My GP is unsympathetic about my pain, what ca... - Pain Concern

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My GP is unsympathetic about my pain, what can I do?

MjRock profile image
9 Replies

In 2003 I had an horrific fall and sustained 13 fractured bones. They were 3 in my LV. 1,2 &3 both sides of my pelvis, both sides of my sacrum, my left hip, left forearm, left wrist, my left heel totally smashed, my left ankle and finally my left toe.

I have suffered with Chronic Pain Syndrome ever since and was given morphine for the pain. I kept getting it increased each time my body got used to it, but finally when it got to 240mg daily I decided not to increase the dosage and would supplement myself with Cocodamol

I then had to move home into a bungalow which is purpose built for disabled people. I also had to get a new GP but he was hellbent on getting me off morphine! Don't get me wrong, yes I did want to come off my morphine but he just stopped 20mg without any warning and he never reviewed me once in the 12 weeks it took to cut my morphine intake by half to 120mg daily! At the very least I expected him to say "well done"; but that obviously was me expecting far too much. I have been taking morphine for 13 years and what my GP's attitude towards me was unsympathetic, he never did any regular check ups either which I thought was the way it should of been done. I also felt he wasn't providing me any support net, what I mean by this is if my chronic pain continues, which it has then why is my GP not suggesting an alternate strong pain killing medication! I am fully aware the body has it's own natural opioids but for whatever reason mine has not yet kicked in, maybe it will never kick in?? I don't understand why or how the functions in my body doesn't work but all I do know is I am suffering everyday in chronic pain. I have a whole host of other conditions too! Then on 20th May this year I had a bad fall in my garden, I was taken to hospital and got told I have sustained a Comminuted fracture on my good left leg/ankle! I can't tell you how bad my pain was, it was off the scale! I had to have a cast on for 8 weeks! Also I wasn't allowed to weight bare which made it virtually impossible for me to get around because my disabled right foot was having to take all my weight causing me to be doubled up in pain! The doctor at hospital prescribed me 15mg of Codeine phosphate 2 four times daily which did help with my pain but also made me sleep a lot and as much as I needed to, I didn't go by the recommended dose due to it's addictive nature I took 2 twice daily instead. I went to the fracture clinic after my 8 weeks of wearing my cast. I was x-rayed and later the doctor told me my fractures were very nasty and it will take at least 6 months to get better. My cast was removed and I was given an orphopeadic boot to wear. I was told I was to wear it 4 weeks and also given an exercise instruction sheet and told to do these daily. On the 2nd week wearing my orphopeadic boot I had noticed a swelling on the site of my metatarsals. On the 3rd week my request for a repeat prescription for Codeine phosphate tablets was refused by my GP! WHAT! Are you kidding me?? I rang and demanded why he had refused me my pain medication. His reason was because they were addictive and then he suggested I use paracetamol!!! I was livid because they did t even touch the sides and also he hadn't offered me a prescription, he expected me to purchase them when I can't even get up unaided to go to my bathroom!!!

At the end of my 4th week I attended the fracture clinic. I explained to the doctor how I had a painful swelling over my metatarsals, he sent me for an x-ray. When I got back he touched my toe and asked if it hurt to which I replied no. He then stood up straight looking very confused. I told him it wasn't my toe that hurt it was further up my foot, it's my metatarsals, I then asked what were my x-ray results? He told me he could see a very fine line on my toe, he then said you will have to wear your orphopeadic boot another 4 weeks - OMG! I then told the doctor how my GP has refused my prescription request for my codeine phosphate - he told me all he could do on that front was to write to my GP asking him to review your medication for pain. I am now in my 6th week of wearing my orphopeadic boot and haven't heard a thing from my GP, I think it's disgraceful! Also the swelling around my metatarsals became much, much worse because when I woke up this morning, my entire right foot had blown up like a balloon!!!

I haven't rang my GP he who hasn't even darkened my door in the 14 weeks since I fractured it, I didn't ring the hospital either - why?? It's because I am being made to feel worthless and not believed when I tell all concerned about how much chronic pain I am in right now! Instead my neighbour has been and got me some Cocodamol from my local chemist. She asked the pharmacist their advice on my very badly swollen foot. I got more sense from the pharmacist than my own GP and hospital doctor who said - the reason for the swelling is because the soft tissue is protecting a potentially broken bone, I was to rest my foot on cushions above the level of my heart and apply ice packs to my foot, if it is still swollen after 48 hours then I am to take myself to hospital.

I've got another 26 hours to go. What gets me so depressed is not being believed when I am in this much pain, surely I have a right to be believed - it shouldn't have to be this difficult to get pain relief should it?

Thank you for taking the time to read my post, it means a lot to me😄 Marie

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9 Replies


I'm sorry you've been treated do badly, it's disgusting. I do think you should complain about your treatment especially your Dr not providing you with pain relief. I wonder how he'd feel if it were him. My heart goes out to you. Please take care Lynne

johnsmith profile image

The GP is confused. The x-ray showed a stress fracture on the toe and nothing on the metatarsals. You complaining about pain elsewhere other than the stress fracture on the toe.

