it is in fingers and hand I can not move any thing for about one minute would like to know what I am I missing?
hand cramps: it is in fingers and hand I can... - Pain Concern
hand cramps

Hi unfortunately there are no medics on this site and even if there were you couldn't be diagnosed over the net.
Your best bet is to see a doctor as there could be numerous causes. I hope you find an answer. x
Not enough information given. When and where does it take place?
I get hand cramps too. Especially affects my 3rd finger from thumb on right hand and first finger from thumb on my left hand. My GP calls it trigger finger, because they get stuck at times. He tells me it is osteoarthritis and comes with ageing. There are exercises you can do to help. Google “trigger finger”. It is worse in the mornings I find. But it is not as bad as osteoarthritis in my hip which will require a replacement soon !!!! So best wishes.
I've got trigger fingure and thumbs, hands cramp in the night. I found CDB OIL helps a great deal.
when the cramping occurs drink some water.
These are spasms caused by low magnesium & vitamin b12.folate I had pain,pins & needles & these silly hand spasms happening .2 Neurologists told me I had carpel tunnel before I had nerve conduction tests which proved them wrong just nerve damage from long term vitamin b12 deficiency..Depending on your serum b12 level sublingual supplements may be okay other option frequent b12 injections .
Unless I'm very wrong, which I doubt, your have got Tendinitis. You are 'lucky' that it only lasts a short time, trust me, this can Go On for hours-days even! I'm not too sure that there is a 'Simple' cause, although checking that you are not short of nutrients isn't a bad idea. This might sound stupid but, literally a 'Change in the Weather' can cause me an 'attack'.
Gentle had exercises, rubbing the knotted tendon (you will find it, trust me) and maybe applying gentle pressure, to the general area, may well help. You can also 'experiment', with different creams/ointments though, I personally, tend to stay away from the 'Local Anesthetic' type.
Beyond this advice I can only really offer you my sympathy/best wishes, which seems rather a 'Cop Out'. Please do feel free to contact any of us again gh8nter- an Interesting 'Name' that.
Warmest wishes AndrewT
Vitamin b12,folate,magnesium & vitb6 .I used to have this Drs thought it was carpel tunnel twice until I had nerve conduction tests proved them wrong.This is only one of the many symptoms I had. View videos on for further life changing info.