Hi ladies!
Just had an update on my 53 year old Mum. For context, she was diagnosed HGS stage 3c/4a in Jan 2022, had three rounds of chemo, optimal debulking surgery with full hysterectomy and removal of omentum, and then three more rounds of chemo. Declared NED in August 2022, and has been on Avastin every three weeks since then. Blood tests in January showed a slow but steady rise in her CA125, so she went for scans, and today she met with her consultant to receive the results.
Basically, her consultant — Dr Rebecca Kristeleit at Guy's Hospital — said that there's been a recurrence in the peritoneum. Mum said she was actually very positive, and said that essentially from the scans it doesn't look like an enormous recurrence (which explains why Mum has no pain or anything). She explained that they'll stop the Avastin, and move instead to 6 sessions of Caelyx chemotherapy over six months, followed by taking a daily PARP inhibitor.
We feel quite positive because she said "although this is chronic and clearly the cancer will never fully go away, it can definitely be well managed — and that's what we will do". And Mum said she was generally quite optimistic and confident.
But clearly, I've made the massive error of now going to Dr Google, and have got really freaked out reading about survival statistics and all that. Which is silly, I know, but it's got me all worked up sitting at my desk at work!
Would just love to hear any advice/anecdotes from you brilliant ladies. I really appreciate hearing from you, an would love to hear about how the process of managing your cancer has gone.
Thanks a lot,
Georgia x