Have a look at

There is of course referred pain where stress is being applied to a nerve and the site of the pain is not where the application of nerve stress is.

katieoxo60 profile image

I think most of us on painkillers have had them altered or reduced at some time . I agree this terrible attitude of not beleiving the patient makes the matter worse and does drive us to the chemist or elsewhere for help. Like yourself my movements are restricted but I spent a lot of money on an adapted bed and a riser recliner chair. I can manage the pain even on a reduced prescription, but that is not what we are supposed to do just endure the pain. Don't know what to suggest as you obviously have had many broken bones effecting their normal working. I would contact your local healthwatch or CCG and ask for clinical advice. Changing GPs is not so easy these days and changing their approach to patients is even harder to acheive especially as their budget is governed by the powers above. My Gp got round an issue for me by saying the hospital reccommended the drug, so he is following more specialist advice. The objective today is less drugs and more exercise, however are you like me the more you do the worse the pain becomes plus the muscles get weak too giving a double whammy. My thoughts are with you, hope you can continue to get cocodamol over the counter at your chemist but be careful you don't take more than it states on the packet. Do chase up your doctors reluctance to prescribe painkillers that work for you. Best Wishes and take care.

debsreed profile image
debsreed in reply to katieoxo60

In Scotland you can self refer yourself to podiatry dept just phone n ask for a form, maybe once they have assessed you they can recommend you be referred to the pain clininc but in the meanwhile your pain needs to be controlled for you to be able to engage in physio or anything else they can offer you even if its a letter to your gp saying you need to be referred back to orthopedics as if you dont keep trying to keep joints etc moving then other problems begin setting in due to not using that part of the body which if the pain was lessened it would allow you to increase mobility n recovery would be quicker as you would be able to take part in rehabilitation if it wasn't so painful. I would also get in touch with an occupational therapist and even a social worker, then if need be get a local advocate to get involved on your behalf. I've been there and its a horrendous situation to be left in, they thought l was making up the pain n had me go to psychology etc but they discharged me as mentally sound. Don't give up..... Get in touch with the hospital and ask for a copy of your medical records its your right to have them then ask for mtg with gp practice manager or get in touch with patient services listing all the injuries etc and how much your still suffering unnecessarily due to lack of adequate pain relief and your health and recovery is declining due to this, ask to see a different gp, phone everyday for appts they'll soon get sick of you or even go to minor ailments or start calling nhs24 getting gp to come to your home in evenings due to being in agony n not coping.... They will soon get the message. DON'T GIVE UP!! You deserve to be treated and not left to suffer. Mines is a horror story lm not going into as fingers going into spasm n to be honest they have misdiagnosed me for 15 years dismissed me even let me walk with 3fractures in my right ankle lm still in moon boot n crutches 4years on and thats not the worst of it. Be gentle on yourself and start getting tough and smart when dealing with these heartless egotistical supposedly caring professionals. God Bless, Deb.

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to debsreed

Hi Debsreed, I have actually got an orthopeadic appointment in September, my story would no doubt go on the same lines as yours, but we often come to a stage of no fight left. Heres one for a laugh I had an accident and they sent out a fire engine an ambulance did come later. Anyway I am still going to the orthopeadics next month maybe they might do all the correct tests to reach a correct cause of pain diagnosis and correct treatment. Can only hope but after 27 years I am not that optomistic and definately wont hold my breath. Let you know how it goes . Thanks for reply.

cyberbarn profile image

It sounds like you need to be seen by the experts in treating pain in a pain clinic. Your GP will have to refer you. Can you see someone else? are there other GPs at that surgery or could you find out when yours is away so you have to see a locum?

Then I would approach the appointment by telling them that you know you need too much pain relief and you really want to change that but you also know that the best people to help you with that is a pain clinic.

You may also want to talk to the practice manager. They are not all as good as they should be, but they may be able to help you see a more appropriate and sympathetic GP. You may also want to make a formal complaint, or if you don't want to go that far you could try your local PALS office

Two other organisations are your local Healthwatch, and the Patients Association. they have a national help line.

You may already know about this website, but just in case you don't you might want to look at the Pain Toolkit:

They have all sorts of ideas you can try. Not everything will work for you because you have two distinct problems, chronic pain and acute pain. Both need to be treated differently.

I hope you find some solutions soon, and a better GP!

hypercat54 profile image

Hi I agree to see another doctor at the practice. If it is a group surgery you can see anyone you like and not just the doctor assigned to you. Try the other ones there. x

Alanjones profile image

Ask your GP to prescribe you 'Long tech'' 30mg and 'Short tech'' 5mg for breakthrough pain. ( they are my doses) If you can put up with the constipation, Its been a revelation. Failing that change your GP.

I’m sorry you are going through a though time. I think you should visit or ring your GP as many times as it takes for them to take you seriously (make appointments weekly or even more often). A lot of GP’s assume that the pain is not too bad if you don’t come back.

Sometimes it’s as simple as asking questions differently , always ask open question to your GP, instead of complaining about pain, ask them what they are going to do to help you with the pain? Maybe the GP assumes that you don’t want strong medication as you came of your morphine?

Don’t give up, make an other appointment at your surgery (maybe with a different Gp at your surgery) and at your appointment ask when you should have a follow up appointment.

There are also lots of other things you can experiment with, like mindfulness, distraction, pacing, resting, ice, changing attitude towards the pain (not an easy one but definitely helps me a lot), physiotherapy etc

At least you know it’s going to get better (but maybe not as fast as you like)

Please take it easy and try to stay off your foot as much as possible. Good luck 😊

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