22cm cyst : hi I had routine blood tests and X1... - My Ovacome

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22cm cyst

Mickie1409 profile image
10 Replies

hi I had routine blood tests and X11’s came back at 145 I was put on two week pathway had ultra and trans scan which is when they found it I then saw my gynaecologist at this point I only had thingy back ache and massive stomach when speaking to consultant he said cyst had septations but were mostly smooth whic is a good thing he also said from what he could see there was some reassurances there he then wanted mri I went to the first one completely terrified had really negative experience with the radiography he was rude he sat me down and said so you have a massive cyst I said yes but my consultant was quite reassuring he said yes but there is no guarantee then I asked him what would happen if I couldn’t get in the machine he then said it was no skin of his nose whether I did or don’t he still gets paid I couldn’t do I didn’t fit as only small machine then we tried again about a week ago I had massive panic attack didn’t do it since then I have had shortness of breath loss of appetite and a dizziness I have seen my gp and trip to a and e they feel it is anxiety but I’m scared that all of these delays have given me advanced cancer all of the symptoms have more or less happened on the same day I’m now waiting for ct scan I can’t stop googling or thinking about I have constantly got my phone I’m my hand I’m constantly thinking about it any advice on how to cope

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10 Replies
tealblue1 profile image

Hi Mickie

I'm so sorry to hear of your mri experience wasn't good, believe me they are not all like that and the chap that did mine was very kind as I was also very nervous and I felt very uncomfortable as i had a large lump.. It's not the most pleasant of things but doable and it gives a much clearer image which can clarify what is going on. This will give more certainty to the next stage of treatment and knowing this will help with the mind going into overdrive. I automatically thought the worst and stressed out that the prognosis would be bad. If you have contact with a specialist nurse please talk to them, they know and understand and will listen to you. Please please please do not google - information is often out of date and everyone is individual while google just generalises. Take each day as it comes, remember to breath and try to distract yourself doing things you enjoy until you get concrete information which you can process properly. A cyst can be dealt with and surgery is an operation they regularly do, but the doctors will take you through all the details. Don't be afraid to ask them any question. You are not alone here. Thought and prayers are with you. x

Fluffyjumper profile image

Hi Mickie

Take a breath. Sorry to hear about your experience with the MRI scan. I’m sure that a scan in a full sized scanner could be arranged. It may be possible for light sedation before the scan. My tumour was 42cm so very large and it was uncomfortable lying for the scan but doable. An MRI will give the best images to plan further treatment but you’ve already had ultrasound so a tres plan may be possible based on those scans. I’m sure that you’ll feel more optimistic once you have a diagnosis and treatment plan as you will know what you’re facing and you can plan accordingly.

It’s natural to feel anxious, we’ve all been there. Try not to look at Dr Google. Take things one day at a time. Do you have anyone with whom you can talk through your worries? Maybe a friend or colleague? Try and plan a few nice occasions with family or friends whilst you are waiting for the next scan or other tests to take your mind off it.

Trickysite profile image

sorry to hear about your stressful experience. Stop Dr Googling at once. He is always out of date and fantastic advances have been made. Consulting him is a sure fire way of upsetting yourself. Ask for a an open scan machine as that May sort the size problem. If they don’t have one at your hospital perhaps you can go to another for it. If you have the energy and focus you should definitely be contacting your hospital’s Pals department to make a formal complaint about the words of the radiographer as no patient should be ever spoken to like that. Pals are very good at following up this sort of thing. With best wishes, Emma x

Mickie1409 profile image

thank you for your kind words it’s ok as consultant is happy for me to ct scan instead I will stop googling as it is driving me mad and my gp told my consultant about radiographer as he was disgusted I hope everyone is doing ok your words mean a lot xxxx

Mickie1409 profile image
Mickie1409 in reply to Mickie1409

also after reading through my previous post I didn’t say the reason the second one failed is because of my serious claustrophobia it was the bigger machine too and they were lovely that’s why we decided on ct scan also I’m on Mirtizapine have been for years and I ran out and didn’t put prescription in time so was without it for 7 days got it back yesterday took one and all symptoms have vanished this morning and I feel so much calmer thank you again for your replies and advice it is appreciated

Guilane profile image

Good that you're back on Mirtizapine and it's calming you down. For future reference do bear in mind there are MRI machines where you can stand up, or even a sit down one almost like a throne. Best wishes. Gill X

Saintgermain profile image

Hi Mickie,

That's awful wonder if you could report them to their superior this journey is hard enough without a rude tech. It's natural to google everything but some of it is not up to date the statistics are 5 years old and they've made great strides with treatments for OC. I had a pretty large tumor my particular sub type was due to silent endometrosis the only symptom I had was severe constipation I'm in the states when I told my GP that I needed a prescription to move my bowels she said your going for a pelvic ultrasound I had my debulking hysterectomy in April, 2021 followed by 6 chemo's I am 18 months no evidence of disease I'm praying to hit the 2 year month where the odds of a recurrence decline a bit more. This is a wonderful site I actually prefer the UK site vs the US site there are a lot of Survivors and with current maintenance treatments OC is treated as a chronic disease. Please keep us posted. Hugs from Chicago

Alice77 profile image

I am pleased that you can have a CT scan instead but with MRI much depends on the type of machine as well as the radiographer. I have had seven MRI s and I try to avoid feeling claustrophobic by keeping my eyes closed so you miss that feeling of having a ceiling a few inches above your face. It also helps if you have a machine which is more open at the head end...My local hospital lost a lot of equipment in a fire a while ago and the MRI I had on a state of the art rented machine was a different experience altogether. Effective earplugs cut out the demolition site noises you usually get and the walls around were covered in projected tropical landscapes. The more open and light feeling by my head helped a lot. If you do have to have an MRI in the future I would request sedation and perhaps a different machine. Lots of people can't go through with MRIs without a bit of help and hospitals are well aware of this and know how to make it easier for you if you just ask.

Ova3 profile image

There is no excuse for the behavior of this staff member who was so cold and sent your anxiety through the roof. I hope that when things settle, you find the appropriate supervisors and complain.

Skyeplus profile image

Dear Mickie, I am so sorry that you are going through this. Anxiety is terrible, we have all been there. That radiographer was awful however most are kind. Take a breath, and be reassured that whatever the outcome, the team around you will have a plan. If you do need an MRI in the future ask about sedation, it can help. Going for scans and worrying about results can be really stressful and scary…..please don’t Google. The info is usually out of date and general. Remember we are all unique. Instead if you don’t already have it, ask for the details of the Specialist Nurse. They will talk to you. You also have the support of all the wonderful ladies here, plus the Ovacome helpline. You may want to fill in a PALS form. Most hospitals have them. It’s usually online, and you can tell them about the Radiographer’s attitude. They do get looked at. I don’t like complaining but sometimes it’s important …it may help other people. I do hope you are feeling better now that you have your renewed prescription and a CT scan instead. Thinking of you x

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