PIP assessment and questions: Hi everyone, i am... - Pain Concern

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PIP assessment and questions

Alisonishere profile image
31 Replies

Hi everyone, i am new here and would like some advice on the above

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Alisonishere profile image
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31 Replies

Hi, I have just been awarded pip having been through the process and I know how stressful it is thinking about the assessment. my appointment lasted around 45 mins and I took my husband with me as I have mobility issues. Remember you are being assessed from the minute you enter the building as everything is usually on camera. I was asked everything that related to how I had filled in the form so firstly the lady that interviewed me was a physiotherapist and she asked me what conditions I had, what medication I take and what it's for, then she asked what problems I had in the kitchen, bathroom, if I used any aids, what problems I have dressing etc and also if I drive and use a computer. Remember try to take your time answering the questions they are not aloud to answer for you but on a number of occasions she did try to put words in my mouth, if she's right that's great but don't agree with what they say unless you do! Then I had a small physical so she asked me to grip her fingers as I have arthritis and my grip is poor, then she asked me to push against her hands to test for upper strength. Overall it seemed to go really quick and you can never really tell how it went because you tend to go over and over stuff afterwards like I should have said this or I shouldn't have said that, but go over your claim before you go and try to remember the key points you want to say. The lady I had was pleasant and I genuinely think that she tried to put me at ease but remember they are not your friend and have a job to do so try to put a business head on and you will be fine. There is a great website called benefits and work which is a font of knowledge with all benefits and has a good forum also where others are all going the process also this might help you, hope I helped a little and good luck x

neilcardiff profile image
neilcardiff in reply to

i had a pip assesment last march the lady came to see me in my home . she was very good . mentioned tthings that i didnt even think about . she was very helpfull and i got my pip around 4-5 weeks later

Alisonishere profile image
Alisonishere in reply to neilcardiff

Thats good to hear that you had a positive experience with them Neil, i think i may request a home visit if thats possible, thank you.

Tash1971 profile image
Tash1971 in reply to Alisonishere

You can only request a home visit if ur housebound,seriously. .my uncle has cancer,is a diabetic type 1 & he had to go to them as he was not housebound ir bedbound!!

Alisonishere profile image
Alisonishere in reply to

Hi Cool, thank you for that, did you get the PIP?

in reply to Alisonishere

Hi Alison, yes I did get awarded pip and it took about 4/5 weeks after the assessment to getting the letter through although to be honest when I got the brown envelope through the door it took me an hour to open it I was a bag of nerves! I'm sure that you can request a home visit if its better for you , fingers crossed for you that everything goes well x

Alisonishere profile image
Alisonishere in reply to

Thank you for that, i am on the highest amount of DLA at the moment, it is due up in December, thought i had best get myself prepared for the ordeal, not had anything through yet, do you have to apply yourself, or do the DLA automatically send you the PIP forms?

in reply to Alisonishere

I also was a DLA to pip transfer and they send the pip form out around six months before the end of your current award , firstly they send a form to you asking if you want to claim pip and then you ring them to say you do, they ask a few basic questions and then they send you the claim form, you get around 4 weeks to fill it in and send back, i would say that try to send as much evidence as you can when you send the claim in , if you can get things like a letter from someone who maybe helps you at home like family, who knows how your disability affects you and things like a doctors letter explaining your difficultys or X-rays or MRI results, anything that will help support what you are saying in your claim form is worth sending in.

Alisonishere profile image
Alisonishere in reply to

Thats really useful information, the Macmillian filled my last form in for me, so i shall probably ask them again, they are at my local hospice and get all my details from my oncologist and doctor, i still have one chemo to go as well, so hopefully i should pass the test, but who can tell these days xxx

in reply to Alisonishere

That would be a really good idea as they will give you loads of help, also if the dwp have enough evidence they will sometimes award just on the claim form without sending you for a assessment especially if the things sent are from a source like Macmillan. It's a difficult time when you know these things are on the horizon but I'm sure that with help you will be successful xx

Alisonishere profile image
Alisonishere in reply to

Yes they got me the highest rate last time, thank you for the really good advice xx

chairbasedIns1 profile image
chairbasedIns1 in reply to Alisonishere

I would certainly get a medical report.I didnt when I helped my friend and they reduced her from enhanced PIP to basic when she has recurrence of cancer. They automatically reduced it 2wks after the assessment,didnt believe what we said and though we complained immediately on getting the report took over 3 weeks to reply but soon changed their mind after I did a 3 page report and got a DES 1500 from the oncologist.I am a retired Health professional. I think it is appalling how they often proceed and a mine field for ordinary people unless they get CAB,AgeUK , MacMillan or some other agency to help them.

makemepainfree profile image
makemepainfree in reply to Alisonishere

they contact you do not contact them what I think it is all about is getting people off from getting a motility car and also reduction on benefit the people I know who had benefit too get car don't now and I was one not that I used it as I cant drive due too meds iam on and miss it badly as I drove in my job I had and cant do now which I also miss as I loved my job

Leonwp profile image
Leonwp in reply to Alisonishere

You will get the forms sent to you any time months before your DLA expires and then you have 28 days to begin the PIP process or your DLA will stop and that doesnt mean MAY stop it means WILL stop, not in december but 28 days after the notice. It is a terrible and awful way to deal with people with long term disability and many dont apply through sheer fear of the process. When you get the notice contact your local CAB for help and guidance, i had help with my DLA but managed PIP on my own although not without buckets of stress and anxiety that i really dodnt need.


