Hi everyone,
I have my PIP assessment next week and just wondered if anyone here has been successful in their claim?
I have had lots of health issues (endo, adhesions, dermoid cysts, 5 surgeries) that has left me with chronic pain in my pelvis where my cyst was on the right ovary and pain running down the front of my leg that spreads out to my hip and across my lower back. I have seen a pain consultant who says I have neuropathic genito-femoral nerve pain (I actually think there are more nerves involved than this and have also been told ilioinguinal and obturator). I am also waiting for an appointment with a rheumatologist for possible arthritis as I have joint pain too.
All of this makes it difficult to walk and I take pain meds daily (tramadol and solpadol and amitriptyline).
I have looked at the descriptors for PIP an it seems that it all depends how far they believe I can walk (20,50 or 200 metres). I am in pain without moving in the morning and walking worsens that pain so I think I satisfy the criteria that I couldn't repeatedly walk without causing severe pain and fatigue.
I am basically at home most of the time unless my partner drives at the weekend and then I maybe walk a little (200 metres) but before sitting down but I couldnt do this everyday (or more than 50% of the time). I tend to use taxis or have lifts. I can't even take my daughter to school, someone does it for me and I have an electric bike to take her on days if I feel up to it.
Do pain meds count as an "aid" when walking? Could they say "well you could use your bike to go more than 200m so you don't qualify"!!
Is anyone here similar to me? Does anyone know anyone who has succeeded in a claim?
I know all I can do is tell the truth and hope they believe me but it would be good to here if there are any positive stories