Lower spine fusion : Asking has any one had... - Pain Concern

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Lower spine fusion

mich6666 profile image
23 Replies

Asking has any one had this done recently ???? I am on the list for the op in the next couple of weeks just had my pre op checks done ,,,,,

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mich6666 profile image
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23 Replies
colboy profile image

Hi Mich6666 I have a friend who had it done and he regrets having the procedure it left him in more pain than he had before he also could not bend over. I was offered it when I saw the specialist and he advised me to stop and think before going ahead he told me because my spinal injury was so bad that I could end up in a wheelchair this I did not want so they sorted out my Pain management and I now have a reasonable quality of life but I will never work again because of the meds I take 100mgs Zomorph in morning which is slow release topped up with two Dihydrocodeine 30 mgs this lasts for 3 to 4 hours I top up then with two 500 mgs Paracetamol and if need be 5 to 10 mills of Morphine Sulphate oral solution at 19.30 hours I take 1 Zomorph 100 mgs and 75 mgs Amitriptyline before I retire to bed I then take 2 X 100 mgs Paracetamol and a Simvastatin plus 1 Fluoxetine 20mg Capsule I also take tablets for High Blood Pressure . I count myself lucky because I had a doctor who cares he is always there for me and understands that if there comes a time when I can no longer take the pain from my arthritic spine and hips well all my joints really then I think he would do as I asked and operate on me but I am coping ok at the moment good luck Mich 6666 hope it works out for you every one is different so take care and good luck.

mich6666 profile image
mich6666 in reply to colboy

Tks for that,,,,, u sound in a really bad place ,,, I feel lucky now ,,,,, to suffer is very hard and unless you have been there nobody really understands.

I feel I have no choice as my window of life getting shorter and shorter. I have to say that the other people I have talked to have been delighted by the outcome.

If this is to be my quality of life I do not want it!!!!!!!!

So I must try ,,,,

colboy profile image

I know it's hard but you do get through it some days I just lay on my bed and listen to Classical Music it works for me I have been like this for 14 Years and I can cope you take care and keep in touch.

mich6666 profile image
mich6666 in reply to colboy

Tks ,,, I will

Kat3 profile image

Hi Mich6666, I had a double fusion a year and a half ago, mostly to correct a bad operation I'd had 2 years before that. I hate to say that it didn't help and did make the pain slightly worse. But that doesn't mean that this would happen to you. I had been in pain for a long time and I'd had a bad operation that made me worse, so I think my brain didn't know how to turn the pain signals off after all that time. Have you asked your doctor what percent chance s/he thinks you have of getting better? I assume you've already had a discogram? (or maybe your op isn't for bad discs)

Good luck!

- Kat

mich6666 profile image
mich6666 in reply to Kat3

My op is now on the 8th October , I had call this morning. My disc's are fine but the sponge between them has disappeared. I have watched lots of utube posts from patience which all report great improvement. I am hoping positively this will be me.

mich6666 profile image
mich6666 in reply to mich6666

I have spoken to many friends of friends that have had success ,,,, so I must be positive and see this as a door to a better quality of life.

chanisse profile image

i had a spinal fusion nearly 2 years ago it was the worst thing i ever did im in a lot more pain now

mich6666 profile image
mich6666 in reply to chanisse

I didn't want to hear that one,,,,,,,,,, tell me more ,

Was yours also for loss of sponge between the disc's

sharonb45 profile image

Hi,I had mine done 3 years ago after three other ops to remove discs that had disintegrated in my lower back,I should have been offered the fusion op in the beginning as the doctor that did the op said if I had gone to him first iwould have been 80% better than what iam now,they did the op on me and it has helped a little but my damage had already been done by then.My advise would be get as much infoas possible and if you realy need the op go for it but if you are able to get on without it wait a little longer.I will never be right no but mine was an emergency as my pain jut started within a few hours and then I had had my 1st op.Good luckand I hope you go on ok.x

mich6666 profile image
mich6666 in reply to sharonb45

I live on my own with a five year old. At night, early evening if I stop after 20 mins the pain is so great when I move it sometimes puts me on the floor. This time is the worst as if there was an emergency how would I get myself and daughter out.

So now she sleeps in my bed. I just can't understand how doing so little each day affects me so bad at night.

