Hi, I'm 16 and ever since I started playing cricket last summer my back has been on and off pain. It hurts at the bottom right side where there is the knobbly bit, it hurts when I twist and turn and land hard on my right foot. Lower back pain
Sometimes I have massive pain at the bottom r... - Pain Concern
Sometimes I have massive pain at the bottom right of my back where there is a knobbly bit either side!

It sounds that you have twisted the lower part of the spine when playing cricket, All I can suggest is try and allow it to settle and take it easy. Ask your mother to get some Volterol cream put the tube in warm water, then apply it to the offending painful area.
It may be a good idea to have words with your GP as I am not a Doctor
Check out the signs of inflammatory back pain from here: sheffieldbackpain.com/profe... If you tick all the boxes for inflammatory back pain (rather than just mechanical back pain), then see your GP and ask to be referred to a rheumatologist. Chronic lower back pain can be a sign of spondyloarthritis, which is more common in men, and starts quite young.
go and see your doc and tell him what you have told us on here. he may send you for an X-ray or a scan if he thinks you need it. plating cricket my be making things bad. so see your doc
I've just been playing about 2 hours of football today stupidly and towards the end every step I took there was a sharp pain there
You may want to take some time off playing ball to let your back heal. You need to go see your GP (Doctor) as he or she will know best what's good for you. The long you play ball without seeing the doctor the better chance you have off doing damage that can't be undone.
Hi there;
I know this post is three years old, but I thought I would lend some advice for future reference. Every few months I get really bad lower back pain in the the two knobbly bits on either side of my spine, which usually starts when I play sport.
On one instance, around November of last year, I twisted my back while running (while playing basketball) in PE at school, to the annoyance of me and my family, as I struggled to go to rugby training, and then decided to rest (missing the rest of the season) and try and wait for the pain to end. But then I discovered something.
After reading online and hearing people panicing, 'oh it's back mice', 'I'm gonna have to quit my job', 'I'm screwed.' I read something, which I believe was at the bottom of a Wikipedia article, but that doesn't matter.
That might solve your problem, it works for me.
Oh, I forgot to mention, people also told me it's growing pains, (as I'm 13) which I told myself was true, but I thought otherwise.