Hi, I have chronic tension headache for the last 8years, GP and neurologist over the years have tried every drug and therapy they can with no pain relief. I have also paid for most so called treatment available with no effect only making my wallet lighter. Would like to know if anyone has had help with similar condition
Chronic headache : Hi, I have chronic tension... - Pain Concern
Chronic headache

Have you tried your dentist?
They can provide a device to fit inside your mouth. It stops you clenching yore teeth during sleep.
It does work
Thanks for replying, I've had many x rays by dentist and MRI scans,doctors tell me they can't see why I am in constant pain, live with it I've been told !!!
Pooh. Most of us never get a reason for the pain we live with.
Just ask your dentist for something to stop your teeth clenching.
It might just help
I don't think TMJ shows up in an x-ray. I have TMJ and have had for about a year. My dentist sent me to a TMJ specialist. He was the one who diagnosed me. One thing he did is that he put his finger in my ear and pressed and then he had me open and shut my jaw while his finger was there. When he did that I felt a popping or clicking sound in my jaw. That right there in addition to my pain of course is what convinced him I had TMJ. He custom made a mouthpiece that fit my teeth and mouth perfectly. In the US I know you can purchase a guard for TMJ over the counter but I've been told they can actually be bad for your mouth and teeth. And in my case I could never keep them in my mouth through the night. The custom-made ones stay in your mouth much better.
How do you know these are tension headaches? I have suffered from chronic headaches for 30 years. One neurologist pointed out that the pain was coming from the neck. Turns out he was right. MRI indicated I have slipped discs in my neck. Over the years, I can attribute my headaches to sinuses, cervical stenosis, tension, new medications, migraines, and allergies. Try a new neurologist. Pay careful attention to what you may have eaten pre headache. What new medications you have started on. Also, avoid alcohol, especially whisky and bourbon.
Thanks for reply,I have seen many neurogist over the years, had MRI scans, which show scar tissue on left side, probably from a fall I had 30 years ago. I only drink water and tea now because the hangover is very bad. I am on 200mg of amitriptylene ,which do little for pain but help me get some sleep
Well, good luck to you. Sounds like you are on the right track. Pay attention to what you eat and how the food affects your headaches.
Have you tried oxygen?
A friend of mine had a stimulator placed in her head. When she gets a migraine she presses a button and that activates the stimulator. It has helped her tremendously. I am assuming you're probably in the UK and I don't know if it's offered there. My friend that had it done and I live in the US you might inquire about that with your doctor. I would think you would need to see a pain management specialist to pursue this matter. Good luck I hope you find a solution soon.
Hi Diment. Sorry I'm just seeing your post. Have you heard of Hemacrenia Continua? That's a constant daily headache but is also known as an indomethacin responsive headache. Indomethacin is the drug that wi change your life if that us what you have, I can promise you that. I have Chronic Paroxysmal Hemicrania which is of the same type. I respinded within seven days but it took a wee while to get dose 100% but what a difference. Hope this helps. Take care xx
Yeah Naproxen never touched the sides of my pain. At least if you try the indo you will know if it is that type of headache. Well, maybe not just that headache alone! Hope your GP doesn't refuse it due to the nature of the drug itself as my GP would never have given it to me if it weren't for the hospital. I wish you all the luck. Let me know how you get on. Hugs xx