Painful hand: I have alot of pain and swelling... - Pain Concern

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Painful hand

31 Replies

I have alot of pain and swelling from Carpal tunnel syndrome. I have another 3 weeks to wait for a follow up after investigation of nerves in my hand . Does anyone know the best way to help the pain and numbness. I have a splint at night which helps . During the day quite often the burning and stiffness are so bad I don't know what to do to help it. Thanks

31 Replies
bantam12 profile image

Surgery is the way to go, I put up with it for years messing about with splints and so on, had the op and that cured it, I wouldn't hesitate to get the other one done if needs be.

in reply to bantam12

Yes I agree, it's starting in the other hand too. Is it difficult to get back to normal afterwards.

Thanks .

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to

You have to give it time to heal but I had no problems at all, I had mine done on a Christmas Eve and was still cooking lunch next day, with help because I was bandaged up but was doable, whatever you do don't get both done at the same time !

in reply to bantam12

Thanks, no the other hand is no problem just now. I'm right handed and it's my right in trouble.

Cazza2612 profile image

Hi, I take it you have had the nerve conduction test done. I had that done and it was the most painful experience I have ever been put through

I suffer from terrible arthritis and fibromyalgia pain as well as epilepsy. The Arthritis and Fibromyalgia cause me terrible pain 24/7 there is not a part of my body that isn’t in pain so therefore to inflict more pain on patients like myself for a test just isn’t right when you already suffer so much pain. This is definitely a test I won’t be repeating because of the severe pain there must be another way that they can test the nerves in my hands without causing me so much pain.

If I had known how painful the test was going to be I wouldn’t have had it done. I would have spoke to my Rheumatologist about other options.

Take Care

in reply to Cazza2612

Hello, apart from epilepsy I am suffering the same as you. The test was painful but to be honest I just wanted to get it done so I bit my lip and endured it. I also have tinnitus so life at the moment is scary . I wish you well and take care.

1234Mm profile image

Hold it under the cold water tap until pain can’t be felt

in reply to 1234Mm

Yes I do that and sometimes an ice pack. Thanks and take care.

mjfoster profile image

I suffered for a number o years with carpal tunnel first in the right hand and then in the left and well the pain was beyond belief if both went at the same time into a flare up. I had the nerve conductivity test in both hands on the same day and it was painful but no where near as bad as the carpal tunnel itself. I was confirmed and booked in for surgery on my right hand first. In the meantime I was waiting for a scan for RA in my feet. Was diagnosed with RA in june 2016. Op on hand was August 2016. Success would not have hesitated to have the left done later but after being started on RA meds the problem with my left hand almost disappeared so I wonder if my RA needs help. I still can get tingling in my hands and pins and needles but I know they are related to the RA and not carpal tunnel. Sorry for the long winded reply but definitely have the OP and the exercise given but dont forget to massage the scare area it really does help the rehabilitation of your hand stiffness and reduces the scar.

in reply to mjfoster

Thank you very much for your help and advice. I had both hands tested yesterday even though the left hand has only just started feeling weird. I have so much pain almost everywhere that although I have arthritis I am beginning to wonder if it's RA . You sound very caring and knowledgeable so if I may I will keep in touch. Keep safe xx

mjfoster profile image
mjfoster in reply to

No problem I would like that xxx

in reply to mjfoster

Hello, I'm having the operation for C P S .at the beginning of September. I'm finding it quite scary as I am having the right hand done and now the left is getting painful. I live alone and wondering if it would be very hard to manage myself. Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.

mjfoster profile image
mjfoster in reply to

Hi Tanty that is good news that the wait is quite short. It is 4 years since my operation and I was anxious about it at the time but it was fine the staff are very good on reassuring you. I found the aftermath ok. I had more discomfort than pain and you are given a good advice leaflet on how to look after your wound and exercises and tips to help the healing process. As you are on your own the difficulty will be food prep I used ready prepared veg and pre sliced cheese and made some freezer meals before the operation. Also so readymeaks for microwave the M abs Count on us and some of there other ranges where it is portion of proteinwith veg and potatoes expensive but only need a few. The operation is so worth it the reduction in pain from the carpal tunnel is like magic. One of the best tips I had was to massage the scar area regularly during the day for short periods once the scar had healed I used hand cream and did it while watching TV . It was soothing and really helped reduce the scar I massaged it with reducing frequency for about 5 months as it became a habit but my scar is nice and flat and almost invisible . Good luck Tanty abd ket me know how you get on

in reply to mjfoster

Hello, I had the operation for Carpal tunnel on my right hand just over two weeks ago. I now am left with a small scar which is a bit scabby. Not sure if you remember but I am still having alot of stiffness in my fingers hopefully it will stop in time. Your help was invaluable to me . Hope you are ok.

Take care xxxx

in reply to mjfoster

Hello again, I am having surgery on my right hand tomorrow, I'm feeling very nervous which is rare for me as I'm normally optimistic. It's being alone that is causing it. I have done all you suggested to prepare. Thank you for your kindness.

saj01 profile image

Hi, Sorry to learn you're in so much pain.

