First Chemo was ..: ..not so bad, the nurse was... - My Ovacome

My Ovacome

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First Chemo was ..

Lily-Anne profile image
18 Replies

..not so bad, the nurse was lovely, she chatted for ages, had a cold flush and then the chemo followed by saline for ten minutes, I had to have a warmer on my hand as it was so cold it hurt. I realise my biggest fear was the needle and still is for next time. Bloods on 22nd, docotr on 23rd more chemo on 24th.

I've got steroids and anti-sickness for two days, then a different anti-sickness, anti diahorea and constipation tablets, guess it can go one way or the other lol. I feel a bit weird but have all day anyway had a proper panic attack half hour before we went, never had anything like that before.

Found a couple of ladies to chat to, hubby was with me too, and it was all done in two and a half hours. Barely started reading my new book.

Right this moment I feel like I'm about to heave but don't feel sick, how strange, hubby said I'm as white as a sheet, but I feel not too bad, had the best night sleep last night, must have been the wooziness of fear, or the fact I sat up til 2am because I didn't want tomorrow to come - sad huh!

I'm hoping my experience will help others who are about to start the journey, as I've been a real contradiction, yes and no and yes and no. Thanks Ladies for your continued support, it helps to write it all down.

LA xx

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Lily-Anne profile image
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18 Replies
wendydee profile image

So glad you've got started and that it wasn't quite as bad as you were fearing, L A! As you get used to the regime it should get easier, I hope. I used to be scared of injections but since having OC I've been cured I'd all that! Mind you, I still can't look.....

Hope you sleep well and don't feel too bad tomorrow.

Love n hugs

Wendy xx

Hi Lily-Anne,

Great news best wishes love x G x :-)

doreenharwood profile image

Hi Lily-Ann,

Re needles I was once told many years ago to watch as the needle when in then it does not hurt. Since then I always watch and they were right it does not hurt. I must say I have never worried about needles and was a blood donor until I got OC now they don't want my blood. Glad your chemo was not too bad. I have had six sessions now and mine all lasted 5 hours so you did well as you only had to have two and a half hours, hope the next one goes well. Love the photo its so nice to see what people look like.

Love and hugs Babs x x

Hi Lily-Anne

I am so glad! And its so good to write it out like that as it may well help someone hugely. I had no clue prior to mine and hadn't found this site then - wish I had.

You may find next time that you panic far less - the mystery has now gone, although needle fearers never get 100% comfortable. I know I still go all lip-trembly even when I get blood taken, let alone when they cannulate... I feel about 6 years old! IF you feel that panic again consider asking the doc for something to take each week. I was so scared first time they gave me a lorazepam and it was like magic - that band around my chest disappeared totally.

Love Sue xxx

PS nice pic - you were a brunette in my minds eye, for some reason!

Well done Lily-Anne, soon it will feel like belonging to a club and you will feel more familiar and less scared.


ChrisH profile image

Hi Lily-Anne

Glad it went well, and I love the photo!



Madz profile image

Well done for getting number 1 out of the way, it's the not knowing what to expect afterwards that phased me but now I have had 2 sessions there is def. a pattern to how I feel and reading other people's blogs it is very similar, the first few days seem to be when the tiredness is worse and then it gets better and I feel practically normal ready for the next one! Hope the nausea feeling settles, my tongue always feels like its too big for my mouth! Take it easy and well done lots of love Amanda xx

Yogini01uk profile image

Hi Lily-Anne

So glad it went well for you. I think it's the fear of the unknown that's worse. My worse side effect was constipation so when I go for my second on Monday I will make sure I tell them about it. If they don't know about it they can't help. Bloods today ready for Monday and my mantra for today is "nice white blood cells" lol. Pillow covered with hair so debating whether to shave it off as its falling like snow!!

You are doing really well, take it easy and accept any pampering you are given.


Jean. Xx

ChrisH profile image
ChrisH in reply to Yogini01uk

Most of us swear by Movacol.....lots of it! I increase the dose just after chemo until everything is "moving" then one e I'm comfortable reduce the amount slowly. It usually works!

Coco profile image

Dear Liliy Anne

What a time you have had of it over the years. My thoughts are with you , and this trying time will soon be over. The chemo strangely enough becomes routinise and before you know it, it will be finished. You look such a pretty girl so keep smiling.

Love coco xx

citrine profile image

Hi Lily-Anne

Glad you got through it ok and hope you find it easier from now on. Your photo is lovely.

Love Mary xx

Whippit profile image

Dear Lily-Anne

I'm so glad you managed to get through it. You were so very worried and have been anxious for weeks. It's great you've posted to say it went well as it will comfort many women who have just been diagnosed and will be having similar worries.

That's one out of the way and only five more to go. You might not have such a good night's sleep the 2nd day because steroids make you feel as though you're on speed and can give you a couple of restless nights. I hope any other side-effects are minimal and your strange feeling soon disappears. It's probably just relief after all that worry.

I love the photo. It's good to be able to put a face to a name. If you go to Members' Day in May we'll be able to recognise you!

Sending much love and a hug. xxx Annie

Hi Lily-Anne. Glad you found it wasn't so bad after all.

Try taking a deep breath in when the needle is being inserted. Ask the nurse to tell you when.

All the best for the next few days.

L xxx

MaggyH profile image

Hi Lily-Anne

Well done, glad the first one went well for you, and hope the others do too.

Love Brenda xx

Lily-Anne profile image

Thanks Ladies,

Didn't get to sleep until 3.30am, been to local shops but felt too queasy with tummy pains so came home, but keep having bursts of energy, which seems weird for someone expecting the worse, I've updated my website and cleaned the kitchen, I can see germ free being the mantra now! Have no appetite but did make myself a sandwich. Every now and then feel a bit quiffy but so far so good... hope that's not famous last words :)

Thank you for the picture compliments made my day.

LA xx

wendydee profile image
wendydee in reply to Lily-Anne

I, too, love the pic! Was it there when I posted my comment? I can't believe I didn't notice ....must be getting more senile than I thought :-( You look really pretty and smiley.

When is the next chemo? Hope the needles thingy will get less with each one. :-o

Love Wendy xx

Wiganw profile image

Hi Lilly Anne

So glad it was not as bad as you thought. I was also frightened of needles before my operation but not now. Has also stopped my fear of dentist. There are positives in everything somewhere.

It gets easier each time and its good to talk to others goofing through it as they understand how you feel. It's nice as well to meet new people.

Good look next time.


chrissy88 profile image

Hi lily Anne. I too started first chemo 2nd jan (carbo platin / taxtol) and was scared stiff but it went quite well but for diarrhoea at the end - was given something but haven't yet been again tho and might need to get something I think. Have been quite well overall but since yesterday have been having shooting pains in my abdomen which is starting to wear me down. Don't know if anyone else has this? Temp ok , rang hosp last nite and they said to take paracetamol. Good luck to you. Xxxxxxxchrissy

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