I have pain and weakness in both hands but mainly in my right hand my gp says I have a weak wrist like, when I pick things up no matter how heavy or light I get pain in my wrist and hand and it starts going all tingly like pins and needles,
And at times I drop things like I could be holding a pen or I could be holding my mobile and suddenly it will just drop out of my hand but I still think I'm holding it if I'm not looking at it,
It's like my muscles in my fingers keep giving way , I'm right handed and it hurts to write, my gp gave me a injection 2 years ago it seemed to help a bit for a few months but then it stopped working he gave me tramadol but it didn't work and not does paracetamol the gp just tells me just to get a stress ball like and use that with my bad hand saying that will help a bit but it does nothing my doctor surgery sucks wish I had the money to go private
I hurt my hand when I was 12 , was pushed off my blades and was put in a splinter glove thing for a few weeks am 31 now could that have anything to do with it now do you think?