So the hand is started swelling up again and the pain is excruciating 😖 omg what's going on with my body ready to throw the towel inðŸ˜
Hand: So the hand is started swelling up again... - Pain Concern

Did you have an accident or something?
Is it not inflammatory diease of some some sort. Bloods and and a ultra sound of yr hand maybe a referral by yr doctor to a rheumatologist..
So sorry that you are in such pain. My grandmother suffered from R.A so I know how painful it can be. I understand that treatment has developed a lot over the years and I hope that you soon get the help you need. Hang in there!
Hi deejojo
Have you posted in the NRAS section of Healthunlocked? Lots of peeps over there with advice or just somewhere to rant amongst fellow sufferers.
Have you been diagnosed with RA? On any meds yet?
If not then you could do with something sooner rather than later. Early, aggressive treatment is generally recognised as leading to the best outcomes with RA.
I know exactly how you feel, my hands looked like that for a long time, but the good news is that with the correct drugs (and depending on what you believe some dietary changes may also be helpful) there is hope. I have been in remission for the last 5-6 years and it is largely due to Humira - at least as far as I can tell.
You will find lots of advice, empathy and willing ears over at:
If you haven't already of course.
Gosh. I'm to am very sorry to hour family is not very supportive;(. Just know that were all here for you on this forum. Hang in there alright, 😊.
Hi Deejojo, nice name. I can empathise with you regarding your severe pain and swelling in your hand joints. You don't mention how the pain makes you feel in yourself? I have osteoarthritis in most of the joints in my body. I have 14 pressure areas that have severe pain. One of the worst is my spine. I have scoliosis with my orbit and axes bones creaking like an old broken wheel barrow.
No it's not me we should be concerned with just now, it's you!
RA has a recessive gene, a marker and it is hereditary, both my sisters have RA. There are advances in the treatment of RA and I am glad that you are going to get the help of a rheumatologist, soon. Gabapentin and its newer friend Pregabalin work to reduce the pain in the nerves that help your muscles to work. Hence you not only get muscle pain but you also get residual pain in your joints as the joints start to wear out because of the process and progress of the RA. I am not sure how long you have suffered form RA but it sounds quite some time. Do you have any psoriasis or the arthritis that also goes with the condition?
Getting the best pain relief will help your mood and helping to reduce the damage to the joints. One medication that is being used at this time is an anti cancer drug called Methyletrexate. This is no cure for RA but for some reason it reduces inflammation surrounding the joints so reduces the pain that you are having.
At some point in the future you might have to have surgery. Replacement hips, knees or shoulder joints. even wrist and ankle fusion too.
Getting to know your disease on intimate terms will help you plan how you at going o carry on in the future. You might think I am mad or something but I use cardiovascular exercise to help me with my pain and stiffness. I joined a council gym after my GP suggested that it would help me. By Jove it has. You only do what want to do, you only do it for however long you want to do it. You have a personal trainer who is a qualified instructor and he/she will have been trained to assist you by making up a plan of action. They will be there when or if you need them.
If you want to talk to me about anything to do with your condition ask a moderator to get in touch and I will be happy to listen to whatever the problem is. I have broad shoulders and painful ones too.
Good luck and best regards Oldman1952