PTSD caused by the DWP.: I have been curious... - Pain Concern

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PTSD caused by the DWP.

ukgospeldiva profile image
23 Replies

I have been curious having been in conversation with a lupus kindred soul who told me about 'medical PTSD' through traumatic medical procedures as a child.

So I googled PTSD caused by DWP and an avelanch of stuff.

I have been looking at various posts, pleas, cry's for​ help and people in near meltdown at the very thought of a pip assessment and realised swiftly that this was really PTSD. Thoughts?

Heather x

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ukgospeldiva profile image
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23 Replies

I agree fully. When I trace back my worst times it's been down to some government agency. And not just the DWP. Since then I get panic attacks, flash backs and awful feelings about those experiences. In every case power has been abused and they have told lies, because they were trained that way. The prospect of another term for the 'evil' party that has brought this about is honestly too much to bear.

I was committed to solving my health concerns but all these waste of space organisations, which often includes the NHS, only made things much, much worse. Their actions affect both mental and physical health.

[Edited by MaddieHU]

ukgospeldiva profile image
ukgospeldiva in reply to

Be despatched?

May I ask you if this is ok with you how long you have been suffering mentally like this? What if any help have you sought and a formal diagnosis? I wonder if anyone has sought help for these reactions to extreme stress, what manifested in thier current diagnosed conditions as a result of these triggers and what has been suggested to lessen the impact of the DWP? Has anyone had it recorded on their records that the DWP is directly responsible for the formal diagnosis of PTSD?

I know there have been instances where some poor individuals have commited suicide as a result. This is a mine Field.

Thank you for answering me.

Heather x

in reply toukgospeldiva

Why do you ask?

ukgospeldiva profile image
ukgospeldiva in reply to

Because I'm trying to understand if there is anything more I can do to support and help those who are in distress when they are called for face to face meetings or have had their applications denied or are in a panic about the whole process?

In what capacity are you helping people?

ukgospeldiva profile image
ukgospeldiva in reply to

In the capacity of humanity towards my fellow humans? I have experience in working with PTSD ex-vets doing exactly this as well as other disabilities. Helping people to fight back the system that represses.

ukgospeldiva profile image

Further, I'm not the enemy fibro foggy I'm myself FM, thyroid, spondylosis, kyphosis, osteoarthritis, reactive arthritis,lupus.

It's a great life if you don't weaken or let the bxxgers get you down?

katieoxo60 profile image

Hi Ukgospeldiva, I am aware of medical PTSD, but your right DWP PTSD is becoming common too. Do these people not realise the mental distress they cause to people already stressed out over their illness maybe even diagnosed with mental distress already. I would not wan t anyone to go through the traumas I went through and it continued after I retired, till recently when I reported the harassment to the local police. No one should be treated with less dignity because they have an illness, and some people are iller because of side effects of drugs, stigma and pressure to go back to work or get better. It is an aweful biased world we live in Heather and the treatment is just as bad for our returning war veterans too.

ukgospeldiva profile image
ukgospeldiva in reply tokatieoxo60

Katie I do understand this. Fibrofoggy had as the pertinent question to me of ',why do you want to know' well I'm thinking of RAISING CANE!

I used to be connected to what was RADAR that has now become amalgamated into Disability Rights and was on the parliamentary group. Assure from that, if I could gather enough evidence then prehaps I could contact MPs. From there who knows? An early day motion?

I hate injustice. I hate liers and I hate bullies. I said I understand about being 'attacked' for being disabled?

Firstly good friends of mine who are both sight impaired have had a sustained billy of abuse and threats. They have children who were also bullied because if their parents. We involved the police.

Recently I was diagnosed with lupus having had a very bad reaction to sunlight just pegging my washing out. Besides the usual issues​ of feeling generally unwell as this developed first into the butterfly rash on my face that had came and went along with flares for the past decade, the next morning my arms from the tops of my shoulders to my wrists looked like boiling water from a kettle had been poured over them. They were hot,red and very angry and with this came a strange mottled rash over the rest of me. So I went to practice and was diagnosed straight away by one of the partners, bloods ordered that showed my antibodies were off the scale.

My GP was away but came back 2 days later and phoned me and said that under no circumstances, was I to go into the sun again and be careful in all daylight as I was that photosensitive?

The next day was Friday and the bins had finally been emptied after the may day holiday. I needed to get in my recycling boxes and house bin. I had slapped on factor 50, had a large summer shawl wrapped around my head,neck and face and had one pair of sunglasses.

As I was putting the boxes over my gate I heard a hissing voice behind me:"Uh,I NEVER thought we had MUSLIMS living next door!' with that I turned round and saw my neighbour of 5 months couldn't get her key in the front door quick enough and slammed it!

