Hello everyone
Beautiful day out just got back from a run feeling knackered but good for it.
Had a call on Friday from my oncologist secretary saying my numbers are up (ca125) and I've been booked in for an urgent scan this Thursday. Kind of gobsmacked as been NED since Feb 2015 finished Avastin December 2015 had a clear scan in Jan this year and ca125 of 27. I had stage 4 and wide spread but 9 rounds of chemo and big op I was lucky to be NED
Just starting to get back into work projects and now have to explain to my boss in the morning I've got to cancel Thursday when I'm meant to be training 30 people.....😢dreading it especially if everything comes back ok?
I feel very panicked due to the call and swiftly manner of the scan, I'm trying to remain calm but deep down I'm not the fear of putting my family and friends through it all again is eating me away. I know the numbers don't necessarily mean it's bad but mentally I'm struggling. Any advice would be great xxx