Hi all,
I'm a 54 year old post menopausal woman.
A simple, fluid filled 5.3cm cyst was found on my right ovary one year past menopause. I saw a gynecologist as I'd also had some bleeding, which was just a normal period but which they wanted to check out.
I had a CA125 blood test at the time which was normal.
Everything else was normal and the consultant said that he wasn't at all worried about the cyst as there were no suspicious findings. I only needed to return for a follow-up pelvic scan in three months but other than that, so long as it wasn't causing me any problems, it could just safely be left.
The follow-up pelvic scan showed no change whatsoever in the cyst and it remained the same size and I was told that no further investigation was required.
In the last 3 Months I have become unwell. I have iron deficiency anemia, a low platelet count and my liver function results were not that good.
I have been suffering from extreme tiredness and fatigue.
I was sent to have a gastroscopy to check for bleeding from the stomach, results were normal.
I then saw a gastroenterologist ( a registrar) at the hospital on while she was examining me, she told me that she could feel my liver, which she shouldn't have been able too.
A CT scan of my chest/abdomen and pelvis was carried out. My GP rang me with the results and told me that the cyst on my right ovary had grown and was now measuring 8cm and my liver was enlarged but otherwise looked normal.
I was sent for a pelvic ultrasound to follow-up on the ovarian cyst.
I was gobsmacked, to say the least, when the sonographer announced that "this cyst hasn't changed at all!" She told me it was still fluid filled and that if it had got any bigger, it was hardly noticeable and was certainly nowhere near 8cm!
I spoke to a GP at my surgery the other day and told her that I was not at all happy about this situation, I'm now left thinking who do I believe, the CT scan or the ultrasound??
She tried to make up a hundred and one excuses for what I'd been told, but told me that I should be happy that it wasn't cancer. Well, of course, I am happy, only I'm stuck now with this niggling doubt in my mind.
I haven't had a CA125 carried out, and I don't suppose they'll do that now, as the ultrasound looks fine.
I'm currently still undergoing more tests because they have to find out where I have been loosing blood from.
The medics are now wanting me to have a colonoscopy, which I really don't fancy at all..!
The symptoms I have, have been mostly digestive problems, I feel uncomfortable in my upper middle and right abdomen, I have been suffering from constipation. And I have this weird symptom, the best way that I can describe it is that it sometimes feels like my bowels have literally stopped moving, it's very uncomfortable and I feel bloated and full up, then suddenly everything kicks into action and I can feel and hear all sorts of bowel activity going on.
I remain scared out of my life that I have cancer somewhere and that fear hasn't been helped at all by the conflicting results from the CT scan and ultrasound.
I don't know if I'm really happy now about this cyst just being left again, I have just learned, through researching on the internet, that these simple cysts can become malignant in post menopausal women, and I correct in that please?
I'm sorry that my post is long but I just wanted to give you as much detail as I could. I really just don't know which way to turn now, but I do know that I'm very scared.