I thought we were getting on alright. But I was now deeply offended, not at being called a Muslim, but by the hatred in the tone of a racist biggot! Further half of my family are French Mauritian Hindu. I almost called the police but decided revenge is a dish served ice cold. When friends in the street learn if this she may as well move back to what ever racist enclave she lived in near Cambridge and they can congratulate themselves at the same time?

So now I am having some salwar kameez made up by a local MUSLIM dressmaker and tailor, have ordered hijab/burka and let the games begin!

So ignorant of a peaceable, respectable, religious, section of society who look after their old.

Hope you have a better day?

Heather x

Daisy73 profile image
Daisy73 in reply toukgospeldiva

Sorry haven't been on here for ages , just want to say well said 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Xx

ukgospeldiva profile image
ukgospeldiva in reply toDaisy73

Hi there Daisy. Um I can understand why?

Heather x

ukgospeldiva profile image

Oh I forgot one out my list of 'Mutly Medals' - polymyalgia rhumatica lol

ukgospeldiva profile image

And that I'm white British, not Mauritian no offense, my brother in law who is was not surprised LOL

ukgospeldiva profile image

I should explain that we have developed a whacky sence of humour to deal with this nonsence. I've been with my sister and brother in law when he's had cars horn him and rubbish like that. Of course we all of us these days have long, floaty dresses, shawls and tops that are made in India and jewellery from India so what's up?

Heather x

katieoxo60 profile image

Heather one of our surgery doctors is Muslim and she was very sensible about my predicament, my husband was born in India in the days of the Raj. My neighbours are all kinds of nationality. Did not think this was about nationality, I recall the days of RADAR before it merged into disability rights, of course there are all sorts of prejudices these days. What do you want to raise cane about ? Health inequality, religion, politics, disability or the injustices meted on disabled ande ill people. This Site is for people in pain to ask questions or support others. I myself have chronic pain since 1990 plus a lung condition so am on more than one site. Enjoy the rest of your day.

ukgospeldiva profile image
ukgospeldiva in reply tokatieoxo60

Ok I'm going to try and answer you as you do deserve an answer. Firstly the 'point' was kinda missed. I now have lupus which along with the pain it causes multiple organ damage including the skin when exposed to even the tiniest amount of UV despite factor 50, will still travel through clothing and in LUPUS Only will continue to travel regardless through the thickest clothing into the lower DERMA SKIN LAYERS, which means we have to use more extreme ways to COVER UP as we are hyper PHOTOSENSITIVE?

Clearly people are NOT reading this properly and 'following' the thought through as certain words are being taken out of context which looking at it from other angles, I can see now why that could happen?

Howere, the conversation i was having with another member had become more about the various ways disabled people are feeling 'attacked'? But in order for people to have noted that, would have meant 'going backwards' on the thread not just reading what they thought into it?

I tried hard to explain and clearly failed in that. Especially how WE in 'my own MULTICULTURAL family' have normally delt with any form of verbal abuse is by using 'humour' to deflect that? But again I should not have spoken about issues outside of this forum and can only appologise to you.

But the abuse I had was REAL I assure you and not made up .It happened on Friday 5th May and I had NEVER heard of this shall we say 'subject matter' if you like 'being used' as a weapon in 'that manner' to 'attack' another person BECAUSE of their Disabilities and dare I say one who is well known in my local community for being in constant 'pain' as I walk with a very pronounced limp'? Further, most understand that the best way of dressing to 'protect against the Lupus 'Photosensitivity reactions' IS to adopt the national dress from the hottest countries? This was not meant as a form of 'slur'! I have contacted a specialist dressmaker because I AM plus sized and can't go and purchase these types of beautiful cloths off the peg, but again, prehaps I should not have spoken at all ?

Raising cane. This was regarding the issues of vulnerable people who developed PTSD as a direct result of the 'overwhelming inaccuracies' levied against them making ligitimate claims? But again I realise that this is a conversation we should have had 'privately' or not at all.

Having pain is only part of who we all are. Our pain is unique to us but ultimately in the end it is just that- a pain and not much else!

On that I rest my case.

Kind regards Heather x.

Daisy73 profile image
Daisy73 in reply toukgospeldiva

I hear you heather and understood where you was coming from, there was nothing wrong with what you wrote, people would start talking about politics and stuff if the NHS had enough money to go around and sort there illnesses out and if what you had to go through just by covering up.

