Hi ladies, just wanted to know if anyone has been offered or received radiotherapy as well as chemo for the treatment of ovarian cancer? I understand its quite unusual and would be grateful for any information. Thanks, love and hugs, Lisa xx
Radiotherapy: Hi ladies, just wanted to know if... - My Ovacome

Hi Lisa,
I haven't had this personally, but a friend of mine had radiotherapy as well as chemo, I think that the cancer was lower down near or at the top of her vagina or pubic area,so I think it depends on where the OC is (I think but I am not sure) best wishes love x G x
Radiotherapy can also be used to help with bleeding in certain circumstances, I believe. Paul. x
I was told radiotherapy would be an option if the cancer appears in a one or two masses rather than spread out. Apparently that would be good news for you if it's an option.
Hope it's a case of good news for you.
Love Annie xxxx
Hi Lisa. I've just had my first of 10 sessions of radiotherapy yesterday. It's to stop bleeding I'm having. I asked if it could zap other tumours in my pelvis but because it is progressing have been told this isn't possible - too many (more than one?) different sites.
Hetty xx
Hi Lisa, I had radiotherapy and brachytherapy as well as chemotherapy because when the histology of the tissue was returned to my gynaeoncologist, the margins of the excision were not clear so to be sure this is what they advised as it was possible some of the cancerous tissue remained. I had my op and treatment in 2008/9 and am very lucky that at the moment I have no recurrence. Pip xx
Hello all, many thanks for your replies. My oncologist wants me to have 26 sessions of radiotherapy as an "insurance policy". My cancer was a carcinosarcoma and contained in one area so the oncologist wants me to have it to minimise the risks of recurrence as it is a particularly rare and aggressive type. Whilst I'm willing to do everything to remain cancer free I am worried about the side effects etc as I have been told it can cause bowel and bladder disturbances as well as nausea and tiredness. I will have it every day for five Weeks which is a bit of a pain but hey ho! Would like to know if the ladies who have had radiotherapy had any side effects? Many thanks, lots of love, Lisa xx
Hi Lisa,
I am sorry I can't be much help with this, I have heard it is easier than chemo but I don't know for certain, could you ask your medical team what are the chances of getting bad side effects? If your oncologist thinks it's a good idea, I think I would go with it, you could give the ovacome helpline a ring they might know and speak to Ruth tel 0845 371 0554
Changing the subject is the picture your little dog? so cute and just like a toy.
Love x G x
Hi Gwyn, yes it is my dog, his name is sully. I was trying to get three whole picture on there but I'm useless with anything technical so I gave up, it looks like he's peeping round the corner lol. I did speak to Ruth on Friday and she was very helpful. I'm going to try and get a second opinion from another oncologist at my hospital before I decide as I am worried about damage to my other organs, altho I dont think they would offer it unless they had good reason. Lots of love, Lisa xx
Hi Lisa, I had radiotherapy following chemo 3 years ago; I have some bladder symptoms - mainly urgency ( semi controlled by a drug called solifenacin and bladder training) and also bowel sluggishness - helped by regular senna and coloxyl and good high fibre diet. I was also warned about the possibility of later onset fatigue. I certainly find I have my limits before this sets in, but if I plan ahead and follow my body's signals and rest then its not too bad.
hope this is helpful