I'm just feeling so ill at present. I lost one animal this week and have another who is very ill.
Pain in ischial tuberosity, PMR pain, headach... - Pain Concern
Pain in ischial tuberosity, PMR pain, headache and severe depression

Miss Rat you don't say say what the animal is or what has happened to her but losing any animal is painful.
Having had animals in varying shapes, sizes and breeds all our lives - their passing has always been sad but happy. Happy in the knowledge that they had much loved members of the family
Our oldest Collie is almost 13and has been David's constant companion all those years. Sometimes she is the reason he gets up in the morning. She still needs a walk which he does try to give her.
Any animal can be such good therapy no matte whether it is a goldfish or something larger. They needs feeding and care on a daily basis. And no matter how you feel they must come first.
As i say I don't know your animal but whatever it is don't be sad. Remember happy times and there willl be plenty.
Pat x
Hello Pat
BOB here
All the best people have Collie (s).
Ours is brighter than both of us put together. Has got us sussed, even though He is only less than two years old
All the best
Sorry - I thought everyone knew I had rats! I found another oldish boy last night. Diamond is still with me. They are such lovely little creatures.
Hello BOB here
Sorry with regards to your rats, all pets are so important to us they hold us when we are down, and lift our moods when we are happy. Now remember when my Terrier died near on two years ago took a long time to recover.
How did you get on at the rat show at the weekend ??.
At least one seems to be perking up, with the ladies. If your lucky will get kits ??.
All the best
Hi hon, sorry about your animal dying. We just lost our old dog, who we adored. He bought us years of joy and gave unconditional love. Every time we lose an animal, it is important to celebrate the life they shared with you and the joy they bought with them. We feel the loss deeply, it always takes time to come to terms with it and the stress often agrevates our personal issues such as pain. Be gentle on yourself. Find a way to celebrate his life, such as a plant in the garden or inside if you don't have a garden. Find something like a crytal or picture of your animal and place it there, you can talk to it and tell it how you feel as often as you want. I have all my plants dedicated to my animals together, makes a peaceful beautiful part of my garden, you could do the same indoors. I hope your physical and mental pain eases soon.. Thinking of you
So sorry for your loss, I hope that your other rat recovers. So hard when what brings us so much joy brings so much pain especially when we walk a tightrope of depression and pain. I hope that you get time to grieve and find pleasure in all that you have given your rat over it's time with you.
I actually lost two last week, as I found another dead last night - a lovely, buck. That is the on e sad thing that they have such short lifespans. Diamond is in a pile with a group of other does and seems to be perking up. She's gorgeous, with ears at the side of her head - what we call a dumbo.
All the bucks are watching each other suspiciously in a very small, bare cage, with the occasional skirmish - stage 1 of introduction!
I see my GP tomorrow to see if I can have another pain clinic appointment.
Hello Ann
Good luck