How long will it take for using a TENS machine to make a difference???
TENS Machine: How long will it take for using... - Pain Concern
TENS Machine

Hello BOB here
How long to use TENS depends on the patient, In instruction books generally some say thirty mins, on each area
Depending on the patient, and some may not be suited to TENS, it is used for three hour period, the amount of use and how long relief will last can be ten mins to the days the limit, it all depends Generally you can use the machine for three hours at one treatment period, at this you will need too rest the effected area for a period of time , although if required a different area of your body can be treated as this time
When using always try to adjust the modulations every sixty mins or so, the body will not become dependant of the sensations. if you do not
When using the machine it is not advisable to have the machine on too strong. When adjusting the machine take the pulse to just uncomfortable then down to where you just feel it, you just need to feel the pulse as comfortable.Now after say twenty mins adjust the pulse again and setting to comfortable also after a while change the settings using
Mod 1, mod2 ,cont, burst. etc this will assist the body in not getting used to any particular pulse pattern. This should become second nature to you as will setting power settings and other setting etc
When using TENS remember it is not the strength or power of the machine that gives relief it is how you use it, and the art of fixing the electrodes in the effective positions for what you are trying to do, higher settings will be possibly needed say for hand or thigh the latter may need to stronger pulse although this may be not the case .
Many Tens can also be used as an EMF, the machine settings are set much lower for this. You can try different settings as with TENS. be selective
You in some instances can purchase a transformer that will run the machine from the mains supply, saving on battery costs
You are possibly advised not to use the machine when driving this is because if you hit the TENS controls by accident it could cause an accident, or pads could .become loose from your effected area and you will effect another part of the body, again could cause an accident.
Hope this helps
All the best

Thank you Bob. Funnily enough I've been altering the pulse automatically! Thinking am I doing the right thing! .. Within half hour I felt easier, or is that wishful thinking! But I've had it on since 9.30 so will remove it at 12.30 that'll be 3hours. Would I be able to use it again tonight..? Apparently it will help with my pain gate!?!
Hello BOB here
You can use it when required as long as you understand you can get a TENS burn on your skin where the pads are, Try using the machine as required, so if you are ok do not use it. If you are not suffering pain or swelling use it when required nothing with TENS is set in stone,
If you need it tonight use it, try different settings and vary time periods EXPERIMENT.
What suits you may not suit me
All the best

I really appreciate your help. Thanks.
Hi this is tricia,
That's good advice Bob has given you also if you are having a bad day and your meds are not making a big difference you can also use your tens at the same time it can not do you any harm and it is better than upping your meds. Good luck with your tens, I wouldn't be without mine.
Thank you Tricia. X
deb25426 Hi as for myself my problem is severe pain in both of my legs I take cocodamol 300x50 mg pills in order to help with my pain and the tens machine for when my legs are heavy, its like having weights on both legs its at this point tens comes into its own.
I hope that you get a result with your tens machine.
And should you have a problem with its use or are not sure just post a question on this site and you will get a reply.
Best of luck.