Hi ladies
I'm struggling. I had my op almost exactly a year ago and chemo finished in June. Scan showed NED, but was soooo tired (and bloated, with pelvic pains that have now stopped) that come October I was given another scan, NED again.
However, I am so tired I cannot function. I feel like I have a delayed menopause. My GP has said maybe my body took a while to catch up with itself, but has anybody else had this? feeling so awful this long afterwards??
I have been working full time (from home) since 2 weeks after chemo ended in June and have been just about managing but my exercise has gone down the pan. I was walking 2 miles a day for the first half of chemo Jan to March, 6 miles on the weekend. (half way thru chemo at Easter I fell ill and that stopped) But I did regravel part of my garden in July, driving and getting the gravel bags myself and unloading from the car etc on my own. I managed 4 days camping (hard but doable) driving 3 hours each way in August. Now I can barely get myself dressed in the morning. I can't walk more than 10 minutes, I can't even countenance more. Nothing helps - sleep, supplements (all the Vits, Lions Mane, Ginseng, Soy Lethicin, Magnesky etc), nothing. I can sleep 3 hours or 8 and I feel EXACTLY the same. I have barely any social life and wont' drive more than 15 minutes distance as I don't feel safe to concentrate for any longer.
I have convinced myself that they must have missed something on the scans, because how can I feel this bad? I had 'kidney' pain last week (probably back ache looking back on it) and ended up in A and E after a call to 111 as I have this kidney red flag due to having hydronephrosis but the hospital doctor said I wasn't retaining too much wee [they measured it with an ultrasound thingy] and she was confused as to why I was feeling so ill as my bloods were OK and I had no wee infection.
I may or may not have a stent put in to deal with the swollen kidney/ureter. To be discussed in a few weeks. Kidney scan shows no kidney stones and kidneys are functioning normally - the urologist is stumped as to why this has occurred.
Has anyone else had some kind of delayed reaction to the surgical menopause? I am so frightened.
I can go on low dose oestrogen but appiontment is 2 weeks away. Did anyone lucky enough to have low dose oestrogen magically get their energy back? I need some hope here.