Hi , just had a phone call to cancel my chemo today as white blood cell have not recovered, has anybody else had this !!! It was going to be my second one so waiting another week
Chemo delayed : Hi , just had a phone call to... - My Ovacome
Chemo delayed

Hi Cazy1010 - yes I had my chemo delayed on my 3rd and 4th sessions, both were fine to go ahead after the week delay. I think it is quite normal, I was given injections (Filgrastim) to help stimulate my white blood cells which seemed to work for my 5th session. But here we are again on my 6th and final session, I’m currently waiting to hear if chemo can go ahead tomorrow after yet another week delay. Frustrating but you learn to just go with the flow, I’m not sure how much it helps but apparently bananas, nuts and seeds, natural yoghurt, dried fruit like apricots and green veg all help with white blood cells - I have found when I’m more mindful of what I’m eating are the times when my chemo hasn’t been delayed (but that might just be coincidence!)
Happened to me twice on cycles 5 and 6, had to get filgrasgm injections but they didn't work so had to wait extra 3 weeks between each session till they increased on their own .
Hi Cazy1010, my last oncologist said something I found really useful about delays. He said ‘if your blood levels have not returned to normal, the chemo is still working on your cancer, so we must be patient and let it do its job’.
Thinking about it this way allowed me to be much more chilled about the timetable xx
Yes the low neutrophils really became quite problematic for me after no 4 I had 3 weeks until no 5 and then after no 5 a CSF injection but neutrophils did not come up and I skipped no 6 But finished chemo 14 months ago and all ok so far
yes it’s quiitr common, please don’t worry my lovely!
Yes that happened to me too. It's always a delicate balance between whats good for you and what's too much. Enjoy the break, you'll get more treatment soon enough.Martine x
Yes don't worry think it's happened to most of us. I've had to have blood transfusions/platelet and magnesium because if chemo and had chemo delayed a few times.
Hi I also had low neutrophils despite having the filmgrastim injections so chemo 4 was delayed by 1 week, 5th by 2 weeks and 6th by 1 week, the last three were also reduced in dosage. The nurses told me that there wasn’t anything that I could eat or do that would make neutrophils go up which is very frustrating when you just want to get on and finish the course! Good luck with the rest of your chemo xx
When my white cells have been too low for chemo to go ahead, my oncology team still ask me to go to the therapy centre. Then they repeat my blood test so it means an hour's wait for the results to come back. Every time and even in just 24hours since the pre-chemo blood test, my neutrophils have increased enough for chemo to go ahead. maybe next time it happens to you you could ask if they could do a repeat BT and you might not need to have the delay. Do you have filgrastim injections? xxxx
Hey, same with me. They still call me in and repeat in the morning xxx
Hey cazMy bloods came back twice that they were low but luckily because they do my bloods at home two days before chemo I get sometime to recover. I filled myself up with prune juice, fresh orange juice, beans, brown bread and bran flakes and on the day when they re-did my bloods they had gone up to an acceptable level.
Kale, spinach also very good.
Hello Cazy
Hope you are keeping well. I had it all the time . I was given filigrastim injections, however they didnt work so good on me. I had 4 or 5 week between most of my chemotherapy sessions.
Some people take papaya leaf extract , to boost their count. You could try it?
Take care
Nus x
HI. yes i get it all the time. Its Usually delayed for anorher week, tben go ahead as normal.They also give buster injection to bring blood to normal level.
when I had doxil and carbo I had neulasta every time and never had to skip
I also had gemzar and cisplatin 4 th line with also with neulasta no issues
It happens for your safety. You do not want chemo if your white cell count is too low. It could threaten continued treatment and even your life.
My husband is on immunotherapy at The Christie, he has had his treatment cancelled and is on 100mgs of steroids, as the treatment is fighting to many organs in his body. He can't sleep and gets very high sugar reading with him being a diabetic. Will they ever resume his treatment.