Those who've read up before..went physio..he wouldn't touch me..said my top half up to back neck..stiff has board.. went over my proplems over my 20 so..night sweats..pain upper middle back..ribbs..felt crap for months..pleased turned down my 2 and op.. any way went in to gp.. he said could die on morpie..and morpie is just for cancer stuffers.... what I've been on it 3 year...I am really mad up rang over no point me going has..need to see a rurmotglist... he went on about morpie..made me feel thinks I've ancan sepdalist..can't said it only happens to men..I've looked it up..sounds made me mad!!! Told them nearly 18 year of neglat... hasn't sent me for any thing..can't go on like this!!!!! I really am I'll..joints so half up to neck very sore..ribbs tight.. and well my lower back prop.. ADVICE ME
Hi..there even more confused now..went physio... - Pain Concern
Hi..there even more confused now..went physio today only been 3 times..wouldn't touch me..sent me straight to gp...

Sounds like u have ankylosing spondylitis !
Females do get it at a ratio of 40/60 . Tends to run in families & usually takes doctors decades to diagnose !
Physio is rite ! Morphine is very dangerous and isnt rite gor a adult with a terminal diagnosis ! It suppresses the respiratory system !
You need to see the rheumatologist defo asap !!
In the mean time i would take as strong an anti- inflammatory as you can at regular intervals as per the advice on the box & go swimming to try and loosen u up abit . A good massage will also help .
Im a female sufferer of AS . Had it since i was 4 yrs old. But started to get very bad at 18 yrs old !
Hope that helps !
Hi confused..I've been on morpie..for 3 year.. since my operation 3 year ago..I've looked up and sounds to the very thing..I only took 20 mg last night instead.30.. 30 mg this am..instead 40 mg..I can't hold my neck up..that sore..took 30 mg.. what does can I take.. he hasn't refured me...wish could swim..or would.. walk dog if can.u am cutting down slowly off these morpie..I've took 20 mg less then this time own doctor ringing me Monday..will exlanpe all to her..thank god physio has e mailed findings., and said Its not in my head.....I am frightening my self to take my meds !! But knew not to just stop...will slow come off them..why now 3 year later a doctor told me this??????
Be careful bout cutting ur meds down as your body is probably addicted to the morphine ! Very slow reduction.
Take nurofen every 4 hrs with 2 x 500 mg of paracetamol (NOT ASPRIN) not on an empty stomach . Try ice pack on ur neck . Also look at changing your pillar to a neck support 1 !! Thats helped me alot !
Wish i could take your pain away but at least your now on the path to getting sorted !!!
Madtabbyxxthanks bless you..hope I will get sorted now..need prop diagnosed.. like should of been when 23.. you knew had phymioa 2 year ago...thought was going to immune was down..should done tests then..doctors were baffled how is got that I'll..even tested me for HIV... which was norm xxxx
Madtabby..the doctor at Newcastle..nurotolist..told me I've bad arthritis.. but only ether had lumber should said prop.. be what's up upper back..its got very bad over few days..haven't lifted nothing..its very sore..feels like my necks hanging on a string.. have to lie down to ease it..then that starts lwwer back off..will get there...I hope x
Madtabby.please advice seem to knew what I am on about..I can't lift my neck ..last few been awfully.I've cut my morpie again....!! Going to take 2 nurifn before it normal for my neck to fell like can't hold it up????? Very sore lower back..put neck never been like this
Yes due to the imflamation muscles can go into crisis & not function as they should. The head is quite heavy so if ur muscles are struggling it will feel like u cant hokd your head up, plus if it us AS then alot if the AS suffers from yrs ago do have a disinct posture of which face looking at the floor is one!
If you touch the dimples in ur bum ( weird sorry) 1 either side of pelvis does it hurt ?
Also look up the NASS website as they have good advice ! National ankylosing spindylitis society !
Big gentle hugs !!!
Remember knowledge is power !
Louise, madtabby gives good advice.
See an Alexander Teacher. Look up the NICE recommendations for chiropractic treatment. Discuss them with your GP. Find out who the local yoga teachers are. Some the Hindu temples will know of yoga teachers who run free yoga sessions.
Foot reflexology may help your condition. My experience of physios on the NHS is that they know very little about how muscles actually function. Tight muscles need to be stretched. Stretching tight muscles are done in particular orders which a skilled massage therapist has learnt.
