frustrated: it has been at least 8 or 9 months... - Pain Concern

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meemi profile image
20 Replies

it has been at least 8 or 9 months since i have been able to have any sexual relations wit

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meemi profile image
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20 Replies
Bananas5 profile image

Bit more info meemi if you want answers or advice,.

Pat x

To much info if you ask meemi take no notice of me just joking, tell us more.

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to

Ooh Gemini! So tell me whay is your answer going to be????

Pat x

in reply to Bananas5

I live in a Mobile Home, and if the house is rocking don't bother knocking.

Michelle1974 profile image
Michelle1974 in reply to

Hi Gemini71

I could not have thought of any better advice myself!

The only problem with this weather is it's so stormy and windy I bet you never get any visitors or ones that have not been expected.

I would love to live in a mobile home,would also be good to know if the rocking was true.

I mean could it rock ,if you were not and if you was would it not rock?

Seems to be a rather personal question that one,tell me to mind my own business if you want.

Back to this persons problems I suppose it really could be quite delibertating if you can't for what ever reason get the pill for this ill.

I myself have so many health issues ,I have had a lot of surgery take muscle relaxants,different opiates,anti epilemsy,other pain relief/ anti sicknesses ,anti biotics the whole not.

I wouldn't or couldn't run round the bedroom with sheer delight and need a soundproof room due to all the energetic noises of pleasure but I do have a great husband and marriage and I can't say we face too many difficulties at that said activity but my expectations may not be the same as a person whom is in full working condition. Also I have a stoma/catheter fitted and that doesn't agree with the whole aspect of it all but it's copeable.

Anyway hi to you and anyone else who is seeing me appear what a question to be greeted with


in reply to Michelle1974

Hi ,Michelle1974, The head is willing but not the body. There was a time ahhhh or is it Ooooo I've forgot. There's one thing I'm sure of a sense of humer goes a long way.

Michelle1974 profile image

What an awful thing it is that's troubling you. Your heart must be suffering from pain and I think perhaps you should get help quick.

How do you carry on ,the frustration you take around with you ,you really must be desperate for help putting it on this site took a lot of confidence. Do you consider it as actually physical pain. Maybe it's frustration that hurts. Thank god I have never ever come ( pardon the pun) into such a terrible way of life.

I know what advice I could give you but I am sure someone in the know could help you.

All I know is that I have never ever seen anyone present their sexual health on this site.

You make sure people don't ridicule you,that would not help it would make the situ hell of a lot more difficult but at the same time make sure you don't offend any members.

There is many different people with different religions and belief.

My best friend is a nun and my my uncles,brothers best frinds wife and extended family great great great great uncle and aunties twice romoved twins sons dads brothers sons father in laws grandad had your problem and his identical twins mothers parents great parents sisters son cousins friend had something like your problem but they had been waiting until the second Sundays,four week months date in the summer,mainly in the winter had had if for ten months,three weeks,six days,four hours,twenty minutes and 59 seconds. I think anyway.


Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to Michelle1974

Do you know more about this question Michele than we do/

Believe me we have questions on sexual matters before. It is all part and parcel of chronic pain and the dugs taken, MMusclle relaxants for starters.

Relhion? Does thataffect ones ability to///to....well amytjing?

Poor chap we should let her speak shouldn't we? There's more tan one way to skin a cat. Nudhe nudge

Pat x

Michelle1974 profile image


I only know what this man/ lady wrote on the post and the sentence was not finished.

I went on to the profile and that doesn't tell you anymore.

I wonder if it's physical or medical pain causing the issue.

Or whether it is a person whom is just fed up from not getting what he/ she feels they need.

May be it's medication induced but you would have thought that the person would be more aware.

Hey it might be the suffers partner and not the sufferer?

Quite confused actually are you.


Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to Michelle1974

All I can say is whoever wrote thosse few words has had more written from us 3 thsn many who post here.

Think we wait and see if any mmore words come. If not we move on.

Pat x

Last thing I think about is sex lost all interest in it

deejames profile image

I think about sex a lot but I can only think. The act itself would increase my pain tenfold not to mention being unable to function. As time goes on I realise how much the lower spine is involved in everything we do. I'm doing upper body strength rapidly but I can't find a way to exercise without hurting my lower back. Its frustrating as I take a blind girl to the gym and have to stand watching ( which is painful as well) . it feels like someone has replaced my lovely flexible spine with a piece of rusty jagged metal. So no sex. Sorry husband

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to deejames

Maybe it's living with David with his crimpled body for so ,amy years but we have leant not to look back. Holding hands when we are out - asuming he isn't in his chair. Tucking his arm through mine. Being together for friendship and compamionship. All these do go a long way to make up for no 'sex'. Plus lumpy nits, droopy niys and not being wuiyr the same shape we once were does help too!

And any man who takes muscle relaxants has to live with the consequences! Thik about that!!

Pat x

Michelle1974 profile image
Michelle1974 in reply to Bananas5


It must be really awkward for the male half if he is taking muscle relaxants,frustrating for him and his wife.

What makes it worse is he started to share his sexual problems with us. He has left us intrigued but also uninterested,I do hope he find what he is looking for and he was careless losing it in the first place.

Hang on I never thought of it like this and that is he may be getting off on our conversations of him, I used a term in that sentence that made me sound like an old fish wife and that's not my style ( not all the time anyway) I must say I do agree with you ladies and lets not let that scar us,we just carry on as if he was just an idiotic person and we have already forgot what he posted.

I can't recall talking to you ladies before so what a nice way to meet!

Best wishes



Edu2r1 profile image

If it is due to pain, sometimes just a little is better than nothing and at a point you have to push through being uncomfortable to encourage further activity and to reconnect with your spouse.

Michelle1974 profile image
Michelle1974 in reply to Edu2r1


Hi ,never messaged you before,I am Michelle which you would have most probably noticed that by my title . I'm not 74 yrs yet,for a long time yet.

I just thought your reply said it all,poor man he is suffering terrible with some kind of sexual problem,but I guess his prayers may have been answered and he is sporting a really big ear to ear smile as he has not been back on.

Do you think we should be jealous ?

Take care x

Edu2r1 profile image
Edu2r1 in reply to Michelle1974

Lol! Well whatever works I guess. Nice to meet you.

Michelle1974 profile image
Michelle1974 in reply to Edu2r1

Nice to meet you,I just hope that as the person seems to be satisfied now someone must have answered his prayers.

Good thought Pat ,they may have wanted to spice things up a little you never know.



Bananas5 profile image

Maybe Admin thought we needed something to chat about. like loose women, and men. maybe they put the remark up/

Just a thought

Pat x

The best sex you can ever have is in your head lol

Not what you're looking for?

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