To me, you are all such an inspiration. I do not come onto the site very regularly, but when I do I am so encouraged by the way you all deal with your experiences of OC. You have all come through or are going through so much and you all find time to be on here and encourage each other. My daughter is an inspiration to me too. She is so strong and so young to have suffered the way she has. I have had personal encouragement from several of you and I am here again, feeling wobbly, worrying about my dear daughter:
She had been suffering pain, way back in June before her 3/12 MRI. The MRI showed nothing new which was good news, but did not explain the pain. After an examination by the consultant she was told it was a case of constipation and was given Lactulose. The consultant said that the Lactulose may not be very effective and to go to our GP if that was the case. It was the case. He changed the meds to Movicol and that was certainly more effective - 2 sachets per day. Today, after three weeks on Movicol we went to see the GP again because whilst the "movement" is much better, there are still signs of constipation and the pain has never gone away. He has upped the dosage to three sachets a day (oh lucky girl!) and still puts the pain down to her adhesions. He asked questions to make sure she is drinking enough and she is.I am hoping he is right, but I am not 100% sure that the explanation is so simple? She is so incredibly tired and looks yellow at times. She has ME and Fibromyalgia as well as this going on and it could be the extra problem is just makinf the ME worse. I hate being such a worry guts.