Calcium, fluoxetine and vit D: Do those of you... - My Ovacome

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Calcium, fluoxetine and vit D

Lily-Anne profile image
7 Replies

Do those of you who had a surgical menopause take 1.5g of calcium on prescription, was your doctor sympathetic, did anyone take fluoxetine for night sweats and vit D supplements?

I plan to see doc about this as have to go for my yearly throid test, should I anticipate a lack of understanding or resistance?


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7 Replies
Whippit profile image

My GP isn't up for any supplements. Thinks menopause symptoms are a natural progression and if you put them off with drugs they just come back in the end with a vengeance.

Having said that my huge night flushes didn't wake me as I sleep well. My husband would tell me in the morning how anti-social I'd been. The menopause symptoms don't take too long if you let nature take its course. I often think back to the generation before mine and all the women who hadn't got anything to distract them and at 'that time of life' were grumpy as anything. Does anyone suffer that these days?

xx Annie

ChrisH profile image

My oncologist said they would monitor my calcium levels in a couple of years. The attitude seems to be that it is better to get the calcium through eating calcium rich foods than from supplimemts, as in the case of some supplimemts you may as well eat a piece of chalk! Tinned fish like sardines and salmon have loads of calcium, but its mostly in the bones, so don't get the skinned and boneless type.

I take evening primrose for the flushes! I find they are worst when I'm overtired, so getting plenty of rest is a must. After a while they reduced to practically nothing, but came back again when I restarted chemo. My top tip is sleep with a small towel over your pillow, that way you don't wake up with that worst of all horrors...a cold clammy pillow!

I would expect your doctor to be sympathetic these days, with a few suggestions to help. Mine certainly was, but then we have a surgery with 6 GP's, 3 being women, so they ought to be helpful!

Good luck finding what works for you

xx Chris

MargaretJ profile image

Hi Lily Ann!

I have taken calcium and vitamin D since I was in my 30's because I dislike milk. I have really strong bones!

I was well past the menopause when I had my op so no one has offered me anything for the sweats! I just mop my brow and ignore them. I shall, however ask my GP about it when I see him in January at my follow up appointment after the breast clinic! I was given magnesium on during my last chemo!

Don't know if that helps!


Although onc also advised against supplements while on chemo agreed fine after, but warned me i should really take a more holistic view if possible.

I have night sweats and seem to have totally lost my internal thermostat during the day but spritzing with a water spray is a really quick fix - and keeping a cardie handy! I will take Osteocare as that's a risk for me - calcium, magnesium and vitamin D combo is a popular and effective one, apparently. Haven't figured out the rest yet, but know I can't do it all with supplements - osteo risk reduction also about doing some weight bearing exercise <sigh - you know how much I love that stuff>. And sensible diet.

Husband has said (with straight face) that the hormone monster has been no worse than usual -- and actually the emotional spikes I expected to have, I haven't noticed either.

It has all been easier than anticipated actually.May well be so for you too, Lily-Ann - so #don't# you do your usual over-worrying about it, OK?!!

Sue x

TinaWright profile image

Hi Lily-Anne,

I agree with Annie`s GP with this one, we can only avoid the menopause symptoms if we take hormone replacement until the day we die. As soon as we stop the medication we then go through the menopause even if we may be 80 yrs old, that said, the delay will keep us young for longer and avoid the thinning of the bones scenario.

My oncologist never suggested I take any supplements but my GP`s nurse did some routine bloods when I went for my last CA125 blood test with her. She also said I should have a bone density scan. I had this done very quickly and the results showed some thinning of the bones, so my GP immediatelly put me on perscription calcium and vitamin D tabs.

I think in our situation a GP perscribing supplements is much different than in normal circumstances just for the hell of it. Some supplements are not available on perscription but the ones that have been prooved are when nessassary. I`m sure your GP will perscribe these , if not ask for a bone density scan after your treatment.

I say after because who knows what or if the chemo adds to the bone density problem.

Hope this helps.

Love from T xx

TinaWright profile image

Adding to the above - my GP told me the menopause hot flushes can last up to 5 yrs, I have to say that after 2 yrs they are not as frequent as they have been. They seemed at their worst while having chemo.

I also haven`t noticed any other symptoms that we often hear ladies talk about, I was more emotional at the time of PMT. I guess I`ve been lucky - hope you are too Lily-Anne xx Bless you x

Lily-Anne profile image

I guess I have been lucky in the fact that only occasional night sweats, and not experienced vaginal dryness, but I do have degeneration of the spine and a lot of wear at the base, so I am a little concerned about brittle bones. The article below from Target is what made me think about the calcium supplements. I'm also going to ask for a TREM2 test and see if it's available on the NHS.

Thanks Ladies, please keep your thoughts coming.

LA x

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