Hi there ive not been on here for ages as im. Usually on the action for depression\anxiety ! My problem is the muscularpain ive been getting in my left leg at the front upper leg due to my depression i always fear the worst ive been taking brufen and it doesnt. Always help any help would. Be. Greatfully. Recieved
Muscular pain in left leg : Hi there ive not... - Pain Concern
Muscular pain in left leg

I don't know whether you have any hip pain with it as I find when my hip is "zinging" I also get a horrible muscular ache down the side and front of my thigh. I usually try to see whether I am distract myself from the pain by putting in my Tens machine on a low setting for a couple of hours. I also find doing stretching and gently smoothing on something like Musselflex or a cooling gel can just take the edge of it.
Many people have said that having depression and anxiety an make pain worse and I would think m that anxiety would make all your muscles tense so more liable to aching. Hope this pain eases.x
Rosewine thanks for your reply. The pain is at the front of my upper left leg with pain im my hip unfortunately my depression and anxiety make it worse as i start to imagine the worst. I dont know wither to go to doctors tomorrow incase its nothing to worry about ! Dave
Sounds like mine. I asked to be referred to someone e as already on a cocktail if tablets so didn't want them to add to this. Was referred to a physio who gave me a series of exercises to do, some made me have more pain but others have helped my core strength and given me more mobility. He also referred me for needle acupuncture which unfortunately didn't help and hydrotherapy which certainly helped but unfortunately was limited to six sessions. The acupuncturist referred me to an Occ. There who have me a one off steroid injection which has had helped take the terrible edge off the pain for quite a few months and I am thinking of going to my new GP to ask about the possibility of a further one.
Before being referred to the physio I was sent to have hip Xrays which showed moderate arthritis. I am glad that happened as my GP was saying the pain was all down to my fibro and I did not have hip osteo. Nice to prove him wrong as his attitude changed from being sceptical about what I was saying to really listening to me. Good luck.x
take a look at turmeric and its active ingredient curcumin draxe.com/turmeric-benefits/. A member of the ginger family, turmeric is fast becoming recognised as an excellent pain killer, research proving it to be better than some 34 recognised pain medications. It has both anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It also works to protect bones from degeneration and has been shown to out perform steroids without the side-effects.
It is available in a number of different form, from the stuff on the spice rack through various powder, capsules, liquids and the fresh root (which some say is best). Not all have the same curative powers and some require 'activation' with piperine (black pepper's active ingredient). Some will work better than others or suit one complaint better than another - different strokes for different folks - but if you find the right one/combination it will make a difference.
Thank you for your post i had a inkling about the ginger thing will try it and will let you know how i get on ! Thank you lin lin
ginger is another great painkiller. Some people have issues with taking turmeric saying that they don't find it makes any difference. This, commonly, is because the digestive system passes it on to the liver, which then goes into overdrive trying to remove it from the system - thus it doesn't get chance to do its job before it is gone. One way to counter this is to make a golden paste. Fat provides a direct path into the lymphatic system and thence to the cells, enabling it to bypass the liver until it has had at least one swing around the system first. This isn't necessarily the best recipe but the page contains other useful information deeprootsathome.com/how-to-...
I have seen a really good link for preparing raw turmeric but now can't find it so this will have to do turmericforhealth.com/turme...
Some ideas on dosage turmericforhealth.com/gener...
You could also try cinnamon, ginseng, milk thistle or sour cherries too.
Golden paste can also be used as a topical treatment, applied with as a poultice, but do remember that it will stain anything it comes into contact with (including skin).
Hi rosewine for taking the time to reply to my post it is i think its muscular as my sisters a staff nurse and she said its more likely. A muscle problem was going to go to the doctor. But will leave it a few days and see if it clears up ive got a freeze gel im going to try along with anti inflammatorys again thank you for taking the time to answer my post take care. David
Thank you for your our reply I will read the info. on the site with interest.x
Hi Celtic27,
I am suffering really high pain levels in my left thigh from one side round to the other and into the groin, plus shin bone pain. Its like someone is pouring boiling water on you, are trying to pull your nerves out. My RheumyCon has diagnosed a damaged nerve in my back, possibly around L3, but just referred me back to Physio.
6th June I last saw my Physio, who said she would refer me to the Spinal Team and request an MRI. Trying to find out today if she did make the request. Tried Osteopath as well, no help. Tried Acupuncture, lots of success. She has managed to centralist the thigh pain to just a small area on the front of the thigh, and similar with the shin bone pain. Might be worth a try, this is the second time in 4 years I have asked for it, but had to go private this time.
To ease the pain, it is important to do things gradually, and in the right way, not just pick a bit to do. My method is to lay on my back on the bed, then bring up my left leg and cuddle the knee for 20 seconds. Start with just where the knee reaches without help first, then each time, bring it in closer by just pulling it in. After each time, rest with leg flat on bed, to give muscles a rest from stretching, after each 5, give the right leg a 20 second cuddle.
Laying flat on the bed is very important. As you do this exercise, you need to let your back curve slightly, but still be supported. Laying on the floor is for emergency only, it doesn't let the spin curve, which takes the pressure off the nerve. As you slowly let the leg back to rest, you should find that the pain trigger point is nearer to flat each time.
I have been following and helping 6 other posts, as well as jobs at home and my allotment. I agree that I struggled to read just what you wanted. Try breaking bits into separate lines, that way, we can follow better what you want.
Good luck
A friend has just started using CBD Oil for pain and anxiety wit some positive results. You can get it off amazon though it's not cheap but might be worth a try? Good luck
I have had the same type pain, now sometimes in my right front leg. At therapy they had me lay on my stomach and use a stretching belt to pull my leg up toward my back and hold the stretch for 20 seconds and let back down. 3 times with each leg. This stretches the front of the leg where the muscle has tighten It does help but make sure you do it straight or you can hurt the side of the muscle. Look up leg stretcher, I ordered one on line to use.