Mkemp65 profile image
Mkemp65 in reply to Leonwp

I get DLA indefinitely and am 66yrs old will I have to apply for PIP.

Leonwp profile image
Leonwp in reply to Mkemp65

Hi it goes on your date of birth but im afraid i didnt note it because it doent apply to me but they have changed the rules several times, at one point no one already on high level dla was going to have to apply, then it was apply but automatic acceptance now its zero. The only thing i can advise you is to go on ENTITLED TO and put in your details in their questionaire, it should give you the correct answers.

Mkemp65 profile image
Mkemp65 in reply to Leonwp

Thank-you x

AMOALL profile image
AMOALL in reply to

When I had my pip there were two men outside the venue just hanging around.....they were watching to see how you arrive.eg are you claiming mobility yet managed to stride up to the office? Etc.etc. Thank goodness I am not dishonest so had no problems, but do know that you are being watched.

VELoce21 profile image

Hi I have just been through the pip process. I am still recovering from the ordeal. I can't believe that I fell for some of their tricks. Like " wouldn't you be more comfortable in this chair" I complied thinking he was being kind but really he wanted to observe how I move. I was awarded the enhanced rate for both mobility and care. I noticed he asked each question twice. He tried to put words in my mouth and answer for me. I would advise anybody to have support in the interview (if possible !) of another friend/family member. It is still going round in my head. Good luck to you..

Alisonishere profile image
Alisonishere in reply to VELoce21

Thank you for that Vel, could you tell me what sort of questions they asked please x

misty14 profile image

Hi alisonishere

Macmillan and Citizens advice work together to help you get all your entitled to so they will help you fill in the pip forms when you have to renew. When you get the forms you can make an appointment to get it done. As they know how best to fill them in it maximises your chances of success so you may not need an assessment. Also any evidence will be a big help too. Best of luck. It's bad enough you've had the trauma of cancer without having to go thru this!, x

Alisonishere profile image
Alisonishere in reply to misty14

hi Misty, i also had surgery to my spine that was needed due to a fracture 4years ago so my mobility is not so great anymore, i can walk unaided but have to have morphine to sort the pain out, the cancer is incurable so its a case of what drugs will control the tumours in the time to come, ty for the advice, its very much appreciated xxx

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to Alisonishere

With all your problems alisonishere and the help of citizens advice you should get pip no problem. Remember it's how far you can walk with pain and tiredness, least amount the better and you write about your worst days too!. Best of luck, sorry your having to cope with so much. X

Alisonishere profile image
Alisonishere in reply to misty14

oh i shall appeal if i don't get the highest rate, some days i can't even get out of bed, and that was before i started my chemo in October last year, mind you, last chemo next week so something to look forward to xxxxxx

Something about the doctors etc who asses you for this, they are sometimes from a private company who only get paid by refusing your claim for this benefit so beware!

The thing to do if you get refused is to apply again for it asap and you might have a better chance second time around.

Alisonishere profile image
Alisonishere in reply to

i would appeal if they turned me down, i've heard they can be a gang of rogues though, but apparently most of the appeals that have gone through have been won, so i would have no problem doing that, but it worries me that more vulnerable people don't have the confidence to appeal, its shameful what they put you through nowadays, but hopefully they do rid the ones who abuse the system, thanks for that advice Jim xx

in reply to Alisonishere

They refuse you first time around so they can make money, which is sad. But I do agree that it weeds out the people who abuse it so in that way it is a good thing. Sad though that some genuine people lose out because of it.

AMOALL profile image
AMOALL in reply to

jimtom that is not the case in my town, I know of two people for sure who cheat the system. One of them came over from Europe because she claimed that our doctors are so stupid they fall for any story!! She is one of the bad back brigade as apparently no-one can disprove this.. the other lady has never worked, not even for a day, and as soon as her children were grown she too joined this popular bad back group!!

They both have the highest awards in both care and mobility, it's a joke!!

Tash1971 profile image

Good morning..

I've been to a few pip assessments due to disability the only advice I can give u is to think carefully b4 answering ur questions , the Dr's & nurses that run these assessments are looking to see how u are on a day to day basis, you have filled in the forms & got an interview so u are getting somewhere they see u have issues, now it's like going over the same questions face to face..x

I've got a renew assessment nxt wk.x

Alisonishere profile image
Alisonishere in reply to Tash1971

oh best of luck for that, please let us know how you get on xxx

robmcd85 profile image

Hi Alison. I'd recommend you send a copy of your application to your doctor to ensure they know what you've said. It will help them if they are asked to comment on your health. I was called into a medical too. Only had one in 2012, 2014 and then 2016. Mine went really well thankfully. If there are specific things you'd like to know give me a shout. Rx

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