Catching up: Hi everyone, I just wanted to... - My Ovacome

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Catching up

Jacks150 profile image
29 Replies

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to update you all on what is happening to me.

At the beginning of October I started my third lot of chemo. I am having topetecan this time - once a week for three weeks then one week off. Just before starting I had the flu jab the week before which maybe wasn't the best idea. I also had a new portacath fitted the same week - glutton for punishment or what.

Chemo went well using portacath even if it was still a little sore. Then was terribly Ill with the flu no doubt from the flu jab. Next chemo fine but got a slight infection in my portacath. So now a course of antibiotics to clear that up. Began getting really bad back pain. I am unaccustomed to pain as luckily so far on my cancer journey (other than chemo aches and surgery) I haven't experienced any pain.

I got my results of my ca125 after three treatments and was pleased that it has reduced from 650 to 550 already. I am hoping that it would explain why my back hurts as I have tumors in the lymph nodes down my back and they may be getting smaller.

After a rotten few months I thought I needed cheering up " Jackie style" so I have booked to go to Linton zoo and hand feed a tiger!

I am also waiting for my friend to arrange for me to drive a tractor. Camel riding will have to wait until the new year because of my aches and pains but hopefully that will be possible in the spring. Also looking into driving a tank in the new year and also to go horse riding on the beach - I have ridden horses for years but never galloped along a beach.

Keep well all of you

Hugs Jackie xxxx

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Jacks150 profile image
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29 Replies
Whippit profile image

Dear Jackie

I can only say you inspire me and you must inspire your friends and family too. It's great the CA125 is coming down even though you'd had some back problems.

I'd heard ZFL have sessions where you can be a zoo keeper for the day and when I googled Linton Zoo that came up - so whether it's Linton or London I hope it's a spectacular experience. I went to ZFL in the summer with my four-year old twin grand-daughters and observing their wonder at all the animals was like seeing everything afresh. I had a great day - and the people I know who've been zoo keepers say it's an amazing experience. Have a great time.

Camel riding sounds a laugh. You just imagine if you found a like-minded soul and did something mad to raise money for Ovarian Cancer. I think I'd join you!

xxxxx Enjoy! Love Annie

Jacks150 profile image
Jacks150 in reply to Whippit

Hi Annie,

I have already done that at my local zoo. It was a fantastic day. I held a lemur, fed a giant sealion, cleaned out the monkeys enclosure, fed marmosets and meerkats wriggly mealworms and spoon fed gibbons porridge which they love. This was all in the morning.

I then spent the afternoon with the giraffes. They were so big and gentle. I fed them branches and they allowed me to stroke them.

My husband brought it for me after I finished my first course of chemo for my birthday.

On another occasion I went into the enclosure and fed aardvarks with a bottle filled with worms and then applied sun cream to their ears as they can get sunburnt.

I also took the boys to London zoo in the summer. I haven't been there for a long time so it was amazing to see the changes but also loved that they have kept a lot of the original buildings.

Great idea about the fundraising. I'll have to come up with something next year and let you know.

Hugs Jackie xx

doreenharwood profile image

I too think you are great to do all the things you do. I hand feed an Elephant a Tunisia and thought that was fun but hand feeding a tiger beats that hands down. You are one very brave and fun lady doing all the activities , I am hoping next year just to manage a holiday, I had to cancel all my hols this year due to chemo and my de bulking operation. You must tell us how things go, I hope you are going to the members day next year it would be great to hear all about your adventures.

Hope you are feeling better soon

Love Babs x x

Jacks150 profile image
Jacks150 in reply to doreenharwood

Hi Babs,

I hope you are feeling better. It will be lovely to have a holiday next year, something to look forward to.

Yes I do hope to go to the members day. I can't wait to meet all my virtual friends.

Hugs Jackie xxx

What a lady!! You really are inspiring. Have a great time feeding the tiger and I hope the pain goes away soon.

Love and hugs

Chris x x

Jacks150 profile image
Jacks150 in reply to

Hi chris,

I got some strong painkillers today so hopefully they will do the trick but if the pain really is my cancer shrinking then it can hurt like hell if it wants ( well for a while anyway).

Hugs Jackie xxxx

Jackie you are amazing, you must have some great photos of your various exploits. I wonder what you will hand feed to the tiger? They always seem to have those huge carcasses in their pens (eek - squeamish unbrave me shudders at the thought!)

Sorry you have been feeling so rough. My onc. told me that pains such as you describe are often felt my patients who are responding really well to the chemo, which helped me get through it! Good about the CA125 - lets hope it continues on its merry path downwards! Hope Alfie is being a comfort.

Monique x

Jacks150 profile image
Jacks150 in reply to

Hi Monique,

I hope it isn't my hand he wants to eat!!

I really hope that your onc is right. My onc told me that there was only a small chance that topetecan would work but it was worth trying. Seems I may be getting that small chance.

