Hi, I've had headaches for over 15 years now. I've very stressed right now and stuck in a cycle of not sleeping/not able to function due to headache. I'm already on diclofenac, amitriptyline and citalopram. I'm trying relaxation/mindfulness without much success so far. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
Chronic headache, can't sleep, any advice? - Pain Concern
Chronic headache, can't sleep, any advice?
Hi Angel
I'm so sorry you're going through all this, have you ever tried relaxing music, like they use when doing yoga or tai che?
It's called zen music and my daughter and I relax when listening it anytime not just when we get migraines.
My daughter googled zen music and got it on free download, if you have an ipod try putting it on it and playing it at bedtime, may help you sleep.
I'm a big believer in angels and I have a poem i give to people who are in need of some comfort and support.
When angels sense you need them
And angels always do
They come unseen from everywhere
To help and comfort you
They hover close beside you
Till all your cares are gone
Till they can see you're ready
Once again to carry on
Then some of them fly away
And take their gentle touch
To other hearts that need the love
Of angels very much
But one at least stays with you
As your constant friend and guide
For guardian angels never leave you
They are always by your side!
I've asked the angels to watch over you and guide you through this horrible time.
Take care and angel blessings xx
Any possibility that the headaches are being caused by any of your meds? I know citalopram can do that, but seems that Diclofenac is quite routinely used for treating migraine and cluster headaches, so that ones probably OK. Not sure about amitryptylline. Don't even think about stopping the citalopram suddenly though (or without talking to your doctor)- that would definitely cause you bad withdrawal side effects.
Hi sorry you have so much pain. I rarely get headaches and am amazed how you can't think straight when they are bad so my thoughts and prayers go with you.
You must go back to GP and keep trying different med combos. Relaxation etc takes practice and I'm not very good at it so I understand how you my feel. Stick with it, especially at night. Good luck, hope you get some relief soon.
Thanks for all your replies, it helps because I feel so desperately alone with this at the moment. This week I have slept ok one night, headache slightly better, then next night can't sleep and headache terrible. It's torture! I have tried guided relaxation, burning essential oils and a good bedtime routine and nothing is helping. I know I'm not helping my self by getting so stressed but I'm really worried I'm going to lose my job because of this. I'm not socialising cos I feel so crap. I will try zen music, changing my meds at the moment seems very scary.
Hi GlasgowNeil
I know how you feel as I've been there. Like you, I have sleep problems, and take a lot of medication. Ask your local hospital if they run a Pain Clinic. If so, ask your GP for a referral. The doctors who run the clinics totally focus on a person's pain and prescribe suitable medication. The clinics also run courses in pain control and 'pacing' yourself to enable you to take breaks when necessary. Also, you may need to change your sleeping pills. I do hope you feel better soon. Take care.
Hi, thanks for your reply. I'm on a waiting list for a pain management course at the moment but only saw a doctor once and they didn't have any other suggestions about meds. That was a while ago though, so perhaps I should try and go back. I'm reluctant to take any more meds at the moment but am feeling pretty desperate.
Hi again
Do go back to your GP to get things moving with the pain clinic. I really empathise with you as it's a terrible situation to be in. At times you feel like you're going mad. Suffering with insomnia and having to face work every day is horrendous. Have you spoken with your employers about your health problems?
Hi, how are you doing now?
I suffer from awful headaches to so can sympathise.
I presume you drink your 2 litres of water a day and if you are anything like me the healthy non stressed way is ok until you have a headache (which is constant) and more stressful that most things!
I try an ice pack on the back of my head and neck and a cooling eye mask seem to help a little when I lie down.
Have you had your neck and shoulders checked - a massage may release trapped muscles which can trigger headaches.
Hope this helps.
Hi, cheers for reply. I'm still getting pretty bad headaches at the moment. Do you know what causes your headaches?
Hiya, no, no idea. I do suffer with another illness along with a shoulder problem. I've no idea if they are related. I've kept diaries of feelings, food and drink, all sorts but as yet have no answer. I was up all last night with a migraine and am left with the hangover day after feeling - rubbish!
How about you? Do you have a trigger/cause?
As for work, I would talk to them about this, if they can understand they may be able to help. What line of work are you in? If you are on a pc make sure you take regular breaks and walk around a little, sitting in one place won't help.
Do you find your headaches are at the same time of day/night?
Sometimes pain medications or being stressed with pain and life in general
If you have not got one already a TENS machine and try and reassess how much medications you are taking. Sometimes contraindications can give headaches
All the best
i have suffered with chronic migraine my whole life and I now take imigran/sumatripan., they open up the blood vesels in youre head allowing blood to flow unconstricted . ask youre doctor about them. rosebuds
Have you had your thyroid tested?
My husband has 'only' had his headache since Easter. he's seen 3 different clinics - neurology, orthopaedics, and (I forget the name) stress specialists without any real help. He's had 2 CAT scans and one MRI and all the help he can get are more pills, amyiltriptiline, co-codomol and tramazol , to name a few.
We've just returned from a round trip to see the orthopaedic man who has told him he must learn to 'live with it'. he's normally a cheerful person but this has thrown him into a black depression which is totally out of character, I can sympathise with this but he doesn't want any. He has his own one-man business and unable to take 'time off'.
Google etc is no help (it concentrates on migraine and acute pain) so how can I help him, without interfering in what I don't really understand?
I also have had chronic headaches for many year! They seem to go through phases and am hopefully at the end of one which as been active for a year!!
I have regular acupuncture and osteopathy which really helps with stiffness in my neck and shoulders and my acupuncturist targets my specific pain pathways. Throughout the years I have been prescribed Propanalol and now on Amitriptyline which has needed to be increased!
My weekly Tai Chi session is a must and I now use an acupressure mat for relaxation prior to sleep as I know that anxiety and stress aggravates my already tight neck and shoulder muscles.
Do you clench your teeth? I know that this makes everything worse! My dentist made a mouth guard which I use and it seems to help.
I have also now realised that I need down time for just me and go away on my own for a few days. Not always possible if you have family or work commitments, but worth a try!
The chronic tension, stress and insomnia cycle is so horrible and debilitating and I really feel for you. I hope that you find something that helps.
Take care.