an appointment with my GP as this past week I have pain running down both of my legs and under my feet , it is very very painful , methinks I need an M R I scan . Thank you so much for taking time to contact me , it is a comfort to know ime not alone.. mo

Foxgal17 profile image

I have spinal stenosis in addition to 5 neurological disorders, depression and anxiety, and chronic migraines. I have been on the spinal injection roller coaster for 5 years. I am wondering how much longer I can get these shots. They degenerate the spine. I live in the US. I was fortunate to get 10 mg of oxycodone per day. That was taken away after two years. I have been unhappy since, as it seems nothing else works. Don't complain to your Dr cuz he may take away what you have. Or put you on fentenal which is just dangerous. Good luck and God bless from the US!

9494 profile image
9494 in reply to Foxgal17

Thank you so much for contacting me, I am glad that the injections worked for you. Unfortunately not for me , since coming on this forum last week my pain has increased so much that I am trying to get a GP appointment..that's if I can walk there.. that's not me wingeing , I think a disc has slipped . The pain is unbearable... I do hope you get sorted out soon , best wishes mo

Skipper55 profile image

It is a very bad situation when you live in pain and to top it off your feel like a drug addict when you ask for relief. I do not know the source of your pain but I will guess that it's getting worse from ongoing limitations and your back muscles are deteriorating . I was in a head on car collision and suffered severe back and spine injuries needing 12 hours of surgery. It took 12 months to determine the extent of the problems and that year was hell and what made it worse was wearing a back brace .

After surgery 3 months approx I started a swimming regime working up to 1k every 3 days .I was advised to swim on my back using strong flippers and a form kick board on my tummy and holding it there with my hands . It was back stroke without using mu arms and moving by kicking with the flippers.

This method built up the muscles on my back and strengthened the whole area. This method worked and has done wonders . I also recommend you ask your Doctor about Zanax about 2to 3 mg a day to relax the the muscles .

The back muscles are dumb they are the hardest to rebuild .when I had the surgery 18 years ago the Drs told me there work would last 10 years ,it's 18 and I am still going .

This may help and I reafirm the issue the stronger the back muscles are the less pressure on the spine meaning less problems for the nerves and your quality of life improves.

In regards to the patches 80 is the minimum or else use something else 100 is a good level , I cannot see the point of 40 it will do very little.

I hope you find a solution quickly . I have added curcumin it's an anti inflamation tablet by Swiss health tablets it has done wonders for my overall a side issue

9494 profile image
9494 in reply to Skipper55

Thank you for your suggestion , of swimming , I have thought about this , it have a huge problem , as a child I was submerged in a tub of water and unable to get out , resulting in a dreadful fear of drowning , I would love to be able to get into a pool , I've tried but panic , And I am not in a position to have any sort of therapy or private swimming lessons ,, this fear is deep rooted I will soon be 70 .and I often dream of drowning ,,, I tell myself stop being stupid , but continue to be.. mo

Skipper55 profile image

To every one with inflamation in there body that is upsetting the way they live , I have now after seeing specialists that monitor my disease which is very rare 2 in the million called Churg Strauss verified proof that the vitamin tablet turmeric which has an ingredient called curcumin made by Swisse .i have been on chemo and prednisone for 5 years to halt the disease closing all the vascular system through my body , without the chemo and prednisone your given a year or two but it is terminal . Nothing much is known about the disease other than take those two drugs and lots of astma puffers and you can get some more miles up in life .

Now because of the closure of the vascular system I like most other churg suffers have the feet swell up disease things growing out that need constant treatment and dead skin scalped off every month.

After about 3 weeks I started to get a bit of feeling in the pads on my feet ie heal and behind the toes then the warts that grow and bleed stopped growing then they began to shrink , then the swelling started to subside .after 6 weeks I started to get feeling in the nerves and then the inflamation in the cartilage between the ribs started to moderate and my overall pain levels have dropped by 20% now at 8 weeks the improvement is daily .

I first thought it was just in my mind but after having tests done and turning up for the 8 week treatment plans all the medical top dogs were scratching there heads asking me what have I done differently and the only thing was 2 curcumin tablets daily and reduced the prednisone . 3 went to there computers and did some reseach while I was there and all said do not stop taking it as it certainly appears very obvious that they are the cause of my improvement that's 8!weeks in 5 years that is no fluke .

That is my experience and it is straight from the horses mouth the last one I saw yesterday . I hope this is no coincidence and these tablets have done what the evidence has shown .i have no connection with Swisse please let me know if anyone else who has been on it or after you have used it for 2 months obtains the same great outcome

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