Hi i have tried to take Anadin when the pain started and it worked. I was taking two at the beginning then one only every four hours. Now even if I take two every four hours don't work anymore. Can I take it three instead next time?
How many Anadin can you take: Hi i have tried... - Pain Concern
How many Anadin can you take

The box and information leaflet will tell you the maximum in one day - and the maximum number of days for which it's OK before you should consult your GP.
Find your product here and it will tell you.
You don't exceed a day's limit as it can be dangerous.
I take what is on the leaflet and seems not working. Others told me they take three at the beginning and then two every two hours when pain is strong. But I am worried it is dangerous. It is anadin extra.
there are paracetamol in adandin extra so its dangerous to take more than two 500mg tablets in 4 hours and do not exceed 8 tablets in 24 hours you could seriously damage your liver with this medication and the thing is that you would not get any symptoms until the damage is done. If this is not working for you, then go to your doctor and at the very least speak to your pharmacist who can tell you about a stronger pain relief that you can buy over the counter. please do not exceed the stated dose. love grace xoxo
Very sound advice Grace and I totally agree with you.
Hi Tinuccia
As the others say, you should only take any medication as prescribed on the box or as advised by your GP or pharmacist.
Are the Anadin Extra prescribed by your GP? If not and you are experiencing ongoing pain and the maximum dose is not enough to manage it, then I would strongly suggest you speak to your GP.
Also as that medication contains aspirin and paracetomol you shouldn't really take it every day unless prescribed by your GP. As others have said long term paracetomol can affect your liver and long term aspirin can effect your stomach. Best to speak to your GP for the most appropriate medication to manage your pain.
Gentle hugs, Margaret. xxx
Doctor gave me codeine to take with otc painkillers and amypitrylline. I did not take the latter and have tried the Anadin which worked at the beginning with two a day only, but since Easter my leg is burning inside like mad. I switched to ibruprofen and it did not work. I switched to codamol and it did not work. I use ice/hot pack to relieve pain x a while. Few days before Easter I had a rash itching with red spots in a shap of a cordon on my hip, same side as the sciatica pain. I was worried it could be shingles. I applied Apple cider vinegar and itching went. Two/three days later started to disappear without problems. Three days after Easter I woke up with burning pain in the leg and I have had this since. When I had the rash I took a photo of it to show to my doctor in case she thought I was paranoid. The osteopath saw it and said it was shingles and I needed another medication for post herpetic neuralgia. That I am suffering from two different things on same side of my body. I am waiting now for the pain clinic and my Gp to see what to do next. I went to A&E and to the muscles-scheletral clinic at Kings to tell them what happened but the person I saw said she knew nothing about rash. To her it was bulging disk irritating the nerve and almost dismissed me from the clinic but then referred to pain management one. My husband bought me sciatica calm gadget to try. I am a bit sceptical but many on forum state they benefitted from the shockwave system. I shall let you know if it relieve me from pain.
If the pain relief isn't adequate at the amount recommended, taking more won't help. It is more likely that it is the wrong medication for that type of pain. If I am reading what you have said correctly you haven't taken the amitriptyline yet? That is pain relive for neuropathic pain. Neuropathic pain is the burning itching pain you have. It doesn't matter how much paracetamol or aspirin (the ingredients of Anadin) you take, it won't work on neuropathic pain.
There are different types of pain, and they all need a different type of treatment. Go with what your GP says, go and see him again and go to the pain clinic. They will be the experts that can figure out what kind of pain you have and which medication will work best.
And your osteopath is right, if this is post herpetic neuralgia, that is neuropathic pain and needs a different type of pain killer.