hi there i am having bad shoulder and neck pain on the left side the neck pain comes and goes but the shoulder pain stays and doenst go away i am concerned it may be my heart as i am high risk of heart attack how ever i just had kidney/bladder stones last week could this be the course of this shoulder and neck pain?
pain pain pain!!! help pls...: hi there i am... - Pain Concern
pain pain pain!!! help pls...
Sorry we can't diagnose anyone. Best thing you should do is see your GP. He will get a cardiagram if he feels it necessary.
Hopefully too he will reassure you it isn't your heart
yes dear go to the doctor and the sooner the better as this is something you cant ignore as you say yourself that your at risk of heart attack. go to the hospital if you cant see your doctor today. this is one thing i would not leave and wait to get an appointment for. this pain is telling you something. i wish you well. and hope that after you have been you will be able to come back and tell us how things went, love grace xoxo
Like Pat says go to the doctor just to check. Don't stress too much though. It could well be as simple as muscle strain or something similar caused by posture or tension.
Do post what the doctor says though. Take care