Just Enough: I am truly fed up just gruelling... - Pain Concern

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Just Enough

nedd profile image
2 Replies

I am truly fed up just gruelling along. The pain is relentless. I have lots of things to be thankful for but sometimes even with calm meditive reflection they just don't motivate the spirit. Me and the spirit is seriously flagging. So is man with a backpack full of Library books. However!!!

My fog filled brain has spotted a book called. Success with Fushias which I have added to his load.

After working our way through a list of errands and with every step wilting and disappearing into myself. (Not a good place).

I am collapsed with my coffee and a large piece of Carrot cake now planning to spend money on a little darling called Pink Gallore. It seems the Spirit is not quite ready to fall flat on her face quite yet. She has quietly been working on our behalf. For for as I am penning this. Good friend J rings out of the blue and invites me to a demonstration on Flower arranging.

The Sprit has opened one eye and while she is lacking in sparkle and is not up to rock and roll, she has infused me with breath of fresh air.

True I need more of a gigantic gasp. But still.

Or is that the Caffiene?

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2 Replies
teadrinker profile image

Go to the flower arranging, a change of scene can do wonders for the spirits - something I am finding out at the moment, even if it does all seem terribly difficult beforehand.

The cartoon is so true. A friend phoned today, still waiting for more tests into the cause of some acute pain, which is dangerously close to slipping into being chronic pain. My friend has been told to take paracetamol and ibuprofen. "Is it doing anything?" I asked. "Nope, doesn't even touch the sides, but they won't prescribe anything else." I'm not surprised, I'd had my pain for 8 months before anyone even thought about trying anything else.

nedd profile image
nedd in reply to teadrinker

Thanks for the encouragement. I did go to the Flower Arranging and one in particular. A simple Japanese job was so inspiring. Not to own but just to remember. It was so peaceful. I only went because I could guarantee being in bed by 8.30. And J was on a fundraising mission.

I hope your friend gets sorted. I myself have been prescribed various pills and potions, injections plus various other goodies the N.H.S can offer. A number of different departments have been bounced around. And I have followed all advice in hopeful anticipation.

The hope has wilted to a realistic zero over many years (re their recommendation, it seems it is a lump it job) and the anticipation has taken on a different guise on bad days.

All days can be labeled gruelling but some days the gruel is given the finger so to speak. And I remain undaunted and upright.

I rely heavily on the spirit to shore me up. She relies on a good nights sleep. Friends chocolate coffee other bits and bobs and above all music.

I know for certain that I am very lucky and many others have a heavier burden to drag around. But the nice thing about this site is that this is the only place I feel I can say it how it is. And I find it reassuring and heartening to read others hanging in there.

May your change of scene bring a smile and a spring to your step over Easter and beyond.

Best foot forward and thumbs up then to all of us who are hanging in there.




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