Pain in toes: I can't wear shoes. My feet burn... - Pain Concern

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Pain in toes

Mary214 profile image
28 Replies

I can't wear shoes. My feet burn and goes into horrible pain. I am not a diabetic. Anyone not a diabetic have pain like this? Doctor said nerve damage but from what. I don't wear high heels. Or wore them hardly any in the past. This is not minor pain either. Do you think arthritis? I don't have RA. Been tested.

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Mary214 profile image
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28 Replies
Copper283 profile image

Hi I have exactly the same horrendous pain in my left foot and toes sometimes it's hot and burning and other times it's like electric shocks. I'm not diabetic but I do have nerve damage at L5 S1 and had a discectomy in 2012 I have weakness in my left leg and loss of feeling in my left foot. Dr says this is neuropathy related to nerve damage and I am presently trying different doses of meds to try to help

Mary214 profile image
Mary214 in reply to Copper283

I need to get in to a foot doctor. Thanks and sorry you have pain like me. I hate it. The fact I can't wear shoes really makes me mad. I bought uggs and they hurt. Now I am trying no socks with them. Desperate! Did you just go to a foot doctor? I have not had pain so far in my legs. I do have back and shoulder and horrible neck pain. Thank you for your reply! (: Good luck.

Calceolaria profile image

Best ask for a scan.

jointpain profile image

With regard to the weather at the moment, could it be chilblains?

Boozybird profile image

Hi, if you don't have leg pain to accompany the toe pain then most likely something called morton's neuroma (Google to see if it fits the bill) or a stress fracture but then you'd most likely have swelling?

If you do have accompanying leg pain then could be referred pain coming from back.

X-ray will determine stress fracture.

If neuroma then rest and lots of self massage with hands and tennis ball to see if you can breakdown the fibrous crap annoying the nerves..


Heorte profile image

there can be so many causes, but has your GP not suggested an xray? Although feet can look relatively okay on the outside, a podiatrist may see things differently.

If the burning pain you describe has a sharp seering quality, the chances are more likely to be nerve problems like sciatica and there are meds like gabapentin that would help, but without knowing the cause it all is trial and error.

Could be simpler (said very tongue in cheek) and chilblains, gout or even extreme fungal infections can cause burning.

Go back to doc until more is known. Good luck.

sandyhestrin profile image

Sounds like peripheral neuropathy. Worst pain ever comes and goes. I'm not diabetic either but I have this and sometimes I can't stand anything touching my feet, it sets off the nerves. I Tried Lyrica, Gabapentin couldn't take either one terrible reactions to meds, but I'm med sensitive. I Use a foot cream with Lidocaine and it helps it's a RX.

Mary214 profile image
Mary214 in reply to sandyhestrin

It is bad pain. When I take my shoe off after the pain wow hurts and can't touch my toes with nothing. I got told to try peroxide. Rub that on them. I am trying that and it feels good. The cool. It gets old fast so buy new. I have to buy some. Worth a try. 2-3 times a day. I am going to a foot doctor soon,

sandyhestrin profile image
sandyhestrin in reply to Mary214

Never heard of using peroxide. What is it supposed to do, I must try this!

Mary214 profile image
Mary214 in reply to sandyhestrin

I don't really know much on it either. I know it goes in and put oxygen in or some darn thing. I never headr of it either. I need new or I could tell you more if it helps. It seemed to relieve pain. do it 2 or 3 times a day. Maybe google it. I will try anything if it is safe. Let me know if it helps you any.

janiegirl profile image
janiegirl in reply to sandyhestrin

Hi Sandy! You had replied to me about possibly having Lupus. I seem to be unable to open my replies that have been sent to me, so could you tell me again what you asked? Thanks so much!


janiegirl profile image

I have terrible pain in my toes too, especially the big toe on my right foot! I do have RA, or at least that is what I've been told! I also have a lot of arthritis throughout my body and have been tested for Diabetes. The test said no Diabetes, but my glucose was higher than normal! I have had many EMG tests which look for nerve damage, with no positive results! So, they have nothing to tell me as to why I have this pain! The EMG test is like torture too! I also have really bad pain under my nail beds. Sort of strange and it really hurts! I've seen three doctors and none of them have any idea what could be causing it! I will be seeing a Dermatologist next week for rash issues on my face and she will also look at my nails. Hopefully, there will be something she can tell me otherwise I am in the "dark" with all of this!

Your pain could be from a pinched nerve, which is what they told me, but after the EMG, that was ruled out for me! Good luck to you!


sandyhestrin profile image
sandyhestrin in reply to janiegirl

Do you have lupus? I was wondering when you mentioned a rash on your face?

Mary214 profile image
Mary214 in reply to sandyhestrin

no rash was mentioned. No lupus. Had blood tested for RA and they can see it then for that I think!

