Simple cyst now multiloculated: Hi, I had an... - My Ovacome

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Simple cyst now multiloculated

8 Replies

Hi, I had an ultrasound scan on 03-12-2018 due to awful lower left pelvic pain and was told I had a simple cyst measuring 7.3 x 5.1 x 9.4cm I then had an MRI scan of brain and spine for MS on 15-12-2018, this showed my cyst and it has now been called a 9cm multilocular cystic tumour. Is this anything to worry about? I’m waiting for a formal pelvic MRI scan on a two week referral and gynaecology appointment. I now look like I’m 7 months pregnant, I’m peeing a ridiculous amount of times, am very uncomfortable and can’t eat much.

Thank you for reading,


8 Replies

I can understand how concerned you must be, Louise. The "unknown" is always more frightening than the known (as we project our worst fears into the unknown). It sounds like different labs ran your tests/reported results. Each expert reviewed and reported as is their standard. Without any more information it would be hard to say if things have changed with your tumor or if it was just viewed in a different way. You have additional tests coming up soon and I am sure you will have a more definitive diagnosis then. If however you are still unsettled, meet with your doctor for a review of each report or call the nurse who should be able to explain what is being seen and what lines they are pursuing.

We will stand with you in the unknown while you wait for further news

Artgreen profile image

So sorry to hear this, the unknown is not nice as already said. We do have vivid imaginations and always go to the worst place first, which I think is healthy as we can then decide to come back into where we are right now.

We are thinking of you in this uncertain time


Alex x

Lindaura profile image
Lindaura in reply to Artgreen

This is a message to you, Alex.

I looked at your profile and saw that you were being seen in that small hospital in Swindon.

I recommend that you get yourself a second opinion in Oxford.

They have trials going and lots of research possibilities.

I live in Bath, but I did visit the Great Western Hospital for another issue and was very underwhelmed by its lack of resources.

The RUH in Bath works together with Bristol, so care here is terrific, but for your difficult cancer, I think you need a research centre like Oxford and it is pretty close to you.

Best of luck,


Artgreen profile image
Artgreen in reply to Lindaura

Thank you so much Laura for your reply. I do have a multidisciplinary team from Oxford working with my oncologist team in Swindon so I think I am covered. I would have had to go to Oxford if they’d been advised I should but Oxford decided I could receive treatment here in Swindon. The travelling alone is a real pain to Oxford ( my husband works there but this side and it can take over an hour each way at 6 am !) and with normal hours the traffic makes it about 2 hours each way to Headington.

I think the multidisciplinary route is normal practice now for OC and other cancers, they meet on Thursdays and my friend with breast cancer is aware of it.

I have asked about trials and genetic testing so this is being looked at as well as oestrogen receptivity once I’ve got the chemo done and dusted .

The ca125 results this week were 11 so the op was good and hopefully the chemo is being effective.

I really appreciate your concern. I must admit one oncologist was very underwhelming but I don’t see her! Thank goodness. Bedside manner of a brick.

Good luck to you and I’ll be sending good vibes

Alex x

Lindaura profile image
Lindaura in reply to Artgreen

Thanks for that.

It is a relief to know that you have a good multidisciplinary team.

Best wishes,

Stay well,


enzo14 profile image

So sorry I know it’s incredibly stressful, just been through something very similar

The word tumour is used for an abnormal growth of tissue benign or malignant, my cyst reduced in size over 3-4 months but Gyn onc suspected it had been there longer, my cyst was smaller, but septated with blood flow ,I still have regular monthly cycles , there are lots of factors, but a lot of cysts do turn out to be benign, as it’s on the bigger side they will act more quickly rather than monitor.

Hard to do but try not to worry, your GP may also have a more detailed report or information and may be able to help whilst you are in the waiting process

I was given a really interesting report from a lovely lady on this site on Cysts and it helped me understand much better

Happy to send if you are interested , I will keep everything crossed it’s good news, after an MRI/ contrast, multiple US scans , CT scans with contrast mine reduced to 1.5 cm, pain and all symptoms gone now

Take care xx

Thank you all for your replies, I'm currently waiting with baited breath for my MRI appointment, blood test results and urine test results as blood was found in a urine test on Thursday when I saw a gynaecologist (who I will not see again due to his complete lack of interest and inability to either read or listen).

I saw the cyst on the original ultrasound scan and it looked fine if a little on the large side however I have read the report from the MRI scan done twelve days after the ultrasound and Cecily (the cyst) is according to them cause for concern and compressing my bladder too.

Hopefully I'll receive a date for the pelvic MRI soon and I am seeing my lovely GP on Tuesday morning to change my gynaecologist and hospital to the one that's actually interested and likely to sort this out for me.

Thanks again, Louise xx

delia2 profile image

I recommend going to a gym onc and getting a contrast CT scan.

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