My mum,s caelyx treatment was stopped because of hand and foot syndrome about 4 weeks ago. She was told there was another drug they could use but had to get funding from PCT and to come back in 8 weeks 5th April for the result. For 2 weeks she was back to normal you would not have thought there was anything wrong with her. Then last Friday she started vomitting, could not even sip water. Sunday she was admitted to hospital with severe de-hydrationand put on plasma lyte drip, nil by mouth. Monday she was still vomitting and in terrible pain, they sent her for a ct scan. Tuesday on my way to visit her I get a call from her telling me the doctors had said there was nothing else they could do for her and not to travel as she did not want me upset and having the drive back home again. I obviously took no notice and got myself to the hospital. I arrived at 3.15pm and asked to speak to someone, 20 minutes later a team of doctors arrive, examine her and said that because she was noramlly so active and in very good shape for her age they were prepared to operate. The ct scan showed the tumour had completely blocked the bowel. They advised that they may get her into surgery and find there was nothing they could do and would close and it would be pallative care only. 5.15pm she was taken down to theatre, 9.50pm we got a call to say she had come through the surgery and was in HDU. They were confident they had removed all of the tumour but they also had to remove all of her bowel as well, so she now has a stoma fitted. As with her operation Feb 2010 for debulking she has amazed the doctors and was moved to a ward last night. Hoping to get her up today. Sje asked if sge would have more chemo now and was told they had not invested all there time and resourses not to give her anymore, so in approx 8 weeks all being well she will have more chemo, not sure what they can give her as she seems to be allergic to all so far that they have given her.
Has anyone else had a similar experience? If so how are things going for you?
Sorry for the long winded mail.
Take care all of you.
Daughter to Sylvia