I have really bad pain on the top of my left foot I have had injections xrays etc; it can be really painful to walk any distance I have been given Gabapentin for nerve pain. I used to do a lot of walking in the past and also have osteoarthritis arthritis in both feet. I also have problems with the discs & arthritis in my back. The Gabapentin does help somewhat also with my back nerve pain can be really horrendous and when it's your feet, I do feel for you

earthwitch profile image

Have you seen a rheumatologist? Do you have chronic back pain? There are other forms of inflammatory arthritis besides RA (spondyloarthritis, including ankylosing spondylitis and psoriatic arthritis which usually have a spinal arthritis component). Have you seen a neurologist?

See if you can book a double appointment with your GP and have a whole list of questions ready, and in particular ask them who you could be referred to who might understand what is going on.

Mary214 profile image
Mary214 in reply to earthwitch

No I have to get in somewhere thanks. I have gone to Rheumatologist. He never said a thing on my toes. I do have degenerative arthritis. Maybe in my toes too.

Could be a form of peripheral neuropathy. Only a neurologist can diagnose. I have small fibre neuronopathy. I am not diabetic. Had symptoms for 35 years & it got called RA, gout, tendonitis, fibromyalgia etc. If a body part is "burning" that indicates inflammation to drs . The condition is still not clearly understood and pain relief is aimed at anti-neuropathics and lidocaine gel or plasters. I use these and get 50% relief. life is very difficult as I have burning pain in 70% of my body. Capsicain SSRI's or amitriptyline can be tried. A neuro knows best what to do.

woosy123 profile image

I also have pain,burning and numbness in my feet and do not have diabetes. Mine is caused by peripheral neuropathy, which come from stenosis in my spine. I hope this is not the case with you. I take amitriptyline and co-codomol, it doesn,t cure it and I don't know how much it helps because I have never stopped taking them. I hope you can get your problem solved.

purpletwo profile image

I have very similar pain to yours in my feet and both legs. Mine is due to nerve pain from traped /pinched nerves in my lower spine. The sciatic nerve goes from your lower spine down your leg. Another nerve from your lower spine runs down your leg to the bottom of your feet and if it gets traped, it can cause burning, numbness, tingling, Pain, and weird sensations which very difficult to explain! Hope this is helpful to you :-)

teeceek profile image

You sound exactly like my father and he has neuropathy, a particular kind like idiopathic, some-thing-or-other neuropathy. I'm sorry it's just not on the tip of my tongue. It is so very painful. I feel for you. As others have suggested, one can be tested for it. You have to see a neurologist. That's where I would start, unless you have back problems but I do and do not have "burning" pain. Everyone is different tho.

Mary214 profile image
Mary214 in reply to teeceek

Thank you! I think a neurologist would be good too. I wonder if you have to be referred.

teeceek profile image

Depends upon your insurance, I would assume. I met my current neurologist at a support group where he was giving an informal lecture. I felt he was really "human." It has worked out well for me. Good luck!!

ancee profile image

This sounds very much like the symptoms I experienced when I was first diagnosed with Parkinsons. I would see a neurologist. This is just a guess on my part.

My both legs go numb pins and needles all the way down to my toes it's not sciatia as I've had a mri scan my L5 S1 DDD Not diabetic my pain is constant till I take amitriptyline at night for sleeping seeing a specialist next month I've looked up neuropathy been told it can spread to your hands too and be permanent

angelrobert profile image

I'm not diabetic either but I have this and sometimes I can't stand anything touching my feet, it sets off the nerves.

Linda9890 profile image

Foot pain can occur due to various reasons like arthritis, diabetes, bunions, corns and calluses, heel pain and more. Exerting more stress on them can be hazardous. So its always good to take up an effective foot treatment like chiropody or reflexology. These treatments are coming into acceptance and people resorting for them are also on the rise. I know a profound reflexologist at Erin Mills in Mississauga, whose treatment will prove its worth. I have taken a reflexology treatment there for acute pain on my left foot and its sign of existence is no where to be seen and I am doing well.

janiegirl profile image

Sandy, I have had problems with this website, so I wasn't able to respond till now. I don't have Lupus according to the Rheumatologist or Spondil(not sure how to spell), With having Fibromyalgia, as well and osteo arthritis along with sever arthritis my body goes through a lot of torment! I did have the RA test done again just to verify they were correct the first time around, and it was positive! I still have the rash on my face which the Dermatologist claims I am allergic to something I'm wearing, smelling or eating so we have to now rule out these things one by one.

My feet are still on fire and my nail beds still are painful with no help from the doctors! My research keeps coming up with secondary Raynauds' but they don't do the tests I found with my research. They want to have the neurologist perform that horrible and painful EMG test again but this time on my fingers! Ouch, no way!

Hope all is going good with you!


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