Has anyone experienced pain in the lower back w... - My Ovacome

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Has anyone experienced pain in the lower back which wakes them up. makes them think they need to empty their bowel and then can't go?

Honey3 profile image
9 Replies

My daughter's scan results are looming large - we see the oncologist on Friday. As I said in my last post, she has not been feeling good at all. it now transpires she has not only had abdominal pain plus the extreme exhaustion, but she has been experiencing the above. It can't be right to be suffering a pain low down in her back that wakes her up, making her feel she needs the loo. only to find she can't go! She does go later on in the day and I asked her to take a look and told her what to look out for. She says it looks normal. As mentioned before, one of the "benign" tumours is on her bowel and has the potential to become malignant. this is the tumour where the fluid/cystic part had increased in size, last scan, but not the solid bit.

If anyone has had the same lower back pain and constipation symptoms, please tell me. Even if it means bad news I'd rather know and be prepared for what we might hear on Friday. Can't help feeling it's not good news this time :(

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Honey3 profile image
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9 Replies
doreenharwood profile image

I am no expert as I have only just been diagnosed myself and start chemo today. I kept thinking things were 100 time worse than what they were. Us women always read up on things. Wait till Friday I am sure the news wont be that bad, Your daughter is lucky to have a Mum like you, Its easy to say dont worry because we all do it. All I can say is be possitive, Love and Hugs Babs x x x x

Honey3 profile image
Honey3 in reply to doreenharwood

Thank you Babs xxx

Meryl profile image

Hi Honey

So sorry your going through this worrying time with your daughter. Boots on the other foot with me and it's my daughter witless with worry for me. I've got exactly the same symptoms as your daughter and have had had them gradually getting worse for the last cople of months. I've just started my 4th recurrence of OC After another six month remission, my third, and my latest scan showd quite a few tumours around the lower abdomen non of which had invaded other organs but were lying around exerting pressure and my Onc said this was almost certainly causing the problem. On a positive note for you and me after a just a few chemo sessions on the three previous occasions when I've relapsed all of my symptoms have vanished as the tumours have reduced. I've found that by eating lots of fruit, really dark chocolate and other things which loosen up my stools it's all much easier and less uncomfortable. I also take a couple of paracetamol in the mornings which get rid of the pain and discomfort completely and I'm fine for the rest of the day.

I had my second of 18 weekly chemo on Monday and I hope it's not wishfull thinking but I'm sure it's marginally easier already. Im not sure there's much you can do about the exhaustion except rest, although others may have some good ideas on that one, which I'd be interested to hear as I'm really wrecked most of the time just now.

Please try not to worry, although your may not get good news on Friday, the drugs availableto fight this disease can be incredibly effective and even better there are lots of them. They don't all cause really bad side effects and can often lead to long periods of remission. I would be really positive for your daughter having had three years of this so far and in that time have mostly felt reallY well and carried on with my lovely life.

Please let us know how things go and love to you both and good luck.


Honey3 profile image
Honey3 in reply to Meryl

Thank you Meryl.

We are trying to keep each other positive, but we both have the feeling that it isn't good news as she has never had back pain and constipation like this before, plus she already has one tumour (benign though it is) on the bowel. She usually takes Ibuprofen for the pain and it settles down. It can be three or four hours after the pain wakes her before she can go, then she feels loads better though the pain lingers sometimes.

Thank you for your encouragement about treatment and i hope you continue to feel better as your Chemo progresses.


Hi Honey

Yes I had (and still do have low back pain) more so when I lay down.. my doctor advised me to eat pears (yes!! pears) and you know what? It worked !! ..

I googled pears.. and they are so good as they don't stay in your system not even the skin... unlike other fruit that hang around lol sending you good wishes and prayers x G x :-)

Honey3 profile image

Hi Gwyneth,

thank you for the pear tip. It is the one fruit my daughter loves. I will get some in!

Love, Honey XXXX :)

lisa4992 profile image

I find that taking aloe vera juice, one capfull per day helps. I get it from holland and barrettes...you need to give it a couple of days to work. Tastes horrid but helps

Honey3 profile image

Thank you Lisa. I will get her to try it - I tried it for IBS but it was too strong for me and produced, shall we say,"dire" results! And stomach cramps. I do have a very sensitive system, but my daughter has never suffered with constipation until now.

TinaWright profile image

Hi Honey,

I have to thank Gwen for sharring the pears with us because I am going to try those too.

I didn`t have these symptoms when I carried the small melon sized malignant tumour `on the ovary` around with me. My cancer had also spread to the bowel but I had no symptoms like this at all.

Then after surgery I did. I finished chemo in April 2011 and still have these symptoms + my left hip and thigh (the same side the cancer was growing) is almighty painful when I get in bed at night. I know whatever it is is causing nerve pain which could be just chemo related. I have told oncologist but because my CT scan was clear at the time I first started to complain about this symptom and my CA125 blood test continues to be low reading at 8 or 9, they seem to think its muscular or trauma damage.

Its so hard not to convince yourself that its the cancer.

I also was never constipated until I had had the surgery - I would have thought if it was surgery related for me it woulkd have improved by now.

I also had a colonoscopy which was good results, I also notice severe pain in the coxoic bone after lifting my bottom off the chair if I have been sitting for too long. I have noticed this is a bigger problem if I have a full bowel.

I understand a little how much you worry - both of my daughters inherrited the faulty braca one gene from me and going through all this has been really hard for me to come to terms with. It all seems one hundred times worse when its your child who has this. Bless you both!

Let us all know how your daughter gets on after she has been seen at the hospital.

All the very best of luck Honey

Big hugs from Tina xx

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