Alfie is actually being a pain but that's what puppies do isn't it. When he is tired and sleeping next to me on the sofa he is really cute though.

Hugs Jackie xxx

MargaretJ profile image

Gosh Jackie!

I'm gobsmacked! What A great list of things to help you get over the setbacks! What a woman!

Love Margaret


MargaretJ profile image

Gosh Jackie!

I'm gobsmacked! What A great list of things to help you get over the setbacks! What a woman!

Love Margaret


Jacks150 profile image
Jacks150 in reply to MargaretJ

Thanks Margaret,

I just love getting out and enjoying myself. I always have but I must admit now life is short I am getting more adventurous. After all what have I got to lose!!

Hugs Jackie xx

MargaretJ profile image
MargaretJ in reply to Jacks150

At my age i am more cautious but I do admire you! Maybe I'll try something more adventurous than the theatre! You are an inspiration!

Mind you I do agree about making the most of life! What is the point of merely extending feeling lousy! The whole point is to enjoy life to the full!

Love xxxxxxx


Whippit profile image

Hey Jackie - I hope you post up a photo of your adventures in your next blog. xxxx Annie

Jacks150 profile image
Jacks150 in reply to Whippit


citrine profile image


What you are doing is wonderful and so inspiring. I do hope the pain improves soon.

Love and best wishes

Mary x

Jacks150 profile image
Jacks150 in reply to citrine

Thanks Mary,

Good to get an update Jackie..there is no stopping you is there? :-/ ;-) LOL ....well done for bouncing back lots of love x G x 8-)

Jacks150 profile image
Jacks150 in reply to

Hi Gwyn,

Alfie is fine. He has his moments. One minute he is digging up the garden and my plant pots the next minute he is being really good and cute.

How are you doing? Keeping well I hope.

Will post after next weekend with tiger photos!

Cheers Jackie xx

julie93 profile image

Hi Jackie

Good to hear about your plans, Having ridden a camel , I think you are definitely right to wait til the pain is sorted out first(not so much the riding bit, more the getting on and off!) You have reminded me I still need to get my flu jab , the weeks are flying by.


Jacks150 profile image
Jacks150 in reply to julie93

Hi Julie,

I hope you are feeling well. I am looking forward to Thursday. Don't forget to let me have your address please.

See you Jackie xxx

Fitzy profile image

Hi Jackie

I'm so impressed with your list of activities. I love animals and love visiting zoos, especially if there is one where I am on holiday - have been to Dublin, Amsterdam and Melbourne zoos on my travels. My husband is used to this now. I live near Knowsley Safari Park and Chester Zoo (both of which I have visited many, many times) and would love to have a day as a Zoo Keeper. I will have to drop some hints in time for my birthday in March. I will probably be having my 3rd line of chemo in the New Year (if not sooner) as I now have another recurrence, but you have certainly inspired me to do all the things I keep putting off. Way to go Jackie!

Will also be trying to get to the Members Day next year - I wasn't well enough to go this year.

Lots of love and best wishes

Colette xxxxxx :)

in reply to Fitzy

Hi Colette,

I live in Chester and if you do go to members day.. perhaps we can go on the same train.... I am hoping to go on the Friday to meet up with everyone first, all being well

What do you think ? Love x G x :-)

Fitzy profile image
Fitzy in reply to

Hi Gwyn

That would be lovely. I'd much rather travel down with someone and yes, I am hoping to go down on the Friday to meet fellow members and stay over.


Love Col xxxxxxx

Jacks150 profile image
Jacks150 in reply to Fitzy

Hi Colette,

Definately do the zookeeper experience it is brilliant and take a friend to take lots of photos. I made a photo book of my day for each of my sons to keep.

Good luck with your next lot of chemo.

Hugs Jackie xxxx

Fitzy profile image
Fitzy in reply to Jacks150

Thanks Jackie

That's my next birthday present taken care of! Would probably take my daughter, as she is an animal fanatic and also a good photographer (takes after me on both counts!) If I am back on chemo by then it will be a lovely tonicl Thanks and hugs to you Jackie.

xxxxxxxx Col

Cinderella profile image

Hi Jackie

I am just amazed at all the things you have planned to do. I can understand why you want to do all that you can however the fact that you are actually getting down to it is fantastic. Well done!!

I need to make my wish list and do all that I have ever wanted to and have not got round to doing as yet.

Hope your aches and pains are relieved soon.

Lots of love, Samixa X :-)

Jacks150 profile image
Jacks150 in reply to Cinderella

Hi samiixa,

I am doing well going through my wish list however it seems to be getting longer rather than shorter!

Maybe I'm too worried about running out of things to do then giving up my fight - I shall therefore have to keep adding to my list

Cheers Jackie xx

in reply to Jacks150

How is everything Jackie? Have you got Alpfie trained yet? Thinking of you as always love x G x :-)

in reply to

Oops I meant Alfie Doink! :-/ ;-)

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