Hi there
Just looking for some advice. I’ve never had any period pain or issues at all (I’m 40) until a couple of years ago and then they’ve been getting progressively worse. I have extreme bloating and then I’ve had some cycles that had me doubled over screaming with pain etc. Increasingly I’ve been having issues with bloating, pressure and pain outside of period time as well.
My doctor briefly examined me, sent me for bloods inc CA125 and urgent ultrasound. My CA125 was 25 and other bloods clear. But scan seemed to show numerous issues. Right adnexa mass is 7 x 6 x 3.5 I think and was considered a likely tubo ovarian mass (sonographer got a 2nd opinion in the room) or alternatively a complex cyst. It has cystic spaces plus solid components and demonstrates vasularity. On the left ovary I have two cysts, one likely endometrioma (2.5cm ish) and a para ovarian of about the same size.
The day after the scan my doctor called. She’d spoken to the hospital and gynaecology doctor on the ward had reviewed the scan and felt it was unlikely to be an abscess and likely complex cyst so I have been referred for urgent gynaecology but my first appointment isn’t for 6 weeks and I’m in ongoing pain and feeling confused.
Would they still be considering this as potentially malignant? I’m worried about my pain along with everything but I know my ca 125 marker is low. I’m not sure if endometriomas mean there’s underlying endometriosis and the combo of this plus the chat could be creating a big mix of issues?
And what could the next steps be from here? Would a gynae consultant refer for further tests from here or be able to give more clarity and potentially refer for surgery?
Sorry I’m so confused and it feels such a long time before any answers.
Thanks in advance!