Surgery yesterday but, it wasn't possible to remove anything, plan now is to go to chemo in 10 days, 3 cycles over 3 weeks. What happens after?
Surgery not possible , chemo first: Surgery... - My Ovacome
Surgery not possible , chemo first

Hello Seavccg,
In my case, I had three rounds of chemo to shrink the tumours, then had a full hysterectomy (and a few other bits removed), then another three rounds of chemo to mop up any remaining cancer. It's quite common to have it in this pattern.
I guess you might have a CT scan to check how it is going after 3 chemo? Could you speak to your CNS as see if she can find out the plan for you?
It's my sister. In the one hand it was a shock to hear that the planned debulking surgery had not taken place but when they opened her up they said it was small deposits with bowel involvement. The consultant came round and told her that it had been decided that chemo was required firstly and this will start in 10 days and take place weekly
I wasn't able to have surgery first either. I then had a scan midway and then the operation, followed by more chemo. All the best!
At diagnosis I was told they couldn't operate then after 3 rounds of chemo it was possible so had interim debulking followed by 3 more rounds of chemo. Seems this is quite usual. Hope all goes well for you and hang on in there. Sending hugs and love ❤️
Hi Seavcc,
When I was diagnose my 125 was 2700 I was told could not operate, so had chemo then my 125 was 400, had the operation then more chemo this seems to be the normal thing.
Then if all is clear you normally go on watch mine was every 3 month I would go in for a 125 blood test.
Do keep in touch if you need to ask ,or just need some encouragement we have lovely ladies who will be there for you.
Cheers Lorraine xx
Hi there, sorry to hear that, you must of felt gutted what a horrible shock. Thinking it would be taken out but to find out it hasn't.
I was told no surgery just chemo to keep it under control but after 6 chemos I was given surgery. They were surprised it worked so well.
Everyone is different some ladies have surgery first then chemo, some have 3 chemos then surgery, some have surgery after a couple of chemos & some after 4 or 5 chemos. It really depends how well you responed to the treatment.
They might give you a CT scan after 3 chemos they did for me but the cancer was too far gone so I had another 3 chemos.
It sounds as if they have a plan for you so that's good. Just make sure you write a list of all the things that concern you when you next see your onc. Good luck Take care Cindyxx
That's weird... I wonder why they didn't do a laparoscopy first or instead to investigate. I was in the same position. I had a scan after 3 weeks of chemo, ( the common route as everyone says) - they still weren't sure exactly what needed extracting, so I had this procedure which gave them more specific info for the surgery about two weeks after that. Must have been a disappointing shock re the no surgery but the chemo will have a massive positive effect on shrinking the disease.
Hope it progresses positively for your sister....
Janet 🌈
Spoke to my sister and her consultant did say it might not be possible to remove it all and she would have a look and be in a better position having seen it with her eyes rather than just on the scans. The chemo will hopefully shrink it back to enable clear margins once surgery goes ahead.
I also had 3 rounds of chemo to shrink the cancer because surgery wasn't possible. The cancer shrank enough for them to be able to do the surgery after. Then 3 more rounds of chemo. It seems to be the standard when surgery cannot take place immediately. Kim xx
My Mum couldn't have surgery first either! You are not alone also the chemo drugs are powerful and are most likely to shrink the tumours enough for surgery. Stay strong! ❤