Hello everyone from Southern Portugal !! - My Ovacome

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Hello everyone from Southern Portugal !!

Solange profile image
12 Replies

Must just send greetings to everyone from the Algarve as I've just managed to access the Internet.

My lovely Husband and I have towed our caravan down to our favourite campsite and are staying here for a few months. (We've run away!!) Been here for about 5 weeks now and what an assortment of weather we've had. Days of torrential rain that almost flooded us out. We're on a pitch at the bottom of the site and had International help in digging gullies to divert pouring water from the terraces above (Digging ditches is the norm here to protect our awnings on the side of our caravans from getting flooded out - in no way frowned upon, but expected) Then gorgeous wall to wall blue skies. Then storms galore, including a terrible Tornado that did dreadful damage in three towns nearby. Luckily it didn't reach the campsite. The last few days have been sunny but we have bitterly cold North winds.

I feel soooo lucky to be here as we thought we'd had our final stay here for the last 2 times we've managed it. In October my Onc again said there is still no treatment to be had - "Time for you to get some sun", so here we are . Very scared of what we'd done, now and then, especially as I do now get aches from the lump in my back and twinges under my ribs, but it's also better as not so much housework ( Super!!) I feel worse when I get a pain in my lower right side, where I do have more tumours but I put that down to my Diverticular Disease. We don't class this as Holiday - it's just "Living somewhere else - our alternate lifestyle". The campsite is very cheap in the Winter as they give amazing discounts to the daft Northern European who come here - and the price of food is much cheaper here. (Especially as the echange rate is good at the moment)

We're flying home for three weeks at Christmas to be with our lovely big family and banking on then coming back here for a bit longer. I miss the family like mad but they all keep in touch.

I'd better stop waffling on. It must be the excitement of being able to access the Net so well today. I can often read things but can't send anything much as the upload is sooo slow. Most frustrating !!!!!!!!!!!! Just because I'm caravanning - I must still wash the breakfat dishes while Husband fetches fresh water and empties the wastewater holder. He's just come in and said, "....and the loo!! " Not his favourite job!!

Sending love and best wishes to you all. Keep positive and fighting - and laughing.

Solange :-) xxxx Can't remember how to do a smilie with sunglasses

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12 Replies
Whippit profile image

Dear Solange

It's brilliant to hear from you and all your wonderful news. I say enjoy - you're an example to us all getting away and 'living the dream'. I think each one of us know just what it means to worry that it might be the 'final' time you're able to do something - but there you are 3 holidays later!

Good for you. I just hope the weather stays bright and blue for many days and less digging ditches. You aren't missing much weather-wise here.

Lots of love xxx Annie

Hi Solange

Good to hear from you and what an adventure you are having! It sounds great, even the dramatic weather - perhaps not emptying the loo though!


Solange profile image
Solange in reply to

Hi Monique,

I've just noticed that my first message to you hasn't appeared on this page so I'll try another one. I was saying thank goodnes someone invented flushing chemical loos - I wouldn't be anywhere near as keen to be here if I had to go all the way up to the Camp loo block all the time. It's bad enough having to shower in the cold, draughty, unheated Shower block. Still, I'm not moaning, at least there's always lashings of lovely hot water.

Love Solange

Solange profile image

Thank you Annie,

Can't understand why - but I'm still able to send. Hope it lasts!! I did manage to catch up a little bit recently and saw your beautiful kitchen and wanted to tell you - but couldn't. The WiFi here is mainly for some small holiday bungalows but, if you're near enough, and not too many using it, we can pick up a weak signal - legitimately!!

Love Solange xx

Archiebanana profile image

Dear Solange

Lovely to hear from you. It's a beautiful sunny day in Kent today but we also have had lots of rain. Sounds like you are having a lovely time and I hope it is relatively stress free for you.

I'm sure you are looking forward to seeing all your family for Christmas.

Take care and keep us posted when you can.

Love Linda xx

Solange profile image
Solange in reply to Archiebanana

Thank you, Linda. Hope you have sun today, even if it is cold. There's nothing worse than dull, grey days, in my opinion

Take care, love Solange x

Wow Solange,

How lovely to hear from you,I have been missing you loads but I am glad that you are having a good time... albeit eventful... this is part of the rich tapestry of life....as far as your twinges are concerned you would still have them if you were home.. so you just as well have them in a nicer climate...it does sound as though you have had very mixed weather.. but with you being there months you know that at some stage it will stop and the sun will shine 8-)

and of course you have Christmas with your family to look forward to...sending you bucket loads of love and sunshine x G x :-) :-) :-)

Solange profile image
Solange in reply to

Thanks, Gwyn. It's ages since I've been able to get in touch - and now I've been able to do so two days running!! I wondered sometimes whether there was a fault on the Wi Fi as others have had lots of trouble, too.

I had to laugh, when I looked back at what I'd written. All the spelling mistakes and I even said my Right side, and should have said Left. Must have been the excitement of rushing to send the message whilst I was able.!!

Hope all well with you and your family. Soon be time for your Granddaughter to be home from Uni. Wow, the times flown by. I AM so looking forward to seeing my family. I've had loads of photos of the newest baby (Theo) sent, so at least I haven't missed out completely on his first few months.

Fingers crossed this goes, Love Solange x

in reply to Solange

Hi Solange,

Haha.. I wouldn't worry about spelling mistakes my iPad changes words when I post... so sometimes it comes up and doesn't make sense...but it is too tiring to alter...I am glad you are ok though...I expect Theo is growing you will see such a change in him at Christmas...and all the others as well ...we tried to speak to Ana (my granddaughter) on Skype this morning but we couldn't get her to hear us..we could see her and hear her..but she could only see us with no sound......it won't be long now that she will be home for Christmas I don't know where the time goes either... Lots of love to you both x G x 8-)

wendydee profile image

How lovely to hear from you, Solange! I am so glad you are having such fun. Hope the sun shines longer for you. I get the news from Portugal pretty often, as one of my old school friends lives there and blogs pretty regularly. I heard about the rains :-O

Keep on enjoying life and I wish you a wonderful reunion with the family over Christmas and a good New Year back in Portugal.

Love Wendy xx

Solange profile image
Solange in reply to wendydee

Hello Wendy,

How lovely to live in Portugal - as long as you have your family with you. I guess your friend must have survived the Tornado or you'd have heard.

Thank you for your good wishes. Hope you have a happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year,

Love, Solange

wendydee profile image
wendydee in reply to Solange

Yes, she and her partner are fine. It was bad, though for a while. She lives there with him but has no family. Loads of friends though, who go to visit from time to time

Have a good time in the run up to Christmas. We've been in London this weekend, and it's all getting very festive :-D

Love W xx

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