I'm new to this I'm not sure what to do. My left and right hand goes numb when I'm sleeping in the daytime I do not have this problem. I can start wiggling my fingers and moving my hand around and the deadness will stop. My hands do not tangle or feel like needles they just are dead what causes this problem getting worse all the time.
Pain in hands: I'm new to this I'm not sure... - Pain Concern
Pain in hands

I get that when my neck is in slightly the wrong position at night - often that is caused because your pillow is too thick. You really only need a very small pillow to just support your neck a bit and keep it straight. Try altering your pillows and see if that helps. If it doesn't, then might be worth checking with your doctor.
No I don't think it has anything to do with my neck but thank you. I have mr. Pillow and I really sleep good. But thank you for your suggestion.
I have the same problem. My GP said it was due to the nerves in my neck. As earthwitch says try a small pillow and lie flat on your back.
Actually earthwitch may be right. The nerve roots to the right and left hands are in your neck. If they suffer compression then the hands can go numb. The cause for the compression can be muscle spasm in the shoulder which will pull on the neck vertebrate.
It is worth paying a chiropractor a visit to a get an opinion for your doctor.
Hi chick saw. I think it could be that you are sleeping on the arm that has pins and needles and stopping the blood flow a bit. Try sleeping holding a pillow with your arms in front not underneath. I had a the same problem and have educated my body to automatically adjust my position. I very very rarely get pins and needless now.
It's one theory anyway especially if it doesn't happen during the day.
Hi Chickasaw. I have the very same problem. Its nothing to do with my pillow. It happens when my hands/elbows are in a bent position with hands resting on my chest when I'm lying down. Whenever I straighten my arms the numbnes subsides. Does this sound familiar to you as well?

Yes, this sound familiar to me. I try to laid on my back most of the time, but off and on I will turn and laid on my side, but that last about 5 or 10 mins. Thank you for talking to me.
It would be nice to know why this happens. If I ever find out I'll share it with you. Take care

Hi Iain, you sound as though you have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome as well. It's completely typical that when your hands are in a bent position the symptoms will be at their worst, but the numbness prevented when your wrists are straight. You should find that shaking your hands brings rapid relief too.
Hi Chickasaw
I have the same problem, and it's caused by Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. I have it, mildly at the moment, in both arms and I often wake up during the night with one or both of my hands completely numb. Shaking them brings sensation back. Google info on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and maybe see your GP to get checked out. There's physio you can do for it too.
Hope that helps.
Thanks for this interesting info MumofSam. I'll look into this condition. Ta
Your clinician can organise for you to have nerve conductivity tests etc., these can answer
a zillion questions one can only guess at. Nothing beats a tad of clinical tests to give you the answer you are looking for.