So nice to know your doing your job right, when a patient takes your hand and says thank you for helping me. Appreciation and respect go a long way.
Work: So nice to know your doing your job right... - Pain Concern
I always make sure I thank people who have been helpful and sympathetic, there are so few these days!! I for one appreciate people who are in healthcare to 'care'. Well done and thank you to you, you obviously care about your patients.
My patients come first and I hope and pray that'll will never change for me. Manys a day I am so stressed at work due to numerous reasons, but I always try and take a step back and listen to the patients.
Your one in a million it's wonderful to hear you take time with your patients. I appreciate every care worker I've ever come in contact and I must say that's been many,besides two Hostpital addmissions, and I've only ever come across one nurse who should never be doing the job as she had no compaction whatsoever. So a Big Big thank you to you all who have the job of taking care of people. Big Hug to you.
Thankyou so much. Unfortunatley its people like that who give the healthcare profession a bad name. Hopefully there is more good than bad.
My daughter is at uni at the moment doing a nursing degree, the curriculum she has been following so far, I feel, looks more at the political implications ie best practise, research based care rather than good old fashioned care I did when I did my nurse training. I realise that nurses have to been at a standard academically to understand the day to day needs but I think the day it was made a degree course has meant we have lost quite a few caring nurses who might have just been below the grade for Uni entry. I would like to see the Schools of Nursing which are attached to the hospitals back, along with the matrons, I may be old fashioned but give me a caring nurse over a really brainy one with no compassion, My daughter even knows of girls that have gone into nursing as it is a "free" degree, they then have gone on to do other things such as private hospitals where they earn the good money
I like your daughter did the degree nursing. I also agree with you. So many in my year at uni only did the degree because they were getting paid!