I could not imagine sex,,, I would be screaming in pain and he would think he was a stud. Lol x

sharonb45 profile image
sharonb45 in reply to mich6666

Its not good when you have little ones to look after,i have 3 and its taken me six years to come to turms with the way I am now,i carnt do very much as I have no feeling down my left side now or in my bum ect.I am lucky in the fact I have a good hubby but its is hard on him as he has has to take on an extra job to keep paying the bills and hes lost the wife he married 16 years ago!! As for sex without going into detail lol you adapt is all I will say!!x

talgarth profile image

Hi, Fusion must be an absolute last resort. You are probably thinking - Jesu, I can't possibly have more pain than this and Fusion MUST provide some relief? I really do not want to disillusion you but believe me More pain is possible.

I had an L5/S1 fusion with metalwork several years ago and still living with the reality of increased frequency and intensity of pain. Your specialist may well be a competent surgeon with extensive expertise but if he tells you the chances of improvement are more than 35% (95% in my case) he's lying! Please read up on Spinal fusion as much as you possibly can, and then read some more or you may well be making a decision you will regret for years too come. For those of you where fusion has been successful, fantastic, I'm whole heartedly glad it worked for you but Mich must get a balanced view before making what could be a life-changing decision.

In my case, my Neurosurgeon is optimistic enough to state that there is a possibility of removing the metalwork as sufficient bone density now exists - Great! Not quite, he also tells me the removal will make NO difference whatsoever to my current pain levels as the 'damage' has been done. Please Mich, do some more research-and then do some more, best of luck in whatever route you choose.

domosed profile image
domosed in reply to talgarth

Great info, thanks for posting. peerdiagnosis.com/what-does...

mich6666 profile image
mich6666 in reply to talgarth

Discard any negatives and focus only on positive outcomes. Better still, speak those positives aloud!

It is "when I make a full recovery...when my back is cured...when I'm flexible enough to get into all sorts of positions..." etc. Positive messages spoken aloud frequently - will invite the good things into our lives. Negative messages promote only frustration, misery and depression.

mich6666 profile image
mich6666 in reply to mich6666

But I have to believe this !!!!!

talgarth profile image

Hi Mich,

Pre-Fusion I was a successful businessman with drive, enthusiasm and optimism, had an active social life and pursued several outdoor activities. The ability to maintain ANY of these has been savaged by my undertaking the fusion. If I sound bitter, depressed and unsupportive, I apologise, but I merely state circumstances as they are. I sincerely hope, if you decide to proceed, your fusion is successful as I am inclined to think its failure will have severe consequences. Best of luck!

mich6666 profile image
mich6666 in reply to talgarth

Thank you,,,,are you saying that your life has improved since you had this done ,,,,,

Or not

Boozybird profile image

Sadly you are unlikely to find fusion success stories here because the successes are busy living their lives....I've met and know many people for whom fusion was a success. Best of luck. ;)

mich6666 profile image
mich6666 in reply to Boozybird

Many tks,,,,,

I have had more positive feed back than negative. This has been from across the board.

I decided I must try as the quality of life I have right now is rubbish. I don't want to live like this. So I am positive and focused.

I will put post on here b4 and after ,,, My op is on the 8th October, admission on the 7th... Watch this space.

Boozybird profile image

Yes, please keep us posted. I think it takes a year for the fusion to heal and it can cause compensatory muscle tensions elsewhere so as long as you are prepared for the journey post surgery and give yourself time then hopefully you will cope. Wishing you the best. :)

mich6666 profile image

I am know 22 days in after having lower back spine fusion,,,,, my life is back to normal and improving every day.... I say to anyone who has to make a choice of fusion or Not,,,,, it's got to be yes,,,,,, really my pain has gone,,, my high heels are back out of the box and I am ready to party x.

mich6666 profile image

I feel I have been given the key to the front door and I am free again.

First appointment for my physio today, then follow up with Mr S James my surgeon on the 20th November.

I must admit Mr James was fantastic he cut an old scar below my knicker line and did my fusion from the tummy. The scar is so neat you would not know he's been there at all. Amazing and I am very happy and feel blessed.....

Thanks guys for all your words of support. Wish you all my good luck to a pain feel life. X

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