Hi everyone. I am very new to this forum and can see how vital forums such as this are for those of you who are bravely battling cancer as they provide such essential support, compassion, care and advice to so many and their respective families, partners and friends too. I only wish I had found this sooner before my dear Mum passed away last year.
I'll be candid, I was really unsure as to whether I should actually post this question, given that I have not even been diagnosed and feel rather selfish being preoccupied with my own inconsequential worries. However, I do remember my Mum saying how important it was for one to listen to one's own body and to ask others for their advice. On that note I hope you don't mind my asking whether anyone had any insight as to what the ideal level would be for CA125 test after a total hysterectomy and both ovaries have been removed. I am 48 but had a total hysterectomy and my ovaries removed when I was 38.
Some of my medical history:
Placental abruption at birth of first child, born at 32 weeks.
Zoladex injections. Placental ablation and sterilisation.
I had both a total hysterectomy and both ovaries removed in 2012 after years of severe endometriosis, recurrent ovarian cysts (some diagnosed as being borderline) and chronic pelvic pain which spanned for many years. My appendix was also removed due to extensive adhesions covering the cecum and appendix from multiple laparoscopies.
Unfortunately I had to have my kidney removed a year later due to the complications which arose from my hysterectomy when the surgeon stitched up my ureter, causing gross hydronephrosis, so I had to have several nephrostomy tubes inserted directly into my kidney to remove the excess fluid. Sadly, however this did not improve things and ultimately the kidney had to be removed.
In the last two months I have been experiencing persistent bloating, pelvic cramps / pain, constipation and my appetite has decreased, largely because I feel so uncomfortable as my stomach is so distended . There is a very strong family history of ovarian and breast cancer on my late Mum's side ( my mother, two aunts, two first cousins and two great aunts who have all passed away). I have been on HRT since my hysterectomy at 38 years of age and receive yearly mammograms.
I have recently had a abdominal ultrasound but this did not reveal anything sinister, however during a recent CT (to investigate chronic renal pain in the remaining kidney), they noted a peritoneal nodule 10mm x 9mm in the right anterior pelvis, which was also present in a previous CT scan from a year ago but has now moved from its medial position to the right anterior pelvis. I have been struggling with a pulling sensation (exactly like I used to have when ovulating) for a while now. There are also calcifications near my remaining ureter.
I have spoken with my doctor to request a CA125 test but they have refused point blank to authorise this and have just referred me to a gastroenterologist instead. The recent blood tests were negative for celiac disease and show no evidence of blood in a recent FIT test. However, both my iron levels and B12 are abnormally high and my thyroid levels (hypothyroid)are also out of whack again.
The GP has stated categorically that it is impossible for someone to get ovarian cancer if you have had both your ovaries removed and a total hysterectomy. I have since read though, that it is still possible for someone to get peritoneal cancer which can mimic ovarian cancer. The doctor at the hospital, I recently attended (for kidney pain) also informed me that endometriosis can return years later despite a total hysterectomy. I wasn't aware of this.
I decided to pay privately for the CA125 test for my own peace of mind, given everything that happened in the past and wanting to be my own advocate. I have just received the results which are 33.
Is this level still considered to be within normal limits if I am post menopausal? I have tried researching this and some websites mention (I know I shouldn't really be researching on Google though) that although under 35 is considered to be within normal limits, it adds that those who are postmenopausal and not having bleeding the level should be more like 20?
My apologies that this is such a long post.
Thanks very much.
Best wishes.