So I recently had a fall I fell straight down about 6' landing on my feet. Doctors is having a hard time finding out what's wrong with me I need to go to the hospital for the 1st couple Weeks.. It's been about 2 months 3 months and I'm not getting any better I'm having paint shooting paint down my legs arms very severe back lower back pain upper back pain from physical therapy and on top of it after physical therapy I now have a hernia so acts like I'm seeing doctor after doctor and nobody's finding out anything. I did the worst possible thing which probably would be googling my symptoms. My hips also are very very sor I'm having a hard time walking standing for long periods of time. I've been in so much pain that I'm mostly just been in the bed which is calls me to be really depressed.
Chronic pain: So I recently had a fall I fell... - Pain Concern
Chronic pain

Hi there. Sorry to hear you are going through this. Did you have any X rays or MRIs done? What kind of doctors did you see? Sometimes as in my case doctors just can’t find a cause for certain symptoms so they’ll throw out some generalized diagnosis or none at all and treat symptoms only. Shooting pains down your leg certainly seem like a nerve issue, and considering how long after your injury you’re still in pain this makes sense to me.
I am so sorry you are in so much pain and it’s having such a toll in your mental health. I think that needs to be stressed when you see your docs. A fall like that - I would think it’s probably worth getting an MRI - so as to try and get a better picture of what’s going on. Good luck.
Sorry to hear about your pain…. Did you have X-rays or MRI of your back and legs? What did it say? When you fell you could have pinched a nerve or aggravated your OA that you never knew you had ….. I did this very thing 3 years ago I did a superman out of my house (4 ft drop) at the time I was fine but that was short lived it aggravated my OA in my shoulder (didn’t know I had) and now I have a pinched nerve which is pretty painful can hardly use my arm.
Take an Epsom salt bath everyday and also take magnesium bis glycinate. It calms muscles. Maybe you need a muscle relaxer.
Have you tried therapeutic massage ?
Do you have parents who are looking after you and helping you to try and find out what the issues are? Or anyone who can help support you while you get through the worst of this?
Sounds to me like you've fractured something. You need an xray.