Muscles are strongest at there longest length. The more contracted a muscle is the weaker it becomes. You can end up in a vicious circle where over tight muscles try and contract more in order to do something, but are too weak to be effective. Tight muscles mean things are being compressed which should not be. This results in pain and over production of waste products which cannot be easily removed from the over tight muscles.
Hope this helps
Johnsmith thank you..there is no Hindu temples around were we live...I've looked on internet for help..can't find any anything at all your n my muscles are very tight..I knew.has my muscles in feet..fingers spas am..?! If a doctor had helped years ago with proplem that first started when 23.. wouldn't be has bad how.has would of done right physio won't even touch me..looking up things in my area..getting off these morpie..good job never did take then every two hour like was told to..I would pay someone to get me back on track..its my prop.need my muscles put back.normal..loved walking miles you all out near by lakes.. will get there
Louise, its not good looking back at what was. We are different now. Focus on this minute and are we coping in this minute? Yes, we are in fact. One step at a time. John also gives good advice.
Calceolaia.. thanks..please anwer me it normal to feel like I can't hold my head up.. it started off as dull ace how full on in neck.. have to lie down to help pain?? New pain..any advice ???? I knew can'tdwell really do..llost so much..believe me..even kids no can't do much..but god dam good mam.xxadvice any one with this as neckx
Louise, I don't know the answer. It could be extremely tight muscles or it could be arthritis. Have you been lifting or carrying anything? A scan might help your docs make a diagnosis. I hope you find some calm.
Morphine is used occassionally for people in pain but generally is used with those with a terminal illness due to its supression of respiratory system . Its not sorting out ur problem just masking it !
Its also very addictive !!! Thats why you cant buy callin & morph any more for tummy complaints because people became addicted. Be slow about reducing your dose as you dont want to go cold turkey it will make you feel like crap & can be dangerous.
Physio,s unfortunately do tend to b bit crap but are getting better. Oestopaths & chripractors look at the body as a whole as do chinese herbalists & have a better grasp of the whole body !
A sports physio will unlock your spine using various methods. After a few sessions you can go back to your regular physio, or a different alternative therapy. Try them obe by one, for a few weeks. If you get improvement, stick with it longer, if not try a different one.
I wasted a lot of time with the gp and inneffectual remedies he suggested. Took matters into my own hands and started alternative therapies. They are much more in tune with what the body is telling you, and will give you wee exercises to do at home. Nothing heavy, just stretching. They teach you to relax as well. It may seem pricy for a session, but when you add up all your prescription fees, its cheaper.
In 12 years of pain, I've only had 2 x 8 weeks using prescribed pain killers. I do have daily pain but doing my exercises and meditation pushes it to the back of my mind. It's never the first thing I think of ever.
Time to take control yourself and reduce or get off that harmful drug. Never should have started on it in the first place.
Also go to CAB and start a formal complaint about negligence. They will support and advise you to get the best outcome.

Zanna..thank you..really means a lot that you all are giving me advice..I've wasted most my adult life going to doctors etc..looked at like I was wasting there time.sick of looking at me..I've felt very I'll for 7 month now..felt fervesh on off..but never.been..this I'll..xxxhugs to al
Thank you..zanna.ether64.madtabby.calecolaria.. John Smith.hope mist no one out..really thank you..just took 2 nurifin and 2 paractmols..had 30 mg of morpie instead of 40 mg..which hasn't helped my pain..nurifin has ....I will do my best..don't think doctor helped saying would die..when in that much will not see me until I've had help from rumotolist?? And on correct meds..morpie been masking a lot!!! I knew..!!I don't want to take strong stuff!! My tummys getting sore..started with bad dizzy spells..few month ago...I stopped smoking august last year..or would be puffing my head off now....going nuts..but like say..don't point..need someone to help with muscle s.. and get propley diagnosed.. and go with flowxxxxx
I think once you get the right therapy, loosen your muscles a bit you'll start to feel better. Maybe you are feeling bad because you are reducing the meds quite quickly, cold turkey as it were. Maybe slow down and do the same reduction for a few days to give your body time to adjust.
Live for the now, as all we have is now to make a difference to our lives.
Good luck, you're taking a lot on all at once, don't get disheartened if there are some wee slip ups, the bigger picture long term results are what to focus on.