I've had both hands done... so can appreciate what you are going through. It drives you mad with pain sometimes.

I see you wear a splint at night which you find helps.. have you tried wearing it during the day? As you say, Ice packs do help as well.

Are you able to take any anti inflammatory tablets like ibuprofen, that will help reduce the swelling. The other thing you could try are some exercises for stretching the median nerve, you can look that up on the 'you tube'..... it's worth a shot.

The op isn't too bad, they don't put you out for it, just anaesthetize the hand. When you do get to have the op... try not to use the hand too soon as you can slow down the healing process. The hospital should give you some exercises to do.

Good luck, hope you get it done soon.x

in reply to saj01

Hi , yes I do take ibuprofen as well as cocodamol for pain. I will try the splint in the daytime but it's my right hand and although it tingles and hurts alot without the splint at night sometimes the pain was excessive. I also have a transdermal pain patch for my back so I am feeling very over medicated. Also without amitriptyline I would not sleep at all.Thanks for your help and take care.

saj01 profile image
saj01 in reply to

Hi.. Not surprised you are feeling over medicated. I can't take co-codamol, I end up feeling too spaced out. As carpal tunnel is often the fore runner of arthritis, I'm thinking anything you can do to reduce the pressure on the nerve and reduce the swelling is probably the right way to go. So do try those exercises....

If you can't get an op done for ages... then maybe your gp could give you a cortisone injection in the meantime, especially as you are having to take a lot of medication just to kill the pain . I had that a couple of times and it did work...but long term cortisone is not good for the joints. Just wondering if a dsmo cream or msm might help, although some peole say dsmo cream make their skin itch?

Take care x

in reply to saj01

Hello, thanks for your message. When you are in loads of pain from so many areas , sometimes anything which may help is tried. With the C T S I have an appointment in 2 or 3 weeks following the nerve test I just had . I guess the next step is cortisone jabs. But I really feel I would like the operation just so the pain will go away. It's such a very bad time right now with the nasty virus that I feel quite guilty knowing how much others are suffering. Take care and I wish you well.

saj01 profile image
saj01 in reply to

I think your GP is your next port of call... can you do an E consultation, at least that way you've broached the subject and you may be waiting months for the op... the cortisone jab does last quite a few months and it is a cheaper option. From memory the most you can have is 3 a year? It's a temporary fix which will mean you won't have to walk around spaced out... apart from which, taking lots of pain killer is not very good for you.

in reply to saj01

Thanks for your response, I have a date booked in 2 or 3 weeks as follow up where I am hoping something will be done to help the pain . Maybe it could be the cortisone jabs and I will sort of plead a bit for the operation s.a.p. Thanks again I am quite alone in a new area so it's lovely to think someone cares.

in reply to

Hello, thanks for your kind advise and help, I have now had the carpal tunnel operation just over 2 weeks ago. Healing scar and still stiffness and a bit numb. I rather thought a miracle would happen and it would all go away overnight. I should have known there are very few miracles happening now. Take care and thanks again


in reply to saj01

I just sent a thank you to myself instead of you. I have had the operation just over 2 weeks ago and stupidly expected that I would miraculously walk out cured !,,! I know now I have to be patient. Thanks again for your help and advice xxxxxx

saj01 profile image
saj01 in reply to

H i... sorry to hear you're still experiencing discomfort. It does take time for the swelling to go down and for it to return to ... shall I say 'normal'? You've probably got a follow up appointment with the hospital, in between time try not to use it... I know it's hard. Anti inflammatory meds should help to reduce the swelling as well as pain. Would suggest you also read up on foods etc which cause inflammation.

From memory I think it took about a month for the left one I had done and then I'd still get the odd twinge.. when I had the right one done years previously, my job involved heavy lifting, and so it was about 6 weeks they recommended I should refrain from lifting. Good luck ... hope it soon settles down.

Yogibe profile image

Hi I had carpal tunnel about ten years ago then i had the operation on both hands they told me that the operation may work or not the specialist did not tell me that I could get crps I got it both hands they did not send me to a pain specialist six months later and buy that time it was to late. Pain specialist told me that all he could do for me was to put me on strong medication my left arm was so bad that I had my arm amputated.

What u should do is get your go to send u to a pain specialist and he should be able to help u with medication

All the best and hope u get sorted.


in reply to Yogibe

Thanks for your response, Omg I am so sorry for all you have been through. Maybe knowledge of c t s has improved from your experience of it. I have so much pain that I have to leave myself in the hands of the doctors, fingers crossed it will go well. Take care .

Yogibe profile image

U are welcome hope everything works out for u take care

6092177588 profile image

I also have some in hands and arms ,feet. Try Ms society.

in reply to 6092177588

I will try thanks

saj01 profile image

Hi Tanty, just read one of your previous posts where you mentioned R.A. .. your carpal tunnel is a forerunner of osteoarthritis. I mention inflammatory foods, so also have a look at things which might help with that. My last surgeon who operated on my ankle, suggested I took double cod liver oil capsules and eat plently of oily fish?? ? All I know is the cartilage breaks down in the joints.. .

Take care

in reply to saj01

Thanks for your advice, I will take your advice. Take care

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