Bless you heather

I'm in chronic pain 24/7 due to osteoporosis at 43, had to have a radical hysterectomy at 21 due to cancer, they diagnosed me with fibromyalgia 10 years ago after losing my nan and finding out my husband and terminal brain cancer, he died 14th July 2014, but Iv gone right down hill the last 8 months with bone pain, certain joints hurting 6 infections in 8 months, my immune system is so weak ATM and the stress Iv had to get DWP to do a home visit for esa , no problem for pip, I get highest for care & mobility that was last September I got awarded but have to be assessed again after December 22nd of this year, they said they gave me it so I'd have extra money to get to and from appointments, I don't understand it one bit , surly you can't give it to someone who can't do nothing but lay down then take it away from them, it's been stressing me out ever since and for the esa well they've had 3 Drs letter one I had to pay for £25 and send it off to them coz my stupid GP didn't fax it over in time . Not getting on with my GPs , excuse me but they have treated me like a junkie !! Sorry got to go in tears and can't see the screen properly. But well done for keeping your cool, I wouldn't of done as I'm so angry at the world at the moment xx

ukgospeldiva profile image
ukgospeldiva in reply toDaisy73

If you'd like some practice help?

Ping me and you will have direct contact.

I'm on ESA in the "support group" do fail to grasp why they haven't put you in this yet?

Further, I have helped others from disabled with different conditions such as sight impaired to veterans with PTSD. I was married to one with physical disabilities and PTSD (both Service acquired )and like you I am a widow- from Jan 1st 2006. Kind regards Heather x

Daisy73 profile image
Daisy73 in reply toukgospeldiva

Hi sweetie, Iv been getting ESA the last 3 years and never asked for a medical, just. Took over the phone that was good enough, what will ask your advice if you can help... when I cared for my late husband James, I revcieved carers allowance at £93 a week, right we was married and he dealt with all paperwork, we got income support. When he died , I started getting letters I owe £16000 and I had no idea why and it's only twigged on cos my carer claims carers allowance for me but they take it out of his ESA, so now I know why I owe the money cos my husband or the DWP just didn't do there own work , so now I have to pay back £40 pounds a month and £60 a month rent areas , I should be getting the full amount of £250 esa , Iv tried writing to them and all they send out is letters saying I have to get on a train and go for a medical on what my gp has said she's to unwell and another letter saying I have severe fibromyalgia please can she have a home visit so I'm waiting to hear what next, the Drs know Iv deffo got osteoporosis just how bad they wanna know , Iv missed so many appointments due to the pain I'm in and laying down is bliss coz my GPs won't up my pain meds so my pain is way out control. So do you have any advice on that?? Iv still got all my paperwork from when my husband was Alive from when CAB filed it all for us 2 as I was coping and still not, if I knew I had to have some money of my incomsupport , I had no idea as the incomsupport my husband had to claim for us two so now Iv been £100 month short for the last 3 years, I think it's there error not mine has Iv had never ever claimed carers allowance. Xx

ukgospeldiva profile image
ukgospeldiva in reply toDaisy73

It seems that your late husband claimed carers allowance for you to look after him?

But now your being told you owe them £16k for what?!

You wouldn't have received this amount in carers allowance to being with!

I believe you may well have been wrongly targeted. Have they sent to you an explanation and full break-down of the entire amount of 16k, to what dose this pertain too?

Further, CAB submitted the original paperwork so what follow up did they provide you with?

Which part of the country are you from as I'm in oxfordshire?


Daisy73 profile image
Daisy73 in reply tokatieoxo60

If you read again she is exsplaing why she had a shawl wrapped around her head and sunglasses on because of lupus and her neighbor rudely hissed at her saying she didn't know she was living next door to a Muslim and just carried on with a conversation, it's not like she's prime minister or something, god sake she's trying to help others or are you to ignorant and it's all about you!!!!

Delzek profile image

Something many dont think about but a relative of a friend who was working for the DWP had a breakdown and was hospitalised due to the stress she had at work , Gov say they dont have quotas they do! I have met the Lady concerned and she told me all about it and that she was not the only one who has ended up with PTSD due to "WORKING"for the DWP she is now from what I understand taking them to a tribunual . It really is sad many people think its just us who suffer well its not, I feel so sad how we as a so called civilised society can allow this to happen in this day and age.

DWP causing PTSD not only in claimants but within their own staff as well. A quote " Staff at the DWP feel like they have one fòot in the grave because one more case may give them a breakdown"

ukgospeldiva profile image
ukgospeldiva in reply toDelzek

I agree wholeheartedly. The government targets are disinformation-used to cause confusion,panic and deflect away from the fact that all the reforms are a waste of taxpayers money, a waste of time, are humiliating for the claiments and degrading for the civil servants who have no other choice than to 'follow orders'?

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